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$ yarn install


Start development server:

$ PORT=8082 REACT_APP_DHIS2_BASE_URL="" yarn start


$ yarn lint


Run unit tests:

$ yarn test

Run integration tests locally:

$ export CYPRESS_DHIS2_AUTH='admin:district'
$ export CYPRESS_EXTERNAL_API="http://localhost:8080"
$ export CYPRESS_ROOT_URL=http://localhost:8081

# non-interactive
$ yarn cy:e2e:run

# interactive UI
$ yarn cy:e2e:open

For this to work in Travis CI, you will have to create an environment variable CYPRESS_DHIS2_AUTH (Settings -> Environment Variables) with the password used in your testing DHIS2 instance.

Build app ZIP

$ yarn build-webapp

Some development tips


  • i18n/: Contains literal translations (gettext format)
  • public/: Main app folder with a index.html, exposes the APP, contains the feedback-tool
  • src/pages: Main React components.
  • src/components: Reusable React components.
  • src/models: Models that encapsulate all the logic of the app (React components should only contain view logic).
  • src/types: .d.ts file types for modules without TS definitions.
  • src/utils: Misc utilities.
  • src/locales: Auto-generated, don't change nor add to version control.
  • cypress/integration/: Contains the integration Cypress tests.


$ yarn update-po
# ... add/edit translations in i18n/*.po files ...
$ yarn localize

App context

File src/contexts/app-context.ts holds some general app context so typical infrastructure objects (api, d2, currentUser...) are readily available. Add your own global objects if necessary.

import { useAppContext } from "./path/to/contexts/app-context";

const SomeComponent: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
    const { d2, api, currentUser } = useAppContext();
    // ...

App logo

Add REACT_APP_LOGO_PATH to change the path from where the app is loading the logo image on Homepage. Since the root path is public, the variable value must be preceded by img/. By default, if the value is left blank, WHO logo will show up.

Build as a library

yarn build-lib


yarn add @eyeseetea/training-component
import { TraininigModule } from "@eyeseetea/training-component";

function MyComponent() {
    const { api } = useAppContext();
    const [showTutorial, setShowTutorial] = React.useState(true);

    return (
            onExit={() => setShowTutorial(false)}
            onHome={() => setShowTutorial(false)}

Tutorials were build for being executed in the whole page so it's a good idea to use them inside a full screen component like Dialog.

import { TraininigModule } from "training-component";

function MyComponent() {
    const { api } = useAppContext();
    const [showTutorial, setShowTutorial] = React.useState(false);

    const openTutorial = React.useCallback(() => {
    }, []);

    return (
        <Dialog open fullScreen>
                onExit={() => setShowTutorial(false)}
                onHome={() => setShowTutorial(false)}

If you have problems to see the images in your LOCAL environment you'll need to redirect the following urls:

"^/dhis2": "/",
"^/documents/": "/api/documents/",
"^/api/": "/api/",

If you're using an older version of our skeleton app you can modify the setupProxy.js file:

const proxy = createProxyMiddleware({
    target: targetUrl,
    changeOrigin: true,
    pathRewrite: {
        "^/dhis2": "/",
        "^/documents/": "/api/documents/",
        "^/api/": "/api/",
    onProxyReq: function (proxyReq, req, res) {
        const { path } = proxyReq;
        const shouldRedirect = redirectPaths.some(redirectPath => path.startsWith(redirectPath));

        if (shouldRedirect) {
            const redirectUrl = targetUrl.replace(/\/$/, "") + path;

app.use(["/dhis2", "/documents", "/api"], proxy);

For the latest version you must edit vite.config.ts and add the following entries in the getProxy method:

"/documents": {
    target: targetUrl,
    changeOrigin: true,
    auth: auth,
    rewrite: path => path.replace(/^\/documents/, "/api/documents"),
"/api": {
    target: targetUrl,
    changeOrigin: true,
    auth: auth,
    rewrite: path => path.replace(/^\/api/, "/api"),