使用Calibre和Coqui XTTS将电子书转换为包含章节和元数据的有声读物。支持可选的语音克隆和多种语言!
- 📖 使用Calibre将电子书转换为文本格式。
- 📚 将电子书拆分为章节,以获得有组织的音频。
- 🎙️ 使用Coqui XTTS实现高质量的文本到语音转换。
- 🗣️ 可选择使用您自己的语音文件进行语音克隆。
- 🌍 支持多种语言(默认为英语)。
- 🖥️ 基于4GB RAM运行。
- Python 3.10
Python package- Calibre (用于电子书转换)
- FFmpeg (用于有声读物创作)
- Optional: 用于语音克隆的自定义语音文件
安装 Python 3.x from Python.org.
安装 Calibre:
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y calibre
- macOS:
brew install calibre
- Windows (Admin Powershell):
choco install calibre
- Ubuntu:
安装 FFmpeg:
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y ffmpeg
- macOS:
brew install ffmpeg
- Windows (Admin Powershell):
choco install ffmpeg
- Ubuntu:
可选: Install Mecab (非拉丁语言):
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install -y mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8
- macOS:
brew install mecab
,brew install mecab-ipadic
- Windows: mecab-website-to-install-manually (注:日语支持有限)
- Ubuntu:
安装 Python packages:
pip install coqui-tts==0.24.2 pydub nltk beautifulsoup4 ebooklib tqdm gradio==4.44.0 python -m nltk.downloader punkt python -m nltk.downloader punkt_tab
For non-Latin languages:
pip install mecab mecab-python3 unidic python -m unidic download
- English (en)
- Spanish (es)
- French (fr)
- German (de)
- Italian (it)
- Portuguese (pt)
- Polish (pl)
- Turkish (tr)
- Russian (ru)
- Dutch (nl)
- Czech (cs)
- Arabic (ar)
- Chinese (zh-cn)
- Japanese (ja)
- Hungarian (hu)
- Korean (ko)
python app.py
打开web应用程序: 点击终端中提供的URL访问web应用程序并转换电子书.
公共链接: 在末尾添加“--share True”,如下所示:
python app.py--share True
- [更多参数]: 使用
参数,如python app.py-h
python app.py --headless True --ebook <path_to_ebook_file> --voice [path_to_voice_file] --language [language_code]
- <path_to_ebook_file>: 电子书文件的路径。
- [path_to_voice_file]: 指定转换的语音文件,可选。
- [language_code]: 指定转换的语言,可选。
- [更多参数]: 使用
参数,如python app.py -h
python app.py --headless True --use_custom_model True --ebook <ebook_file_path> --voice <target_voice_file_path> --language <language> --custom_model <custom_model_path> --custom_config <custom_config_path> --custom_vocab <custom_vocab_path>
- <ebook_file_path>: 电子书文件的路径。
- <target_voice_file_path>: 指定转换的语音文件,可选。
- : 指定转换的语言,可选。
- <custom_model_path>:
的路径。 - <custom_config_path>:
的路径。 - <custom_vocab_path>:
的路径。 - [更多参数]: 使用
参数,如python app.py -h
python app.py --headless True --use_custom_model True --ebook <ebook_file_path> --voice <target_voice_file_path> --language <language> --custom_model_url <custom_model_URL_ZIP_path>
- <ebook_file_path>: 电子书文件的路径。
- <target_voice_file_path>: 指定转换的语音文件,可选。
- : 指定转换的语言,可选。
- <custom_model_URL_ZIP_path>: 模型文件夹压缩包的URL路径。例如
- [更多参数]: 使用
参数,如python app.py -h
python app.py -h
- 这将输出以下内容:
usage: app.py [-h] [--share SHARE] [--headless HEADLESS] [--ebook EBOOK] [--voice VOICE]
[--language LANGUAGE] [--use_custom_model USE_CUSTOM_MODEL]
[--custom_model CUSTOM_MODEL] [--custom_config CUSTOM_CONFIG]
[--custom_vocab CUSTOM_VOCAB] [--custom_model_url CUSTOM_MODEL_URL]
[--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY]
[--repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY] [--top_k TOP_K] [--top_p TOP_P]
[--speed SPEED] [--enable_text_splitting ENABLE_TEXT_SPLITTING]
Convert eBooks to Audiobooks using a Text-to-Speech model. You can either launch the
Gradio interface or run the script in headless mode for direct conversion.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--share SHARE Set to True to enable a public shareable Gradio link. Defaults
to False.
--headless HEADLESS Set to True to run in headless mode without the Gradio
interface. Defaults to False.
--ebook EBOOK Path to the ebook file for conversion. Required in headless
--voice VOICE Path to the target voice file for TTS. Optional, uses a default
voice if not provided.
--language LANGUAGE Language for the audiobook conversion. Options: en, es, fr, de,
it, pt, pl, tr, ru, nl, cs, ar, zh-cn, ja, hu, ko. Defaults to
English (en).
--use_custom_model USE_CUSTOM_MODEL
Set to True to use a custom TTS model. Defaults to False. Must
be True to use custom models, otherwise you'll get an error.
--custom_model CUSTOM_MODEL
Path to the custom model file (.pth). Required if using a custom
--custom_config CUSTOM_CONFIG
Path to the custom config file (config.json). Required if using
a custom model.
--custom_vocab CUSTOM_VOCAB
Path to the custom vocab file (vocab.json). Required if using a
custom model.
--custom_model_url CUSTOM_MODEL_URL
URL to download the custom model as a zip file. Optional, but
will be used if provided. Examples include David Attenborough's
model: 'https://huggingface.co/drewThomasson/xtts_David_Attenbor
ue'. More XTTS fine-tunes can be found on my Hugging Face at
--temperature TEMPERATURE
Temperature for the model. Defaults to 0.65. Higher Tempatures
will lead to more creative outputs IE: more Hallucinations.
Lower Tempatures will be more monotone outputs IE: less
--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY
A length penalty applied to the autoregressive decoder. Defaults
to 1.0. Not applied to custom models.
--repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY
A penalty that prevents the autoregressive decoder from
repeating itself. Defaults to 2.0.
--top_k TOP_K Top-k sampling. Lower values mean more likely outputs and
increased audio generation speed. Defaults to 50.
--top_p TOP_P Top-p sampling. Lower values mean more likely outputs and
increased audio generation speed. Defaults to 0.8.
--speed SPEED Speed factor for the speech generation. IE: How fast the
Narrerator will speak. Defaults to 1.0.
--enable_text_splitting ENABLE_TEXT_SPLITTING
Enable splitting text into sentences. Defaults to True.
Example: python script.py --headless --ebook path_to_ebook --voice path_to_voice
--language en --use_custom_model True --custom_model model.pth --custom_config
config.json --custom_vocab vocab.json
⚠️ 遗留的旧版使用说明
----> ebook2audiobookXTTS/legacy/
python custom_model_ebook2audiobookXTTS_gradio.py
打开web应用程序: 单击终端中提供的URL以访问web应用程序并转换电子书。
python ebook2audiobook.py <path_to_ebook_file> [path_to_voice_file] [language_code]
- <path_to_ebook_file>: 电子书文件的路径。
- [path_to_voice_file]: 指定转换的语音文件,可选。
- [language_code]: 指定转换的语言,可选。
python custom_model_ebook2audiobookXTTS.py <ebook_file_path> <target_voice_file_path> <language> <custom_model_path> <custom_config_path> <custom_vocab_path>
- <ebook_file_path>: 电子书文件的路径。
- <target_voice_file_path>: 指定转换的语音文件,可选。
- : 指定转换的语言,可选。
- <custom_model_path>:
的路径。 - <custom_config_path>:
的路径。 - <custom_vocab_path>:
docker run -it --rm -p 7860:7860 --platform=linux/amd64 athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface python app.py
docker run -it --rm --gpus all -p 7860:7860 --platform=linux/amd64 athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface python app.py
- 对于更多选项,如以无头模式运行docker或公开gradio链接,请在docker启动命令中的
首先是docker pull的最新版本
docker pull athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface
- 在运行此命令之前,您需要在当前目录中创建一个名为“input folder”的目录,该目录将被链接,您可以在此处放置docker镜像的输入文件
mkdir input-folder && mkdir Audiobooks
- 运行下面命令需要将 YOUR_INPUT_FILE.TXT 替换为您创建的输入文件的名称
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd)/input-folder:/home/user/app/input_folder \
-v $(pwd)/Audiobooks:/home/user/app/Audiobooks \
--platform linux/amd64 \
athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface \
python app.py --headless True --ebook /home/user/app/input_folder/YOUR_INPUT_FILE.TXT
docker run -it --rm \
--platform linux/amd64 \
athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface \
python app.py -h
user/app/ebook2audiobookXTTS/input-folder -v $(pwd)/Audiobooks:/home/user/app/ebook2audiobookXTTS/Audiobooks --memory="4g" --network none --platform linux/amd64 athomasson2/ebook2audiobookxtts:huggingface python app.py -h
usage: app.py [-h] [--share SHARE] [--headless HEADLESS] [--ebook EBOOK] [--voice VOICE]
[--language LANGUAGE] [--use_custom_model USE_CUSTOM_MODEL]
[--custom_model CUSTOM_MODEL] [--custom_config CUSTOM_CONFIG]
[--custom_vocab CUSTOM_VOCAB] [--custom_model_url CUSTOM_MODEL_URL]
[--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY]
[--repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY] [--top_k TOP_K] [--top_p TOP_P]
[--speed SPEED] [--enable_text_splitting ENABLE_TEXT_SPLITTING]
Convert eBooks to Audiobooks using a Text-to-Speech model. You can either launch the
Gradio interface or run the script in headless mode for direct conversion.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--share SHARE Set to True to enable a public shareable Gradio link. Defaults
to False.
--headless HEADLESS Set to True to run in headless mode without the Gradio
interface. Defaults to False.
--ebook EBOOK Path to the ebook file for conversion. Required in headless
--voice VOICE Path to the target voice file for TTS. Optional, uses a default
voice if not provided.
--language LANGUAGE Language for the audiobook conversion. Options: en, es, fr, de,
it, pt, pl, tr, ru, nl, cs, ar, zh-cn, ja, hu, ko. Defaults to
English (en).
--use_custom_model USE_CUSTOM_MODEL
Set to True to use a custom TTS model. Defaults to False. Must
be True to use custom models, otherwise you'll get an error.
--custom_model CUSTOM_MODEL
Path to the custom model file (.pth). Required if using a custom
--custom_config CUSTOM_CONFIG
Path to the custom config file (config.json). Required if using
a custom model.
--custom_vocab CUSTOM_VOCAB
Path to the custom vocab file (vocab.json). Required if using a
custom model.
--custom_model_url CUSTOM_MODEL_URL
URL to download the custom model as a zip file. Optional, but
will be used if provided. Examples include David Attenborough's
model: 'https://huggingface.co/drewThomasson/xtts_David_Attenbor
ue'. More XTTS fine-tunes can be found on my Hugging Face at
--temperature TEMPERATURE
Temperature for the model. Defaults to 0.65. Higher Tempatures
will lead to more creative outputs IE: more Hallucinations.
Lower Tempatures will be more monotone outputs IE: less
--length_penalty LENGTH_PENALTY
A length penalty applied to the autoregressive decoder. Defaults
to 1.0. Not applied to custom models.
--repetition_penalty REPETITION_PENALTY
A penalty that prevents the autoregressive decoder from
repeating itself. Defaults to 2.0.
--top_k TOP_K Top-k sampling. Lower values mean more likely outputs and
increased audio generation speed. Defaults to 50.
--top_p TOP_P Top-p sampling. Lower values mean more likely outputs and
increased audio generation speed. Defaults to 0.8.
--speed SPEED Speed factor for the speech generation. IE: How fast the
Narrerator will speak. Defaults to 1.0.
--enable_text_splitting ENABLE_TEXT_SPLITTING
Enable splitting text into sentences. Defaults to True.
Example: python script.py --headless --ebook path_to_ebook --voice path_to_voice
--language en --use_custom_model True --custom_model model.pth --custom_config
config.json --custom_vocab vocab.json
为更好地处理特定声音而构建的模型。查看我的Hugging Face页面 here.
David Attenborough fine tuned Finished_model_files.zip
更多详细信息请访问 Dockerfile Hub Page.
要查找已经过微调的XTTS型号,请访问Hugging Face 🌐. 模型搜索需要包含“xtts fine tune”的关键字。
- Huggingface空间正在空闲cpu层上运行,所以预计会非常慢或超时,哈哈,只是不要给它大文件
- 最好复制空间或在本地运行。
- 最佳结果: