Notes and more for the ATT Las Vegas Hackathon
#Raspberry PI Image
The rpi image contains the following:
* home/pi/firstbuild/node_modules/green-bean - everything needed to connect to appliances via the green bean module */home/pi/gateblu - Octoblu Gateway
*/home/pi/hardware_examples - Scripts on how to use Raspberry Pi GPIO with octoblu
* /home/pi/firstbuild/ATTHackathon - scripts related to GreenBean and AllJoyn|octoblu IoT stuffs (enough to run demos in this repo)
* samba for editing files directly from Mac and Linux hosts
* mdns to easily discover the rpi's ip (ping raspberrypi.local, already installed: sudo apt-get install libnss-mdns)
#Setting up Raspberry Pi
OctoBlu Tutorial for image set up
###AllJoynVanilla A vanilla app that demos an android device communicating with a node.js device
A vanilla app demoing a few examples of GreenBean communications
Demo of a client communicating with a node.js device connected to the internets and starting a cook mode
Demo of a node.js client communicating with a node.js device connected to a local meshblu server and starting a cook mode
###AllJoyn+GreenBean Discovery of GreenBean on network and sending a cook mode
#GreenBean Overview
Raspberry PI's pre-configured with support for the Green Bean will be provided.
Documentation for Main NPM Package* (already installed on preconfigured devices):
Documentation for Device Plugins for Hacakathon (already installed:
- if installing the green-bean npm module manually on raspian then you may encounter a missing header file when trying to compile the node-hid package. Install the correct header with: sudo apt-get install