Is there a way to evaluate second order (for instance) derivatives of shape functions at quadrature points? |
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We use automatic differentiation internally. For scalar valued problems it should be something like |
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Right, this should give the hessian of a shape function at a point in the reference domain. I was thinking to the evaluation (in the grid space) of the hessian of a fem function at quadrature points. Something similar to a |
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OK I understand now that is not so simple: the key part of the evaluation seems to be in the |
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Yeah, it would require It would be perhaps be nice to have it as an option in the reinit! function, |
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Note that you need H2 continuity for your function space in order to be allowed to integrate second derivatives over your domain. |
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Fine. The use of hessian in fem approach is pretty nonstandard. I was essentially thinking to postprocessing purpose for which efficiency is not the most important issue. |
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Here is a very first tentative tested on a simple interpolation example. test_hessian(nel = 50, degcurve = 1, degfem = 3)
2.912276 seconds (21.54 M allocations: 2.121 GiB, 22.54% gc time)
error_eval = norm(uq - qeval, Inf) = 1.6045110484697034e-6
error_eval∂x = norm(∇uq - q∇eval, Inf) = 0.0006354386768165307
error_evalH = norm(Huq - qHeval, Inf) = 0.1489596236421943
errormean_evalH = mean(norm.(Huq - qHeval, Inf)) = 0.029545458888939925 The code is still very slow with too much allocations. Any suggestions are welcome.. using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays, StaticArrays
using Ferrite, ForwardDiff
nel::Int64 = 20, degfem::Int64 = 3, degcurve::Int64 = 2,
degquad::Int64 = 10)
function test_hessian(;
nel::Int64 = 20, degfem::Int64 = 3, degcurve::Int64 = 2,
degquad::Int64 = 10, dim::Int64 = 2)
# initial grid, interpolations, etc.
celltype = degcurve == 1 ? Ferrite.Triangle : Ferrite.QuadraticTriangle
grid = generate_grid(celltype, (nel, nel))
geom_interpol = Lagrange{dim, RefTetrahedron, degcurve}()
func_interpol = Lagrange{dim, RefTetrahedron, degfem}()
quad_rule = QuadratureRule{dim, RefTetrahedron}(:legendre, degquad)
cellvalues = CellScalarValues(quad_rule, func_interpol, geom_interpol)
dh = DofHandler(grid)
push!(dh, :u, 1, func_interpol)
# evaluate points associated to degrees of freedom
pdof = dof_points_ferrite(dim, dh, cellvalues)
nbdof = size(pdof, 1)
# interpoalte function at dof points
finterp(x) = sin(2 * x[1]) * cos(5 * x[2])
∇finterp(x) = ForwardDiff.gradient(finterp, x)
Hfinterp(x) = ForwardDiff.hessian(finterp, x)
u = [finterp(pdof[k, :]) for k = 1:nbdof]
# eval interpolation at quadrature points
qpoints, qeval, q∇eval, qHeval = derivatives_at_quadpoints(dh, quad_rule,
func_interpol, geom_interpol,
cellvalues, u)
# evalutation of f and its derivatives at quadrature points
uq = finterp.(qpoints)
∇uq = ∇finterp.(qpoints)
Huq = Hfinterp.(qpoints)
# compare
@show error_eval = norm(uq - qeval, Inf)
@show error_eval∇ = norm(∇uq - q∇eval, Inf)
@show error_evalH = norm(Huq - qHeval, Inf)
@show errormean_evalH = mean(norm.(Huq - qHeval, Inf))
value(interpol, j, ξ) = Ferrite.value(interpol, j, Tensors.Vec(ξ...))
function derivatives_at_quadpoints(dh, quad_rule,
cellvalues::CellValues{dim}, u::Array{T}) where {dim, T}
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
n_geom_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(geom_interpol)
global_dofs = zeros(Int, ndofs_per_cell(dh))
# allocate
n_qpoints = length(getweights(quad_rule))
N = fill(zero(T), n_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
dNdξ = fill(zeros(T, dim), n_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
d2Ndξ2 = fill(zeros(T, dim, dim), n_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
M = fill(zero(T), n_geom_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
dMdξ = fill(zeros(T, dim), n_geom_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
dM2dξ2 = fill(zeros(T, dim, dim), n_geom_basefuncs, n_qpoints)
# initialization
for (qp, ξq) in enumerate(quad_rule.points)
for basefunc in 1:getnbasefunctions(func_interpol)
N[basefunc, qp] = value(func_interpol, basefunc, ξq)
dNdξ[basefunc, qp] = gradient(ξ -> value(func_interpol, basefunc,
ξ), ξq)
d2Ndξ2[basefunc, qp] = hessian(ξ -> value(func_interpol, basefunc,
ξ), ξq)
for basefunc in 1:n_geom_basefuncs
M[basefunc, qp] = value(geom_interpol, basefunc, ξq)
dMdξ[basefunc, qp] = gradient(ξ -> value(geom_interpol, basefunc,
ξ), ξq)
dM2dξ2[basefunc, qp] = hessian(ξ -> value(geom_interpol, basefunc,
ξ), ξq)
d2M = [zeros(T, dim, dim) for _ = 1:dim]
d2Minvdx2 = [zeros(T, dim, dim) for _ = 1:dim]
ceval = 0
nbeval = length(dh.grid.cells) * n_qpoints
qeval, q∇eval = fill(T(0), nbeval), [zeros(T, dim) for _ = 1:nbeval]
qHeval = [zeros(T, dim, dim) for _ = 1:nbeval]
qpoints = [zeros(T, dim) for _ = 1:nbeval]
vtmp = zeros(T, dim)
fecv_J = SizedMatrix{dim, dim}(zeros(T, dim, dim))
Mtmp = SizedMatrix{dim, dim}(zeros(T, dim, dim))
nbquadpoints, nbfaces = 0, 0
#@time begin
@inbounds for cell in CellIterator(dh)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
celldofs!(global_dofs, cell)
for qp = 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
# global numbering
ceval += 1
# compute spatial coordinates of quadpoint
for (i, x) in enumerate(getcoordinates(cell))
#qpoints[ceval] += M[i, qp] * x
copy!(vtmp, x)
vtmp .*= M[i, qp]
qpoints[ceval] .+= vtmp
# compute evaluation
for i in 1:getnbasefunctions(func_interpol)
qeval[ceval] += N[i, qp] * u[global_dofs[i]]
# compute gradient
fill!(fecv_J, 0)
for (i, x) in enumerate(getcoordinates(cell))
#fecv_J += x * dMdξ[i, qp]'
for j = 1:dim, k = 1:dim
fecv_J[j, k] += x[j] * dMdξ[i, qp][k]
dMinvdx = inv(fecv_J)'
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
# q∇eval[ceval] += u[global_dofs[i]] * dMinvdξ * dNdξ[i, qp]
mul!(vtmp, dMinvdx, dNdξ[i, qp])
vtmp .*= u[global_dofs[i]]
q∇eval[ceval] .+= vtmp
# compute hessian
for l = 1:dim
fill!(d2M[l], 0.)
for (i, x) in enumerate(getcoordinates(cell))
for j = 1:dim, k = 1:dim
d2M[l][j, k] += x[k] * dM2dξ2[i, qp][j, l]
for l = 1:dim
fill!(d2Minvdx2[l], 0)
mul!(Mtmp, d2M[l], dMinvdx)
mul!(d2Minvdx2[l], dMinvdx, Mtmp)
d2Minvdx2[l] .*= - 1.
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
for j = 1:dim, k = 1:dim
for l = 1:dim
for m = 1:dim
qHeval[ceval][j, k] += u[global_dofs[i]] *
dNdξ[i, qp][m] *
d2Minvdx2[l][k, m] *
dMinvdx[j, l]
qHeval[ceval][j, k] += u[global_dofs[i]] *
d2Ndξ2[i, qp][l, m] *
dMinvdx[j, l] *
dMinvdx[k, m]
return qpoints, qeval, q∇eval, qHeval
function doassemble_f_ferrite(cellvalues::CellScalarValues{dim},
ρ::Union{Function, Nothing} = nothing) where {dim}
f = zeros(ndofs(dh))
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
fe = zeros(n_basefuncs)
cell_dofs = zeros(Int, n_basefuncs)
cellnum, valf = 1, 1.
@inbounds for cell in CellIterator(dh)
celldofs!(cell_dofs, dh, cellnum)
cellnum += 1
fill!(fe, 0)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
if ρ != nothing
pq = spatial_coordinate(cellvalues, q_point,
valf = ρ(pq)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
v = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
fe[i] += v * valf * dΩ
# assemble cell contribution
for (num, dof) in enumerate(cell_dofs)
f[dof] += fe[num]
return f
function doassemble_M_ferrite!(M::SparseMatrixCSC, cellvalues::CellScalarValues,
n_basefuncs = getnbasefunctions(cellvalues)
Me = zeros(n_basefuncs, n_basefuncs)
assembler = start_assemble(M)
valρ = 1.
@inbounds for cell in CellIterator(dh)
fill!(Me, 0)
reinit!(cellvalues, cell)
for q_point in 1:getnquadpoints(cellvalues)
dΩ = getdetJdV(cellvalues, q_point)
for i in 1:n_basefuncs
v = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, i)
for j in 1:n_basefuncs
u = shape_value(cellvalues, q_point, j)
Me[i, j] += (v * u) * valρ * dΩ
assemble!(assembler, celldofs(cell), Me)
return M
function dof_points_ferrite(dim, dh, cellvalues)
M = create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
chM = cholesky(doassemble_M_ferrite!(M, cellvalues, dh))
fx = x -> x[1]
fy = x -> x[2]
fxdof = doassemble_f_ferrite(cellvalues, dh, ρ = fx)
fydof = doassemble_f_ferrite(cellvalues, dh, ρ = fy)
xdof = chM \ fxdof
ydof = chM \ fydof
if dim == 2
return hcat(xdof, ydof)
elseif dim == 3
fz = x -> x[3]
fzdof = doassemble_f_ferrite(cellvalues, dh, ρ = fz)
zdof = chM \ fzdof
return hcat(xdof, ydof, zdof)
end |
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The second order contribution of The problem should be fixed now (code above updated) and the code a little faster |
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Here is a very first tentative tested on a simple interpolation example.
The code is still very slow with too much allocations. Any suggestions are welcome..