Folder hierarchy:
|- Examples
|- Module.test
|- Module
|- Private (.ps1 functions, if necessary)
|- Public (.ps1 functions)
|- Module.psm1 (module in auto loader mode, see the file directly)
|- Module.psd1 (manifest auto generated via `New-ModuleManifest`
Loading the module manually:
$moduleFolder = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\asa.unittest"
$moduleFile = ".\asa.unittest.psm1"
Set-Location $moduleFolder
Import-Module -Name $moduleFile -verbose -force
#Remove-Module asa.unittest
#Check what's installed
$installFolder = "C:\users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\examples\ASAHelloWorld.Tests\"
New-AutProject `
-installPath $installFolder `
$asaProjectName = "ASAHelloWorld"
$solutionPath = "C:\users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\examples"
$unittestFolder = "ASAHelloworld.Tests"
$asanugetversion = "3.0.0"
Start-AutRun `
-asaProjectName $asaProjectName `
-solutionPath $solutionPath `
-unittestFolder $unittestFolder `
-asanugetversion $asanugetversion `
From the Gallery
Get-InstalledModule -name asa.unittest
Uninstall-Module -Name asa.unittest
Install-Module -Name asa.unittest -verbose -force
Scripts should be isolated in atomic .ps1 file, written as advanced functions. They can then be loaded and ran directly.
Common parameters:
$ASAnugetVersion = "2.4.0"
$solutionPath = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\examples"
$asaProjectName = "ASAHelloWorld"
$unittestFolder = "ASAHelloWorld.Tests"
$testID = (Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
$exePath = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\examples\ASAHelloWorld.Tests\2_act\Microsoft.Azure.StreamAnalytics.CICD.3.0.0\tools\sa.exe"
- Add a new fixture via
New-Fixture .\MyScript.ps1
- Move the .test into
- Update its header to:
### If tests are in ModuleRoot\Whatever, and scripts reachable via a module at ModuleRoot\Module\Module.psm1
$projectRoot = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.."
#Look for the manifest to get to ModuleRoot\Module
$moduleRoot = Split-Path (Resolve-Path "$projectRoot\*\*.psd1")
#Extract the module name from above
$moduleName = Split-Path $moduleRoot -Leaf
Import-Module (Join-Path $moduleRoot "$moduleName.psm1") -force
To be ran in PowerShell 5.1.x and 7.x
$testFolder = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\asa.unittest.tests"
Set-Location $testFolder
Invoke-Pester .\MyScript.Tests.ps1
# Install-PackageProvider Nuget -MinimumVersion –Force
Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer
$moduleFolder = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\asa.unittest"
Set-Location $moduleFolder
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path . -Recurse
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path .\public
Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path .\private
Command in comment at the top each test file
$moduleFolder = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest\asa.unittest"
$moduleManifest = ".\asa.unittest.psd1"
Set-Location $moduleFolder
Test-ModuleManifest $moduleManifest -verbose
$rootFolder = "C:\Users\fleide\Repos\asa.unittest"
$modulePath = ".\asa.unittest"
$nugetApiKey = "XXX"
Set-Location $rootFolder
Publish-Module -Path $modulePath -WhatIf -Verbose -NuGetApiKey $nugetApiKey
Publish-Module -Path $modulePath -NuGetApiKey $nugetApiKey
git fetch --prune
Then re-open VSCode