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My Vim Configuration

This is my personal Vim configuration.

Table of Contents

Click here to show.
  1. Why Use This?
  2. Installation
  3. External Dependencies
  4. Updating
  5. Plugin List
  6. Troubleshooting

Why Use This?

If you're lazy and want to use what I'm using, feel free to. However, note that each person's Vim configuration is tailored to that person's workflow, and not necessarily anyone else's. This is why I recommend that people customize Vim to best fit their own needs.


Clone this repository and run as follows:

git clone ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim

Hooray, that's it! You're all done!


Bash (.sh) files are not executable on Windows by default. One solution is to install Git Bash or Cygwin to run

Another solution is to stop using Windows entirely.

On a more serious note, I may later make a .bat script to make things easier on Windows.

External Dependencies

No one likes having to install external dependencies, which is why all of mine are optional. That being said, installing these may improve your Vim experience.

Powerline Fonts

By default, Powerline symbols are disabled in settings.vim. But if you want to make your status line look fancy, you can install them here.

Python Language Server

ale requires some extra stuff to do its linting for Python. You can install the Language Server Protocol for Python linting with:

pip install 'python-language-server[all]'


pip3 install 'python-language-server[all]'

You can install Flake8 for style guide enforcement with:

python<version> -m pip install flake8

where <version> is the Python version you have installed, such as 3.4 or 3.7. If running python in your terminal already runs some version of Python 3, then no version number needs to be included.

Lua Support

If Vim is installed without Lua support (:echo has('lua') responds with 1), then autocomplete features from completor.vim or neocomplete will not work.


Vimrc configuration

To update your configuration, run bash If there is a new version of settings.vim available, your local copy will be replaced with a template of the newer version. Otherwise, your local settings.vim will be unchanged.

cd ~/.vim


To update your plugins, open up Vim and execute :PlugUpdate. Close and restart Vim.

Plugin List

Click here to show.

Plugin Manager

Color Schemes


File Navigation

Language Support



User Interface

Version Control


Plugins are not installed

vim-plug manages the installation of all the plugins. Open Vim and execute :PlugInstall. Close and restart Vim.

Vimrc is not detected

For Vim versions 7.4 (or late versions of 7.3) onwards, Vim automatically detects ~/.vim/vimrc as a secondary vimrc so nothing needs to be done. For earlier versions of Vim, create a dummy ~/.vimrc file in your home directory that links to ~/.vim/vimrc:

echo "source ~/.vim/vimrc" > ~/.vimrc

Better yet, just update Vim.

Some characters in the UI are not rendering properly

There are two solutions:

  1. Install Powerline fonts here.

Once Powerline fonts are installed, they need to be set in the terminal for them to appear correctly. On Mac, I use Meslo LG M for Powerline 14.

  1. Disable Powerline fonts

Go to settings.vim and set g:special_symbols_enabled = 0. The resulting appearance will be:

Italic characters are not rendering

If for some reason your terminal does not support italics, enable them:

echo "xterm-256color|xterm with 256 colors and italic,
  sitm=\E[3m, ritm=\E[23m,
  use=xterm-256color," >> xterm-256color.terminfo.txt
tic -o ~/.terminfo xterm-256color.terminfo.txt
Everything is blue

There are 2 solutions:

  1. Use a terminal that supports 24-bit color (also called true color).


    I strongly recommend iTerm2 over the default terminal. It supports 24-bit color and has a bunch of other fancy stuff.


    If you're using PuTTY for ssh, use some other terminal for ssh instead, such as Git Bash or Mintty.


    You already know what you're doing. 🐧

  2. Disable true color

    Go to settings.vim and set g:truecolor_enabled = 0. The resulting appearance will be be an altered version of the selected color scheme.