Home > Action List Page
The action list page contains a list of actions that have been performed on the currently connected blockchain, up to a maximum of the latest 100 actions. You also have the ability to filter actions by the name of the smart contract which contains the action. It is also possible to inspect a single action from this page.
Optionally, you can change the number of actions to show on this list to 10, 20 or 50 actions at the bottom of this page.
The action list panel contains a table of actions performed on the blockchain. Each row in the table cnotains the following information:
- Smart contract name
- Action type
- Timestamp
Clicking on a row will take you to its associated Action Detail Page.
On the upper right corner of this panel is an input box where you can filter sets of actions based on the name of the smart contract that contains those actions. After typing the name of the smart contract and clicking "Filter," the table will change to reflect the list of actions performed under this smart contract. If no such smart contract exists, the table will be empty and indicate that there is no smart contract with this name. After filtering, you must click the "Clear" button that replaced the "Filter" button to filter by a new smart contract.