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165 lines (149 loc) · 8.16 KB


File metadata and controls

165 lines (149 loc) · 8.16 KB

1.0.2 - 2023.08.05

  • Rename SkipCertificateValidatation to SkipCertificateValidation in Send-EmailMessage (typo fix)
  • Added SkipCertificateValidation to Connect-IMAP
  • Added SkipCertificateValidation to Connect-POP3
  • Added SkipCertificateRevocation to Connect-IMAP
  • Added SkipCertificateRevocation to Connect-POP3
  • Use simpler certificate validation callback by @jborean93 in #42

1.0.1 - 2023.07.19

  • Updated Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll to 4.44 to match ExchangeOnlineManagement module

1.0.0 - 2022.12.20

  • Add support for sending emails with graph using Delegated permissions. It uses Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module and MgGraphRequest switch on Send-EmailMessage.
Import-Module Mailozaurr
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Authentication -Force

# this shows how to send email using combination of Mailozaurr and Microsoft.Graph to use Connect-MgGraph to authorize
$Body = EmailBody {
    New-HTMLText -Text "This is test of Connect-MGGraph functionality"

# authorize via Connect-MgGraph with delegated rights or any other supported method
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes Mail.Send

# sending email
$sendEmailMessageSplat = @{
    From           = '[email protected]'
    To             = '[email protected]'
    HTML           = $Body
    Subject        = 'This tests email as delegated'
    MgGraphRequest = $true
    Verbose        = $true
Send-EmailMessage @sendEmailMessageSplat

0.9.0 - 2022.10.02

  • Fix Suppress for sending emails via SendGrid
  • Fix Suppress for sending emails via Microsoft Graph
  • Add support to Send-EmailMessage for attachments 4MB to 150MB in size for Microsoft Graph. Before it would only send attachments up to 4MB in size. Detects size automatically and uses the appropriate API endpoint.
  • Add RequestReadReceipt support to Send-EmailMessage for Microsoft Graph to request a read receipt from the recipient.
  • Add RequestDeliveryReceipt switch to Send-EmailMessage for Microsoft Graph to request a delivery receipt. SMTP uses DeliveryNotificationOption and DeliveryStatusNotificationType.
  • Require Send-EmailMessage to have From field #33
  • Warn if attachment in Send-EmailMessage doesn't exists, no error is thrown #34
  • Fixes special chars issue in file names #26

0.0.25 - 2022.06.07

  • Updated MailKit
  • Updated MimeKit
  • Added missing libraries so that the project can work on more systems without installing higher version of .NET Framework
  • Added tests for SMTP with Auth and Graph API

0.0.24 - 2021.01.24

  • Improved logging logic for Send-EmailMessage

0.0.23 - 2021.01.22

  • Added option to Send-EmailMessage to specify the LocalDomain to be able to troubleshoot issue #1314
  • Added option to Send-EmailMessage - LogConsole and LogObject which joins LogPath in saving whole conversation to console, or to final object as Message property

0.0.22 - 2021.01.21

  • Upgraded MailKit\MimeKit to 3.1.0
  • Added support to save MimeMessage in Send-EmailMessage using MimeMessagePath
  • Fixed Cloudflare DNS calls for Find-DMARCRecord,Find-DKIMRecord, Find-MXRecord, Find-SPFRecord, Find-DNSBNL
  • Updated docs
  • More output fields on Send-EmailMessage

0.0.21 - 2022.01.07

  • Added support for logging in the Send-EmailMessage for SMTP to allow for debugging.
    • By adding LogPath $PSScriptRoot\Output\Log1.txt log file will be created with full information
    • Parameters such as LogSecrets, LogTimeStamps, LogTimeStampsFormat and LogClientPrefix,LogServerPrefix are available

0.0.20 - 2022.01.02

  • Added support for using Get-MsalToken instead of built-in token creation for GraphApi
# creating body for HTML using PSWriteHTML
$Body = EmailBody {
    New-HTMLText -Text "this is my test"
    New-HTMLText -Text "Łączy nas piłka"

# Generating token using Get-MsalToken
$getMsalTokenSplat = @{
    ClientId     = '0fb383f1'
    ClientSecret = 'VKDM_' | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText
    Authority    = ''
$MsalToken = Get-MsalToken @getMsalTokenSplat

# Converting it to Credentials object (so that Send-EmailMessage can use it)
$Credential = ConvertTo-GraphCredential -MsalToken $MsalToken.AccessToken

# sending email
Send-EmailMessage -From '[email protected]' -To '[email protected]' -Credential $Credential -HTML $Body -Subject 'This is another test email 2' -Graph -Verbose -Priority Low -DoNotSaveToSentItems

0.0.19 - 2021.12.25

  • Fixes encoding for Send-EmailMessage wen using GraphApi (forces UTF8)

0.0.18 - 2021.09.23

  • Improved error handling of Send-EmailMessage when sending with GraphApi

0.0.17 - 2021.09.19

  • Upgraded MailKit/Mimekit 2.15.0
  • Upgraded DNSClient to 1.5.0
  • Fixes oAuth2 #17
  • Removed wrong parameterset from Send-EmailMessage
  • Improved ConvertTo-GraphCredential to support encrypted graph client secret.

0.0.16 - 2021.07.23

  • Moved Class.MySmtpClient to be loaded from separate file via dot sourcing - hopefully fixes #16

0.0.15 - 2021.07.18

  • Moved Class.MySmtpClient to be loaded as last in PSM1. This should make it load when loaded by other modules - hopefully!

0.0.14 - 2021.06.28

  • Added missing library System.Buffers

0.0.13 - 2021.06.27

  • Added SkipCertificateValidatation to Send-EmailMessage
  • Downgraded MailKit/MimeKit 2.12.0

0.0.12 - 2021.06.20

  • Added AsSecureString to Send-EmailMessage which allows to provide -AsSecureString -Username '[email protected]' -Password $secStringPassword

0.0.11 - 2021.06.18

  • Added SkipCertificateRevocation to Send-EmailMessage #13
  • 🐛 Fixed PTR records in Find-MXRecord when using HTTPS
  • Small improvement to Send-EmailMessage returning object when using WhatIf

0.0.10 - 2020.10.25

  • Send-EmailMessage - fix for Graph where attachments where not attached and nobody reported
  • Send-EmailMessage - updated error messages with tips what could be wrong
  • Send-EmailMessage - updated ErrorAction Stop in few places for those that prefer errors
  • Send-EmailMessage - added basic support for SendGrid with parameter -SendGrid
  • Find-MXRecord - updated with DNSProvider (Cloudflare/Google) for calls over HTTPS
  • Find-SPFRecord - updated with DNSProvider (Cloudflare/Google) for calls over HTTPS
  • Find-DKIMRecord - updated with DNSProvider (Cloudflare/Google) for calls over HTTPS
  • Find-DMARCRecord - updated with DNSProvider (Cloudflare/Google) for calls over HTTPS
  • Find-DNSBL - added, same options as above
  • Resolve-DNSRequestRest - Added just in case

0.0.9 - 2020.08.11

  • DNS Records
    • Fixed DNSServer parameter usage #5

0.0.8 - 2020.08.06

  • MS Graph API
    • Added Get-MailFolder - work in progress
    • Added Get-MailMessage - work in progress
    • Added Save-MailMessage - work in progress
    • Added check for attachments/message body less than 10 characters. - by andrew0wells #3
  • SMTP
    • Updated Send-EmailMessage error handling

0.0.7 - 2020.08.04

  • More updates making it better toolkit

0.0.6 - 2020.08.03

  • Public release
  • Added GraphAPI support for Send-EmailMessage
  • Added oAuth2 support for Send-EmailMessage
  • Added oAuth2 support for POP3
  • Added oAuth2 support for IMAP4
  • Fixed lots of stuff

0.0.3 - 2020.07.26

  • Added Test-EmailAddress
  • Added Connect-OAuthGoogle
  • Added Connect-OAuthO365
  • Added Resolve-DNSQuery

0.0.2 - 2020.07.25

  • Added Find-MXRecord
  • Added Find-DMARCRecord
  • Added Find-DKIMRecord
  • Added Find-SPFRecord

0.0.1 - 2020.06.13

  • Initial release