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SLIM Version Naming Conventions

Erik Kluzek edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 7 revisions

Conventions in this document Words in CAPS are placeholders for names.

Capital X, Y and Z stand in for version numbers. XX denotes a two-digit number, YYY a three-digit number, etc.

Development tags Development tags will be named like slimX.Y.ZZZ


  • X is the major version number, corresponding to a major release
  • Y is incremented when there are big changes
  • ZZZ is incremented for each tag Example: slim0.1.020

Compatibility with CESM versions (add _cesmA_B_C)

There are branches for major CESM versions that SLIM works with. The branch name gives the CESM major and minor version number in it. Most tags will be made along the relevant branch.


  • A is the major CESM version number correspond to a major release
  • B is the minor CESM version number
  • C is the exact patch number or the alpha or beta number

Suggest adding CESM version to indicate what CESM this version of SLIM is compatible with. This could be the exact version or just the rough major, minor version number (not including the exact patch)


CESM2_1 Versions:


CESM2_3 Development Versions:


Branch Tagging Convention:

Branch tags Branch tags should be avoided, but may make sense in limited circumstances

Branch tags will be named like branch_tags/NAME.nXX_BASELINETAG


  • NAME is the name of the branch, or some designator of the purpose of this tag. This name should NOT begin with any of these prefixes:
    • slim
    • cesm
  • This name should NOT contain any of these characters (which are used as separators in the full tag name):
    • .
    • _
  • 'XX' is the tag version number along this branch; this should just be incremented when a new tag is truly necessary (e.g., not for every commit along this branch)
  • 'BASELINETAG' is the baseline tag on a cesm version branch that this tag is up-to-date with. For example, this could be 'slim0.1.014' or 'slim0.1.015_cesm2_1_4-rc.09'.
  • Example: 'branch_tags/globaluniform6.n02_slim0.1.015_cesm2_1_4-rc.09'
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