Snellius is the Dutch National supercomputer hosted at SURF.
Data required by the model are in a folder named "data" in the project directory
on Snellius. This directory includes:- forcing/plumber2_data: the forcing/driving data provided by PLUMBER2.
- model_parameters/soil_property: the soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
- model_parameters/vegetation_property:
- directional
- fluspect_parameters
- leafangles
- radiationdata
- soil_spectra
- input_data.xlsx
For the explanation of the directories see Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB.
Config file: it is a text file that sets the paths required by the model. For example, see config_file_snellius.txt in this repository. This file includes:
- SoilPropertyPath: a path to soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
- InputPath: this is the working/running directory of the model and should
include the data of
, andinput_data.xlsx
. - OutputPath: this is the base path to store outputs of the model. When
the model runs, it creates
directories under this path. - ForcingPath: a path to the forcing/driving data.
- ForcingFileName: name of the forcing file in a netcdf format. Currently,
the model runs at the site scale. For example, if we put the
here, the model runs at theFI-Hyy
site. - VegetationPropertyPath: path to required data except
. - DurationSize: total number of time steps in which model runs. It can be
or a number. ExampleDurationSize=17520
runs the model for one year a half-hour time step i.e.365*24*2=17520
To edit the config file, open the file with a text editor and change the paths. The
are user-defined directories, make sure they exist and you have right permissions. The variable name e.g.SoilPropertyPath
should not be changed. Also, note a/
is required at the end of each line.
As explained above, the "InputPath" directory of the model is considered as
the working/running directory and should include some data required by the
model. As seen in the config file, the "InputPath" is now set to an "input"
folder under "scratch-shared" directory. This means that the "input" folder is
treated as the model's working/running directory. However, it is possible to
create a different working/running directory and set the "InputPath" to it.
Then, you should copy the required data i.e. directional
, leafangles
, radiationdata
, soil_spectra
, and input_data.xlsx
to the working/running directory. For example:
cp -r /projects/0/einf2480/model_parameters/vegetation_property/* /scratch-shared/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE/input/<your_work_dir>
This is the same as the workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on crib, see section Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB.
Log in to Snellius.
Download the source code from this repository or get it using
git clone
in a terminal:git clone
All the codes can be found in the folder
whereas the executable file in the folderexe
. -
and change the paths if needed, specifically "InputPath" and "OutputPath". -
Follow one of the instructions below:
In order to use MATLAB, you need to send a request to add you to the user pool
on Snellius. Then, open the file
config_file_snellius.txt and set the paths. Then,
run the main script STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe.m
using MATLAB command line in a terminal on
a compute node:
module load 2021
module load MATLAB/2021a-upd3
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe('config_file_snellius.txt');exit;"
To run the codes above on a compute node, you can create a bash script as:
# SLURM settings
#SBATCH -J stemmus_scope
#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
#SBATCH -p thin
#SBATCH --output=./slurm_%j.out
#SBATCH --error=./slurm_%j.out
module load 2021
module load MATLAB/2021a-upd3
matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe('config_file_snellius.txt');exit;"
If you want to run the model as a standalone application, you need MATLAB
Runtime version 2021a
. This is available on Snellius. You can run the
model by passing the path of the config file in a terminal on a compute
module load 2021
module load MCR/R2021a.3
./STEMMUS_SCOPE/exe/STEMMUS_SCOPE config_file_snellius.txt
The bash script
in this repository, runs the
model at 170 sites (default) on a compute node. The scripts loops over
forcing files in the "ForcingPath", creates sitename_timestamped
directories under "InputPath" directory and copies required data to those
working dirs. To change the number of sites, open the script and on the last
line change the parameter {1..170}
. For example env_parallel -n1 -j32 --joblog $log_file loop_func ::: {1..170}
will run the model at 32 sites
simultaneously. For testing purposes, the time of the bash script is set to
. Note that the model run can take long for some of the sites. As the
maxium time wall is 5 days on a partition thin, time can be set to5-00:00:00
for a complete run of the model.
You can run the script in a terminal:
mkdir -p slurm
This creates a log file per each forcing file in the folder slurm