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Modifications copyright (C) Flole

Development Instructions for Viomi

Current state of viomi support:

  • Cloud & local connection work.
  • Reading basic status properties work though the rendering within the web UI may not always be accurate.
  • Map upload should be working. Failed attempts to parse maps are stored in /tmp. If you encounter such an instance, please file a bug and share the map file.
  • Some of the UI actions don't work
    • Spot Cleaning (at current location)
    • Goto (starts spot cleaning at target location)
    • Find (locate robot)
    • Setting suction, enabling mop mode etc.

As end users you can start using this, but beware of rough edges.

Remaining Items (TODOs)

The follow are nice to have additions:

  • Improve / automate installation procedure.
  • Implement more of the MiioVacuum commands for Viomi
  • More decoupling: move Roborock specific result handling from MQTT & Webserver into Roborock.
  • Improve viomi map parser (current Pose seems to actually be the outline of detected rooms).
  • Add multiroom support to the UI.

Robot setup

First, you need to get root access to your Robot.

Then, set up the robot to talk to your host instead of the xiaomi cloud:

ssh root@viomi
echo "" >> /etc/hosts
cat >/etc/rc.d/S51floleVacWeb <<EOF
iptables         -F OUTPUT
iptables  -t nat -F OUTPUT
dest=  # enter your local development host here
for host in; do
  iptables  -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 80   -d $host -j DNAT --to-destination $dest:8080
  iptables  -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport 8053 -d $host -j DNAT --to-destination $dest:8053
  iptables         -A OUTPUT                     -d $host/32  -j REJECT
chmod +x /etc/rc.d/S51floleVacWeb

Note: To temporarily revert this while needing to use the Mi Home App, you can do a iptables -F; iptables -F -t nat and comment out the line in /etc/hosts.

FloleVacWeb setup

You can get the values for the following by doing cat /etc/miio/device.conf and hexdump -C /etc/miio/device.token | cut -b 10-60 | head -n1 | sed 's/ //g' on the robot.

Put those into develop/local/env, e.g.:

export VAC_WEBPORT=8080

Update the Configuration.js file, change these settings:

"spoofedIP": ""
"map_upload_host": ""

Then run



Do build the binary for the viomi (which runs on OpenWRT with musl libc), you need a corresponding build for pkg.

mkdir -p ~/.pkg-cache/v2.5
(cd ~/.pkg-cache/v2.5; wget

Now you can run

npm run build_viomi

And deploy the floleVacWeb binary to your robot:

scp floleVacWeb root@vacuum:/mnt/UDISK/

# Setup init scripts (only needed once)
(cd deployment/viomi; tar cv . | ssh root@vacuum "cd /; tar x")

Firmware updates

You can perform firmware updates up to v3.5.3_0046 without risking root (see the firmware update analysis for details). Make sure you use ssh-keys and don't rely on password login.

For this you currently need to:

  • uninstall FloleVacWeb (because the diskspace is needed for the upgrade) and
  • use the app to perform the upgrade (because upgrades are unsupported by FloleVacWeb / only supported via cloud interface and there's no public source for the binaries in the first place).

Uninstall FloleVacWeb

This will remove FloleVacWeb, free the diskspace and re-enable the cloud interface.

ssh root@vacuum
/etc/init.d/floleVacWeb stop
rm /etc/rc.d/S51floleVacWeb /etc/init.d/floleVacWeb /mnt/UDISK/floleVacWeb

Enable logging

Add the following to the system section in /etc/config/system (adjust ip and port as necessary):

option log_ip
option log_port 8054
option log_proto tcp

After a reboot you can receive logs using netcat:

netcat -l4 8054

See the OpenWrt Runtime Logging Guide for details.