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pyPowerwall Proxy Release Notes

Proxy t42 (3 Mar 2024)

  • Add Power Flow Animation style (set PW_STYLE="solar") for Solar-Only display. Removes the Powerwall image and related text to display a Grid + Solar + Home powerflow animation.

Proxy t41 (25 Feb 2024)

Proxy t40 (20 Jan 2024)

  • Use /api/system_status battery blocks data to augment /pod and /freq macro data APIs.

Proxy t39 (12 Jan 2024)

  • Fix Critical Bug - 404 HTTP Status Code Handling (Issue jasonacox#65).

Proxy t36 (30 Dec 2023)

  • Add PW_AUTH_PATH to set location for cloud auth and site files.

Proxy t35 (29 Dec 2023)

  • Add cloudmode support for pypowerwall v0.7.1.

Proxy t32 (20 Dec 2023)

  • Fix "flashing animation" problem by matching hash variable in index.html to firmware version git_hash.

Proxy t29 (16 Dec 2023)

  • Default page rendered by proxy (http://pypowerwall/) will render Powerflow Animation
  • Animation assets (html, css, js, images, fonts, svg) will render from local filesystem instead of pulling from Powerwall TEG portal.
  • Start prep for possible API removals from Powerwall TEG portal (see NOAPI settings)

Proxy t28 (14 Oct 2023)

Proxy t27 (23 Sep 2023)

  • Add Add Graceful Exit with SIGTERM to fix condition where container does not stop gracefully as raised in jasonacox#49 by @rcasta74 .

Proxy t26 (4 May 2023)

  • Update default PW_POOL_MAXSIZE from 10 to 15 to help address "Connection pool is full" errors reported by @jgleigh in jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard#261 - May the 4th be with you!

Proxy t25 (21 Mar 2023)

  • Fix Cache-Control no-cache header and added option to set max-age, fixes #31 by @dkerr64 in jasonacox#32

Proxy t24 (16 Jan 2023)

  • Added new alerts endpoint ('/alerts/pw') for retrieving the data in dictionary/object format (helps with telegraf usage).

Proxy t23 (8 Jan 2023)

  • Updated to Python 3.10

Proxy t22 (23 Nov 2022)

  • Added Powerwall Firmware version display to Power Flow Animation

Proxy t20 t21 (23 Nov 2022)

  • Added cache logic to better handle Powerwall firmware upgrades.

Proxy t19 (15 Oct 2022)

  • Fix clear.js (and others) to hide the compliance link button in the animation caused by the latest Powerwall firmware upgrade (22.26.1-foxtrot)

Proxy t18 (8 Oct 2022)

  • Fix Bug with /version for version numbers with alpha characters. #24
  • Added error handling for socket error when sending response.
  • Added uptime field for stats ('/stats') API.
  • Enhanced help API ('/help') to provide HTML stats page and link to API documentation.
  • Improved logging with timestamps.

Proxy t17 (26 July 2022)

  • Released with pyPowerwall v0.6.0 Enhancement
  • Added HTTP persistent connections for API requests to Powerwall Gateway by @mcbirse in #21
  • Requests to Gateway will now re-use persistent http connections which reduces load and increases response time.
  • Added env PW_POOL_MAXSIZE to proxy server to allow this to be controlled (persistent connections disabled if set to zero).
  • Added env PW_TIMEOUT to proxy server to allow timeout on requests to be adjusted.

Proxy t16 (3 July 2022)

  • Add support for specifying a bind address by @zi0r in jasonacox#16
  • Add shebang for direct execution by @zi0r in jasonacox#17

Proxy t15

  • Breaking update to /api/system_status/soe endpoint that now provides the 95% scaled values. This was important to make sure the Power Flow animation matches the Tesla App. The /soe shortcut URL will continue to provide actual battery level (unscaled). See Issue jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard#37

Proxy t14

Proxy t13

  • Added ability to change the style of the power flow animation background color: clear (default), black, white, grafana gray, and dakboard black. Set using PW_STYLE environment variable:

    export PW_STYLE="clear"

Proxy t12

  • Added ability to proxy Powerwall web interface for power flow animation (by @danisla). #14

  • Added optional HTTPS support for iframe compatibility via PW_HTTPS environment variable:

    # Turn on experimental HTTPS mode
    export PW_PORT="8676"
    export PW_PASSWORD="password"
    export PW_EMAIL="[email protected]"
    export PW_HOST=""
    export PW_TIMEZONE="America/Los_Angeles"
    export PW_CACHE_EXPIRE="5"
    export PW_DEBUG="no"
    export PW_HTTPS="yes"

Proxy t11

  • Removed memory leak debug function.

Proxy t10

  • Bug Fix - ThreadingHTTPServer daemon_threads related memory leak fix. #13
  • Proxy server memory metrics added to /stats response.

Proxy t9

  • Cleaned up /freq macro to better handle vitals response with missing ISLAND or METER metrics.

Proxy t8

  • Backup Switch: Added frequency, current and voltage for Backup Switch device.

Proxy t7

  • Bug Fix: Debug logging continued even when disable.
  • Force exit added for faster termination instead of waiting on connections to drain.

Proxy t6

  • Added /pod to provide battery state information (e.g. ActiveHeating, ChargeComplete, PermanentlyFaulted) with boolean values as integers (1/0).
  • Added /version to provide Powerwall TEG Firmware Version in string and integer value calculated from the semantic version (e.g. 21.1.1 = 210101).

Proxy t5

  • Added /alerts to provide list of alerts across devices.
  • Added /freq to provide Frequency, Current and Voltage data for Home, Grid, Powerwall.

Proxy t4

  • Added /temps (raw) and /temps/pw (aliased) to provide temperature data for Powerwalls.
  • Added /help to provide link to this page.

Proxy t3

  • Bug fix in NoneType for error counter.

Proxy t2

  • Added support for allow list of Powerwall API calls.

Proxy t1

  • Added multi-threading to HTTP handling using python ThreadingHTTPServer library.