To build the Doppler CLI for development, you'll need Golang installed.
$ make build
$ ./doppler --version
Testing building for all release targets:
$ make test-release
To release a new version, run this command with $NEW_VERSION
set to one of major
, minor
, patch
, or vX.Y.Z
(where vX.Y.Z
is a valid semantic version).
$ make release V=$NEW_VERSION
This command will push local changes to origin, create a new tag, and push the tag to origin. It will then build and release the doppler binaries.
Note: The release will automatically fail if the tag and HEAD have diverged:
⨯ release failed after 0.13s error=git tag v0.0.2 was not made against commit c9c6950d18790c17db11fedae331a226f8f12c6b
Note: In the goreleaser output, it will state that artifact signing is disabled. This is due to the custom args we pass goreleaser (so that we can specify our GPG key). You can verify that signing works by the presence of a checksums.txt.sig
Issue: gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
- Fix:
export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
Issue: After releasing, your personal account is logged out of the docker daemon
Fix: Log in again with this registry manually specified:
docker login
Why: The release script explicitly scopes the
docker login to
. By explicitly scoping your personal login, you ensure these two logins do not conflict (and thus your personal login does not get removed on script cleanup). If not specified,docker
treats these two registries as aliases.
Store the keys and passphrase in your Doppler config
$ gpg --full-generate-key
$ gpg --list-secret-keys # copy the key's 40-character ID
$ gpg --armor --export-secret-key KEY_ID
$ gpg --armor --export KEY_ID
$ gpg --keyserver --send-key LAST_8_DIGITS_OF_KEY_ID