An open-data framework for the public data of the Austrian Parliament
Check out the more complete documentation over at
- Vagrant
- Vagrant Hostmanager Plugin
- Virtualbox
- Ansible (preferrably via
pip install ansible
- Clone the github repository (duh)
- Navigate into the project dir
cd OffenesParlament
- Setup and run the vagrant VM
vagrant up
. All requirements will be installed automatically inside the VM which may take a few minutes the first time. - The script might ask you for your password as it will add
offenesparlament.vm pointing to this VM to your hosts-file. It also
automatically creates a django superuser
with passwordadmin
. - Log in to the running VM with
vagrant ssh
- For the initial scraping instructions see below
- Run the server inside the VM ( lets the server respond to requests from outside the VM - ie your physical machine where you probably run your browser)
cd offenesparlament
python runserver
- If you work on client files that have to be compiled (CSS, JS) you
have to run grunt as well. ATM we have the tasks
watches and regenerates files when their sources change. (Remember that sources also change when you do a git pull and generated client files aren't commited to git) Andreloading
does that and uses Browsersync to reload your browser when files change.
cd /vagrant
grunt dev
- To exit and shutdown the VM run
vagrant halt
Vagrant provisioners can be used to update the dev setup and to flush the database:
'bootstrap' installs the necessary dependencies:
vagrant provision --provision-with bootstrap
'reset_db' clears and re-creates the postgres database and runs migrations:
vagrant provision --provision-with reset_db
Documentation is available via Sphinx. To generate cd to the docs
directory and run:
make html
The documentation will then be available at docs/build/html/index.html
There is also an online version available over at
In case you need to reset the database (delete all migrations, flush the db content, recreate all objects etc.), run these commands in the django project folder 'offenesparlament':
It's possible to view the current database model residing in the op_scraper app by calling:
A png-image will be generated as ignore/models.png
There are currently five available scrapers, which should initially run in this order:
- llp (legislative periods)
- persons (for instance Rudolf Anschober)
- administrations (also persons, but those that are/were in a a Regierung)
- pre_laws (for instance Buchhaltungsagenturgesetz, Änderung (513/ME))
- laws_initiatives (for instance ÖBIB-Gesetz 2015 (458 d.B.))
To run a scraper, use the following command:
python scrape crawl <scraper_name>
for instance:
python scrape crawl persons
The law_initiatives scraper also has an additional parameter to define, which legislative period to scan; per default, it scrapes the periods from XX to XV. This can be overriden this way:
python scrape crawl -a llp=21 laws_initiatives
to only scrape that period. Careful though: scraping of periods before the 20th legislative period is not possible as of yet (since there are no machine-readable documents available).
Furthermore, all of the scrapers try to utilize the parlament website's timestamp to skip objects that haven't changed since the were last scraped. To suppress this behaviour for a complete upgrade, add a ignore_timestamp
parameter like so:
python scrape crawl -a ignore_timestamp=True laws_initiatives
For now, reindexing (or updating the index, for that matter), is only done manually. To have all data indexed, just run:
python rebuild_index
for a full rebuild (wipes the indices first), or::
python update_index
to perform a simple update. For this to succeed, make sure ElasticSearch is up and running.
The current repo contains a set of fixtures, which can be refreshed from the database by running:
python generate_fixtures
This creates the necessary fixtures to run the subscription tests in op_scraper.tests.test_subscriptions
A necessary precondition for running these tests might be to set postgresql's default collate and locale for new dbs. You can do so by entering a psql shell:
sudo -u postgres psql
and running the following commands:
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate=FALSE WHERE datname='template1';
DROP DATABASE template1;
CREATE DATABASE template1 WITH owner=postgres template=template0 encoding='UTF8' LC_CTYPE 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_COLLATE 'en_US.UTF-8';
UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate=TRUE WHERE datname='template1';
This will redefine django's default settings for (test)databases it creates on the fly, otherwise there will be unicode import errors when django tries to import the fixtures:
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Got an error creating the test database: encoding UTF8 does not match locale en_US
DETAIL: The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding LATIN1.
Then you can run specific unit tests by calling:
env DJANGO_CONFIGURATION=UnitTest python test op_scraper.tests.test_subscriptions
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you may find the license for the source code - excepting only some icons -
in the LICENSE