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SLIM Project Testing

Erik Kluzek edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

The create_test testlist for SLIM is called "aux_slim". The test list can be run on both cheyenne and izumi. The testlist runs different types of configurations from standalone "I" cases (with just SLIM and a data atmosphere model) to "F" compsets with the active atmosphere model (CAM) and the Slab Ocean Model (SOM). It also runs several types of tests including different processor layouts and different SLIM configurations. The expected fails list of tests that are known to fail is here:

Baselines for slim testing go under /glade/p/cgd/tss/ctsm_baselines on cheyenne and /fs/cgd/csm/ccsm_baselines on izumi. Names for baselines are "slim" then the slim number, followed by the CESM version. So "slim-nNN_cesmX.Y.Z", where NN is the SLIM version number, and X.Y.Z is the CESM version name. An example is: slim-n06_cesm2.1.4 for a baseline. In general branch tags for SLIM will NOT be made, unless they are needed to document important simulations. Developers should try to only push changes that build and run and pass the testlist as expected.

A document to keep track of tasks to work on in SLIM is here:

github issues and projects can also be used to keep track of issues.

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