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4697 lines (4093 loc) · 211 KB

File metadata and controls

4697 lines (4093 loc) · 211 KB

Linguistic analysis for symptom controllability

Yan Wang 13/12/2021

This script is a new replacement

1 Load all datasets

1.1 Description

SQR is a data set that contains participants ID, time of controllability assessmen [Administration Number], 3 symptoms [S1, S2, S3] and 3 controllability scores [S1Cont, S2Cont, S3Cont]; OEQ contains ID, symptom names and answers for the three questions: 1. “How does the symptom make you feel and what’s the cause?”, 2. “How does the symptom affect you?” 3.“Have you tried anything? Is it helpful?”; Metadata contains ID and sociodemographics, including age, marrige status, employment, education, race, ethnicity.

2 Data preparation

2.1 Calculate the dependent variable = the difference of symptom controllability scores at baseline and 8 weeks (at the end of the intervention)

SQR_8<- SQR %>% filter(`Administration Number`== "8 week f/u")
SQR_BL<- SQR %>% filter(`Administration Number`=="Baseline (week 0)")
names(SQR_8)[3:9]<-c("Time", "S1Cont", "S2Cont", "S3Cont" , "S1", "S2", "S3")
names(SQR_BL)[3:9]<-c("Time", "S1Cont", "S2Cont", "S3Cont" , "S1", "S2", "S3")
[1] 0
[1] 41
SQR_8BL<-inner_join(SQR_8, SQR_BL, by=c("Participant ID", "GOGID", "S1", "S2", "S3"))
 [1] "Participant ID" "GOGID"          "Time.x"         "S1Cont.x"      
 [5] "S2Cont.x"       "S3Cont.x"       "S1"             "S2"            
 [9] "S3"             "Time.y"         "S1Cont.y"       "S2Cont.y"      
[13] "S3Cont.y"      
Df1<-SQR_8BL %>% dplyr::select(1,2, 7:9, 11:13, 4:6)
names(Df1)[1:11]<-c("ID", "GOGID", "S1", "S2", "S3", "BLS1", "BLS2", "BLS3", "8wkS1","8wkS2", "8wkS3" )

2.2 Reshape Df1 because we want one patient has multiple entries for symptoms, baseline contrallability scores, and controllability scores

Df1_1<-Df1 %>% melt(id.vars = c("ID", "GOGID"), measure.vars =c("S1", "S2", "S3"), = "SymptomNo", = "Symptom") 
Df1_2<-Df1 %>% melt(id.vars = c("ID", "GOGID"), measure.vars =c( "8wkS1", "8wkS2", "8wkS3"), = "toy", = "8wkContr")
Df1_3<-Df1 %>% melt(id.vars = c("ID", "GOGID"), measure.vars =c("BLS1", "BLS2", "BLS3"), = "toy", = "BSContr")
[1] "ID"        "GOGID"     "SymptomNo" "Symptom"  
[1] "ID"       "GOGID"    "toy"      "8wkContr"
[1] "ID"      "GOGID"   "toy"     "BSContr"
Df1_4<- inner_join(Df1_1, Df1_2, by= c("ID", "GOGID", "SymptomNo")) %>% inner_join(., Df1_3, by= c("ID", "GOGID", "SymptomNo")) %>% na.omit()

2.3 Merge with OEQ (text data) by Participant ID and Symptom

names(OEQ)[1:2]<-c("ID", "Symptom")
Df8BL<-left_join(Df1_4,OEQ, by=c("ID", "Symptom")) %>% na.omit()
names(Df8BL)[7:9]<-c("FeelingCause", "Effect", "Strategy")

2.4 save the output

write.csv(Df8BL, "~/Desktop/Df8BL for text analysis.csv")

3 Extract linguistics features (predictors) for analysis

I used the software LIWC 2015 ( to extract multiple existing and 10 self-designed word categories; LightSide ( to tag and calculate frequency of the word “control” as verb and noun, respectively. Existing word categories in LIWC include 4 summary language variables (analytical thinking, clout [confidence], authenticity, and emotional tone), 3 general descriptor categories (words per sentence, percent of target words captured by the dictionary, and percent of words in the text that are longer than six letters), 21 standard linguistic dimensions (e.g., percentage of words in the text that are pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs, etc.), 41 word categories tapping psychological constructs (e.g., affect, cognition, biological processes, drives), 6 personal concern categories (e.g., work, home, leisure activities), 5 informal language markers (assents, fillers, swear words, netspeak), and 12 punctuation categories (periods, commas, etc). I saved all the results in the file “Result8BLSDWRITE.xlsx”

4 Load the full dataset for analysis

Df<-read.csv("~/Desktop/DS4Ling-2021/old repository/private/DS4Lingdataset/Results8BLSDWRITE.csv")
Df<- Df %>% dplyr::select(2, 4:7,11,106:112, 12:105)
  [1] "ID"           "SymptomNo"    "Symptom"      "X8wkContr"    "BSContr"     
  [6] "WC"           "symptom"      "effort"       "impact"       "positive.adj"
 [11] "negative.adj" "controlled"   "uncontrolled" "controlNN"    "controlVB"   
 [16] "Analytic"     "Clout"        "Authentic"    "Tone"         "WPS"         
 [21] "Sixltr"       "Dic"          "function."    "pronoun"      "ppron"       
 [26] "i"            "we"           "you"          "shehe"        "they"        
 [31] "ipron"        "article"      "prep"         "auxverb"      "adverb"      
 [36] "conj"         "negate"       "verb"         "adj"          "compare"     
 [41] "interrog"     "number"       "quant"        "affect"       "posemo"      
 [46] "negemo"       "anx"          "anger"        "sad"          "social"      
 [51] "family"       "friend"       "female"       "male"         "cogproc"     
 [56] "insight"      "cause"        "discrep"      "tentat"       "certain"     
 [61] "differ"       "percept"      "see"          "hear"         "feel"        
 [66] "bio"          "body"         "health"       "sexual"       "ingest"      
 [71] "drives"       "affiliation"  "achieve"      "power"        "reward"      
 [76] "risk"         "focuspast"    "focuspresent" "focusfuture"  "relativ"     
 [81] "motion"       "space"        "time"         "work"         "leisure"     
 [86] "home"         "money"        "relig"        "death"        "informal"    
 [91] "swear"        "netspeak"     "assent"       "nonflu"       "filler"      
 [96] "AllPunc"      "Period"       "Comma"        "Colon"        "SemiC"       
[101] "QMark"        "Exclam"       "Dash"         "Quote"        "Apostro"     
[106] "Parenth"      "OtherP"      

Df description: “ID”- participant ID “Employment” - Employed vs unemployed “Marriage” - Currently married, divorced, Living with partner/significant other, never married, separated, widowed “race” - American Indian, bi/Multi-racial Black or African American, White, other, unknown “ethinicity” - latino, not latino, don not know “Age” “Formaleducationyears” - years of formal education “SymptomNo”- Symptom number participant worked on (i.e., S1, S2, S3) “Symptom” - Symptom participant worked on (e.g., pain, nausea)
“X8wkContro” - symptom controllability score changes at 8 week post intervention “BSContr” - baseline controllability score “WC” - the total number of words in participant posts “WPS” - the number of words per post

The rest of the variable are the percentage of that specific word category or punctuation category of the total number words in the posts. For example, “symptom” - the percentage of symptom word category (e.g., drowsy, lose hair) of the total number of words in the post (range:0-100) “positive.adj” - the percentage of positive.adj symptom word category (e.g., steady, mild, good) of the total number of words in the post (0-100)

5 Merge the datasets to obtain the sociodemographic factors

 [1] "ID"                                          
 [2] "USERID"                                      
 [3] "Employment"                                  
 [4] "CASENUM"                                     
 [5] "#modules"                                    
 [6] "WC"                                          
 [7] "MWC"                                         
 [8] "Marriage"                                    
 [9] "race"                                        
[10] "ethinicity (latio)"                          
[11] "Age"                                         
[12] "Formaleducationyears"                        
[13] "AnxietySTA"                                  
[14] "socialsupport"                               
[15] "Optimismscalescore"                          
[16] "Comorbidityindex"                            
[17] "baselineweight"                              
[18] "total_chemo_coursecancerstage"               
[19] "CESDdepression"                              
[20] "QOL_overall"                                 
[21] "treatmentchoiceon_chemotherapy1yes2No3Uknown"
[22] "HCPcomm"                                     
[23] "Selfmagementbarriers"                        
Metadata<- Metadata[, c(1, 3, 8:12)]
Dftoy<-left_join(Df, Metadata, by="ID") %>% select(1 , 108:113, everything())

6 Descriptive stats of the controllability score changes @ baseline and 8 wks

6.1 Baseline controllability distribution - normality assumed

Df<- Dftoy %>% na.omit()
  geom_histogram(binwidth=0.05, color="blue",aes(x= BSContr, y=..density.., fill=..count..))+ 
                args=list(mean=mean(Df$BSContr),sd=sd(Df$BSContr)))+xlab("Baseline controllability score ")
  labs(title="Q-Q Normal Plot",x="Theoretic",y="Observed")+
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
  theme(legend.position="none")+xlab("Baseline controllability score ")
    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  Df$BSContr
W = 0.98677, p-value = 0.007485
Attaching package: 'pastecs'

The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':

    first, last
     nbr.val     nbr.null          min          max        range 
300.00000000   1.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000   4.00000000   4.00000000 
         sum       median         mean      SE.mean CI.mean.0.95          var 
674.20000000   2.20000000   2.24733333   0.04201023   0.08267317   0.52945775     coef.var 
  0.72763847   0.32377861 
quantile(Df$BSContr, 0.75)-quantile(Df$BSContr, 0.25)
  0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8   1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8   2 2.2 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8   3 3.2 3.4 3.6 
  1   1   4   4   3   5   8  14  25  22  40  28  34   2  26  27  24  12   8   6 
3.8   4 
  4   2 

6.2 8 week controllability distribution - normality violated

Df<- Df %>% na.omit()
  geom_histogram(binwidth=0.05, color="blue",aes(x= X8wkContr, y=..density.., fill=..count..))+ 
                args=list(mean=mean(Df$BSContr),sd=sd(Df$X8wkContr)))+xlab("Controllability score at 8 weeks")
  labs(title="Q-Q Normal Plot",x="Theoretic",y="Observed")+
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
  theme(legend.position="none")+xlab("Controllability score at 8 weeks")
    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  Df$X8wkContr
W = 0.97076, p-value = 8.779e-06
     nbr.val     nbr.null          min          max        range 
300.00000000   2.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000   4.00000000   4.00000000 
         sum       median         mean      SE.mean CI.mean.0.95          var 
741.40000000   2.60000000   2.47133333   0.04095208   0.08059082   0.50312196     coef.var 
  0.70931091   0.28701547 
quantile(Df$X8wkContr, 0.75)-quantile(Df$X8wkContr, 0.25)
  0 0.4 0.6 0.8   1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8   2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8   3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8   4 
  2   2   2   1   3   2   9  19  16  40  26  26  28  22  51  28   6   8   2   7 

# Sample descriptive stats - sample size (157 participants) is bigger than the sample size (112 participants and 314 posts) I use in mixed effect model. Participants are predominantly married or Living with partner/significant other(75.16%), white (93%), non-hispanic (96.18%), unemployed (59.24%). The mean of age is 58.18 (SD = 9.72). The average of formal years of education is 14.4 (SD=2.72)

[1] "ID"                   "Employment"           "Marriage"            
[4] "race"                 "ethinicity (latio)"   "Age"                 
[7] "Formaleducationyears"
table(Metadata$Marriage) %>% addmargins()
                    Currently married                              Divorced 
                                  106                                    13 
Living with partner/significant other                         Never married 
                                   12                                     7 
                            Separated                               Widowed 
                                    6                                    13 
table(Metadata$race)%>% addmargins()
          American Indian           Bi/Multi-racial Black or African American 
                        1                         2                         4 
                    Other                   unknown                     White 
                        1                         3                       146 
table(Metadata$`ethinicity (latio)`)%>% addmargins()
Do not know          MV          No         Yes         Sum 
          2           1         151           3         157 
table(Metadata$Employment)%>% addmargins() 
Never employed             No            Yes            Sum 
             1             92             64            157 
#since there is only one individual chose never employed, I will code it as No
Metadata$Employment[Metadata$Employment=="Never employed"]<-"No"
     nbr.val     nbr.null          min          max        range 
 157.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000   25.0000000   81.0000000   56.0000000 
         sum       median         mean      SE.mean CI.mean.0.95          var 
9135.0000000   58.0000000   58.1847134    0.7757145    1.5322591   94.4720725     coef.var 
   9.7196745    0.1670486 
quantile(Metadata$Age, 0.75,na.rm = TRUE)-quantile(Metadata$Age, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
  geom_histogram(binwidth=0.1, color="blue",aes(x=Age, y=..density.., fill=..count..))+ 
  labs(title="Q-Q Normal Plot",x="Theoretic",y="Observed")+
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
Warning: Use of `Metadata$Age` is discouraged. Use `Age` instead.
    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  Metadata$Age
W = 0.98115, p-value = 0.0305
#Formal years of education normality is violated-----
     nbr.val     nbr.null          min          max        range 
 157.0000000    0.0000000    0.0000000   10.0000000   22.0000000   12.0000000 
         sum       median         mean      SE.mean CI.mean.0.95          var 
2261.0000000   14.0000000   14.4012739    0.2172272    0.4290861    7.4084599     coef.var 
   2.7218486    0.1890005 
quantile(Metadata$Formaleducationyears, 0.75,na.rm = TRUE)-quantile(Metadata$Formaleducationyears, 0.25, na.rm = TRUE)
  geom_histogram(binwidth=0.5, color="blue",aes(x=Formaleducationyears, y=..density.., fill=..count..))+ 
  labs(title="Q-Q Normal Plot",x="Theoretic",y="Observed")+
`geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
Warning: Use of `Metadata$Formaleducationyears` is discouraged. Use
`Formaleducationyears` instead.
    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  Metadata$Formaleducationyears
W = 0.87253, p-value = 2.529e-10

7 Preliminary bivariate correlation between the dependent variable and potential predictors - pearson correlation

  [1] "ID"                   "Employment"           "Marriage"            
  [4] "race"                 "ethinicity (latio)"   "Age"                 
  [7] "Formaleducationyears" "SymptomNo"            "Symptom"             
 [10] "X8wkContr"            "BSContr"              "WC"                  
 [13] "symptom"              "effort"               "impact"              
 [16] "positive.adj"         "negative.adj"         "controlled"          
 [19] "uncontrolled"         "controlNN"            "controlVB"           
 [22] "Analytic"             "Clout"                "Authentic"           
 [25] "Tone"                 "WPS"                  "Sixltr"              
 [28] "Dic"                  "function."            "pronoun"             
 [31] "ppron"                "i"                    "we"                  
 [34] "you"                  "shehe"                "they"                
 [37] "ipron"                "article"              "prep"                
 [40] "auxverb"              "adverb"               "conj"                
 [43] "negate"               "verb"                 "adj"                 
 [46] "compare"              "interrog"             "number"              
 [49] "quant"                "affect"               "posemo"              
 [52] "negemo"               "anx"                  "anger"               
 [55] "sad"                  "social"               "family"              
 [58] "friend"               "female"               "male"                
 [61] "cogproc"              "insight"              "cause"               
 [64] "discrep"              "tentat"               "certain"             
 [67] "differ"               "percept"              "see"                 
 [70] "hear"                 "feel"                 "bio"                 
 [73] "body"                 "health"               "sexual"              
 [76] "ingest"               "drives"               "affiliation"         
 [79] "achieve"              "power"                "reward"              
 [82] "risk"                 "focuspast"            "focuspresent"        
 [85] "focusfuture"          "relativ"              "motion"              
 [88] "space"                "time"                 "work"                
 [91] "leisure"              "home"                 "money"               
 [94] "relig"                "death"                "informal"            
 [97] "swear"                "netspeak"             "assent"              
[100] "nonflu"               "filler"               "AllPunc"             
[103] "Period"               "Comma"                "Colon"               
[106] "SemiC"                "QMark"                "Exclam"              
[109] "Dash"                 "Quote"                "Apostro"             
[112] "Parenth"              "OtherP"              
Df<-Dftoy[, -110]
Loading required package: lattice

Loading required package: survival

Loading required package: Formula

Attaching package: 'Hmisc'

The following objects are masked from 'package:dplyr':

    src, summarize

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    format.pval, units
Attaching package: 'corrgram'

The following object is masked from 'package:lattice':

# there is no variation in "Quote"
res <- cor(Df[10:112])
round(res, 2)[,1]
   X8wkContr      BSContr           WC      symptom       effort       impact 
        1.00         0.46         0.16         0.18         0.00         0.04 
positive.adj negative.adj   controlled uncontrolled    controlNN    controlVB 
       -0.04        -0.03         0.16        -0.07         0.16         0.02 
    Analytic        Clout    Authentic         Tone          WPS       Sixltr 
        0.11         0.06        -0.02        -0.05         0.03         0.09 
         Dic    function.      pronoun        ppron            i           we 
       -0.02        -0.05        -0.08        -0.02        -0.02        -0.06 
         you        shehe         they        ipron      article         prep 
        0.02         0.00         0.02        -0.10         0.06         0.10 
     auxverb       adverb         conj       negate         verb          adj 
       -0.03        -0.08         0.04        -0.10        -0.01         0.09 
     compare     interrog       number        quant       affect       posemo 
        0.10         0.00         0.04        -0.02         0.05         0.02 
      negemo          anx        anger          sad       social       family 
        0.04         0.20        -0.08        -0.02         0.03         0.00 
      friend       female         male      cogproc      insight        cause 
       -0.01        -0.04         0.01        -0.06         0.03        -0.04 
     discrep       tentat      certain       differ      percept          see 
        0.08        -0.02        -0.10        -0.06        -0.05        -0.03 
        hear         feel          bio         body       health       sexual 
        0.07        -0.10        -0.01        -0.19         0.03         0.01 
      ingest       drives  affiliation      achieve        power       reward 
        0.13         0.09         0.00        -0.03         0.07         0.09 
        risk    focuspast focuspresent  focusfuture      relativ       motion 
        0.05         0.02        -0.13         0.06         0.03        -0.03 
       space         time         work      leisure         home        money 
        0.04         0.02        -0.02        -0.01        -0.06        -0.13 
       relig        death     informal        swear     netspeak       assent 
        0.08         0.01         0.12         0.02         0.00         0.02 
      nonflu       filler      AllPunc       Period        Comma        Colon 
        0.16         0.03         0.02        -0.01        -0.02        -0.03 
       SemiC        QMark       Exclam         Dash      Apostro      Parenth 
        0.04         0.08        -0.01         0.06         0.02        -0.01 
#significant and marginal significant
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$BSContr)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$BSContr
t = 9.1835, df = 312, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.3694745 0.5441926
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$WC)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$WC
t = 2.9049, df = 312, p-value = 0.003936
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.05253597 0.26814414
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$symptom)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$symptom
t = 3.2346, df = 312, p-value = 0.001349
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.07085505 0.28512584
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$controlled)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$controlled
t = 2.9362, df = 312, p-value = 0.003569
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.05428192 0.26976842
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$controlNN)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$controlNN
t = 2.9087, df = 312, p-value = 0.00389
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.0527485 0.2683419
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$anx)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$anx
t = 3.5492, df = 312, p-value = 0.0004459
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.08823656 0.30111502
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$feel)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$feel
t = -1.7491, df = 312, p-value = 0.08125
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.20697057  0.01227386
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$body)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$body
t = -3.4943, df = 312, p-value = 0.000544
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.29834226 -0.08521303
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$ingest)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$ingest
t = 2.3347, df = 312, p-value = 0.02019
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.02065436 0.23826702
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$focuspresent)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$focuspresent
t = -2.3641, df = 312, p-value = 0.01869
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.23982058 -0.02230132
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$money)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$money
t = -2.3909, df = 312, p-value = 0.0174
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.24123888 -0.02380591
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$informal)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$informal
t = 2.1241, df = 312, p-value = 0.03445
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.008825569 0.227076182
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$nonflu)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$nonflu
t = 2.9473, df = 312, p-value = 0.003447
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.05490122 0.27034427
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$negate)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$negate
t = -1.8085, df = 312, p-value = 0.0715
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.21016689  0.00893254
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$discrep)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$discrep
t = 1.4805, df = 312, p-value = 0.1398
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.02741416  0.19242837
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$certain)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$certain
t = -1.823, df = 312, p-value = 0.06925
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.210950612  0.008112522
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$Analytic)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$Analytic
t = 1.8692, df = 312, p-value = 0.06253
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.005512423  0.213433755
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$Sixltr)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$Sixltr
t = 1.5205, df = 312, p-value = 0.1294
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.02515633  0.19460314
sample estimates:
cor.test(Df$X8wkContr, Df$prep)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$X8wkContr and Df$prep
t = 1.6987, df = 312, p-value = 0.09038
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.01511768  0.20424646
sample estimates:
corrgram(Df %>% select (X8wkContr,BSContr, WC, symptom, controlled, controlNN,anx,feel, body, ingest, focuspresent, money, informal, nonflu, negate, discrep, certain, Analytic, Sixltr, prep), order=FALSE, lower.panel=panel.shade,
  upper.panel=panel.pie, text.panel=panel.txt,
  main="IVs and DV correlation")
## As we can see posemo and tone are highly correlated, symptom and health category are highly correlated as well. 

8 Model buiding - Mixed-effect regression model

Based on theories and bivariate correlation test results , I have some ideas of candidate predictors. Since this analysis is exploratory in nature and we have a lot of potential predictors. I will explore a few approaches of model building

Random effect: use participant ID Covariate:social demographic factors and symptom selected, e.g., marriage status, age, education, employment, race, ethnicity because patients were predominantly non-Hispanic white) Full purpose-oriented predictor selection

8.1 Convenience functions for model comparison

##Get convergence code for a single model
##verbose: TRUE to return full convergence code, FALSE to return logical
##checkSingular: TRUE to count singular fit as nonconvergence, FALSE to ignore singular fit
getConvCode <- function (x, verbose=FALSE, checkSingular=TRUE) {
  ##Get convergence messages
  convMsg <-
    x %>% 
    attr("optinfo") %>% 
    pluck("conv", "lme4")
  ##Get singular-fit status
  if (checkSingular) sgFit <- x %>% isSingular()
  ##If not verbose, get convergence code as logical
  if (!verbose) {
    convCode <- length(convMsg)==0
    if (checkSingular) convCode <- convCode & !sgFit
    ##If verbose, get convergence code as character
  } else {
    convCode <- character(0L)
    if (length(convMsg) > 0) {
      convCode <- convMsg %>% 
        pluck("messages") %>% 
    if (checkSingular) {
      if (sgFit) {
        convCode <- paste(c(convCode, "Singular fit"), collapse="\n")
    ##If nothing has been added to convCode, return the good news.
    if (length(convCode)==0) {
      convCode <- "Converged"
      if (checkSingular) convCode <- paste0(convCode, ", no singular fit")

##Convenience function for checking if something is an error
is.error <- function(x) "error" %in% class(x)

##Get Fox & Monette's (1992) GVIF, which is the square of the "GVIF" reported
##  by car::vif() and thus is comparable to the 'VIF < 10' criterion.
##Whereas car::vif() returns either a vector or a matrix, this function always
##  returns a dataframe
vif <- function(mod, decreasing=TRUE) {
  vifReturn <- tryCatch(car::vif(mod),
                        ##Catch and return "fewer than 2 terms" error"
                        error = function(e) e)
  if (is.error(vifReturn)) {
  ##Turn vector VIF into dataframe
  if (is.numeric(vifReturn) & !is.matrix(vifReturn)) {
    ret <- data.frame(Term = names(vifReturn),
                      GVIF = vifReturn,
                      Df = rep(1, length(vifReturn))) %>% 
      mutate(`GVIF^(1/(2*Df))` = sqrt(vifReturn),
             `GVIF^(1/Df)` = vifReturn)
  ##Turn matrix VIF into dataframe
  if (is.numeric(vifReturn) & is.matrix(vifReturn)) {
    ret <- %>% 
      rownames_to_column("Term") %>% 
      select(Term, everything()) %>% 
      mutate(`GVIF^(1/Df)` = GVIF ^ (1/Df))

##Get maximum VIF from model
getMaxVIF <- function(mod, decreasing=TRUE) {
  ##If just one term, return NA
  if (length(labels(terms(mod))) < 2) 
  vif(mod) %>% 
    ##Get unique max GVIF (in case there are ties)
    arrange(desc(`GVIF^(1/Df)`)) %>% 
    slice(1) %>% 
    pull(`GVIF^(1/Df)`, name=Term)

8.2 Use participant ID as random effect

Attaching package: 'lmerTest'

The following object is masked from 'package:lme4':


The following object is masked from 'package:stats':

# since there is very little variations in race and enthnicity, so I wont include them. 
toy1<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Marriage+Age+
             Formaleducationyears+Employment+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Marriage + Age + Formaleducationyears +  
    Employment + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 523.3

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.8850 -0.4099  0.0026  0.5385  3.8917 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2004   0.4476  
 Residual             0.1904   0.4364  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                                                Estimate Std. Error         df
(Intercept)                                     1.073978   0.640891 100.611746
BSContr                                         0.393284   0.046577 277.078093
MarriageDivorced                                0.211995   0.188425 100.800822
MarriageLiving with partner/significant other   0.305969   0.198777  95.949027
MarriageNever married                          -0.037369   0.225237  94.318976
MarriageSeparated                               0.020527   0.239254  93.686455
MarriageWidowed                                 0.051874   0.211430 120.917110
Age                                            -0.004874   0.005453 100.897446
Formaleducationyears                            0.041446   0.018180 101.149037
EmploymentNo                                    0.252269   0.523890  93.747169
EmploymentYes                                   0.002143   0.524525  93.602658
                                              t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                                     1.676   0.0969 .  
BSContr                                         8.444 1.75e-15 ***
MarriageDivorced                                1.125   0.2632    
MarriageLiving with partner/significant other   1.539   0.1270    
MarriageNever married                          -0.166   0.8686    
MarriageSeparated                               0.086   0.9318    
MarriageWidowed                                 0.245   0.8066    
Age                                            -0.894   0.3736    
Formaleducationyears                            2.280   0.0247 *  
EmploymentNo                                    0.482   0.6313    
EmploymentYes                                   0.004   0.9967    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr MrrgDv MLwp/o MrrgNm MrrgSp MrrgWd Age    Frmldc
BSContr     -0.188                                                        
MarrigDvrcd  0.097 -0.106                                                 
MrrgLwprt/o  0.052  0.003  0.109                                          
MrrgNvrmrrd -0.114  0.050  0.057  0.030                                   
MarrigSprtd -0.039  0.044  0.066  0.086  0.065                            
MarriagWdwd  0.009  0.000  0.096  0.125  0.056  0.073                     
Age         -0.453 -0.011 -0.112 -0.203  0.214  0.023 -0.127              
Frmldctnyrs -0.333 -0.059 -0.070  0.114  0.018  0.057  0.141  0.011       
EmploymentN -0.736  0.072 -0.027 -0.039 -0.034 -0.041 -0.034 -0.069 -0.099
EmploymntYs -0.755  0.063 -0.037 -0.034 -0.046 -0.022 -0.050 -0.016 -0.107
EmploymntYs  0.979
Type III Analysis of Variance Table with Satterthwaite's method
                      Sum Sq Mean Sq NumDF   DenDF F value    Pr(>F)    
BSContr              13.5777 13.5777     1 277.078 71.2960 1.746e-15 ***
Marriage              0.6429  0.1286     5 100.425  0.6752   0.64321    
Age                   0.1521  0.1521     1 100.897  0.7987   0.37361    
Formaleducationyears  0.9898  0.9898     1 101.149  5.1974   0.02472 *  
Employment            1.0662  0.5331     2  97.492  2.7992   0.06576 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
toy2<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Marriage+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+Employment+ symptom +(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Marriage + Age + Formaleducationyears +  
    Employment + symptom + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 523.3

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.8457 -0.4345  0.0071  0.5143  3.4963 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1930   0.4393  
 Residual             0.1884   0.4340  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                                                Estimate Std. Error         df
(Intercept)                                     1.076153   0.631216  99.773958
BSContr                                         0.392466   0.046210 276.888271
MarriageDivorced                                0.187484   0.185836 100.663207
MarriageLiving with partner/significant other   0.279872   0.196011  95.606949
MarriageNever married                          -0.053926   0.221867  93.575523
MarriageSeparated                               0.035430   0.235634  92.929336
MarriageWidowed                                 0.052814   0.208419 120.210697
Age                                            -0.004633   0.005372 100.111659
Formaleducationyears                            0.037972   0.017959 101.491969
EmploymentNo                                    0.204271   0.516167  93.064289
EmploymentYes                                  -0.030878   0.516599  92.806812
symptom                                         0.046279   0.018551 240.538933
                                              t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                                     1.705   0.0913 .  
BSContr                                         8.493 1.25e-15 ***
MarriageDivorced                                1.009   0.3155    
MarriageLiving with partner/significant other   1.428   0.1566    
MarriageNever married                          -0.243   0.8085    
MarriageSeparated                               0.150   0.8808    
MarriageWidowed                                 0.253   0.8004    
Age                                            -0.862   0.3905    
Formaleducationyears                            2.114   0.0369 *  
EmploymentNo                                    0.396   0.6932    
EmploymentYes                                  -0.060   0.9525    
symptom                                         2.495   0.0133 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr MrrgDv MLwp/o MrrgNm MrrgSp MrrgWd Age    Frmldc
BSContr     -0.190                                                        
MarrigDvrcd  0.097 -0.106                                                 
MrrgLwprt/o  0.052  0.004  0.111                                          
MrrgNvrmrrd -0.114  0.051  0.059  0.032                                   
MarrigSprtd -0.039  0.044  0.065  0.085  0.064                            
MarriagWdwd  0.010  0.000  0.096  0.125  0.056  0.073                     
Age         -0.452 -0.011 -0.113 -0.204  0.214  0.024 -0.127              
Frmldctnyrs -0.332 -0.058 -0.065  0.117  0.021  0.055  0.140  0.010       
EmploymentN -0.736  0.073 -0.025 -0.037 -0.033 -0.042 -0.034 -0.069 -0.096
EmploymntYs -0.754  0.064 -0.036 -0.032 -0.045 -0.023 -0.050 -0.016 -0.105
symptom      0.002 -0.012 -0.052 -0.053 -0.030  0.025  0.002  0.018 -0.077
            EmplyN EmplyY
EmploymntYs  0.979       
symptom     -0.038 -0.026
# we will keep age, formal years of education as covariates. Age is never a significant predictor, but it is an important patient characteristic. 
toy3<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom +(1|ID), Df)
toy3.1<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+Employment+ WC+ symptom +(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 532.4

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.8652 -0.4340 -0.0488  0.5633  3.4644 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1857   0.4309  
 Residual             0.1878   0.4334  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)          8.744e-01  3.935e-01 1.132e+02   2.222  0.02828 *  
BSContr              3.839e-01  4.554e-02 2.835e+02   8.430 1.77e-15 ***
Age                  8.524e-04  4.777e-03 1.043e+02   0.178  0.85873    
Formaleducationyears 3.165e-02  1.730e-02 1.090e+02   1.829  0.07011 .  
WC                   4.160e-04  1.733e-04 2.935e+02   2.400  0.01701 *  
symptom              5.803e-02  1.862e-02 2.474e+02   3.116  0.00205 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC    
BSContr     -0.196                            
Age         -0.726 -0.017                     
Frmldctnyrs -0.644 -0.064  0.049              
WC          -0.057 -0.074 -0.019 -0.074       
symptom     -0.031 -0.023 -0.011 -0.092  0.159
anova(toy3, toy3.1)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy3: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + (1 | ID)
toy3.1: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + Employment + WC + symptom + (1 | ID)
       npar    AIC    BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy3      8 502.99 532.62 -243.5   486.99                       
toy3.1   10 502.01 539.04 -241.0   482.01 4.9893  2    0.08253 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 532.4

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.8652 -0.4340 -0.0488  0.5633  3.4644 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1857   0.4309  
 Residual             0.1878   0.4334  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)          8.744e-01  3.935e-01 1.132e+02   2.222  0.02828 *  
BSContr              3.839e-01  4.554e-02 2.835e+02   8.430 1.77e-15 ***
Age                  8.524e-04  4.777e-03 1.043e+02   0.178  0.85873    
Formaleducationyears 3.165e-02  1.730e-02 1.090e+02   1.829  0.07011 .  
WC                   4.160e-04  1.733e-04 2.935e+02   2.400  0.01701 *  
symptom              5.803e-02  1.862e-02 2.474e+02   3.116  0.00205 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC    
BSContr     -0.196                            
Age         -0.726 -0.017                     
Frmldctnyrs -0.644 -0.064  0.049              
WC          -0.057 -0.074 -0.019 -0.074       
symptom     -0.031 -0.023 -0.011 -0.092  0.159
anova(toy2, toy3)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy3: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + (1 | ID)
toy2: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Marriage + Age + Formaleducationyears + Employment + symptom + (1 | ID)
     npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy3    8 502.99 532.62 -243.50   486.99                     
toy2   14 512.27 564.12 -242.13   484.27 2.7296  6     0.8419
#toy 4 is significant better than toy3.1 no collinearity issue
toy4<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx +(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 532.3

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.8023 -0.4545 -0.0160  0.5311  3.2970 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1818   0.4264  
 Residual             0.1856   0.4308  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)          8.575e-01  3.900e-01 1.134e+02   2.199  0.02994 *  
BSContr              3.693e-01  4.569e-02 2.820e+02   8.084 1.86e-14 ***
Age                  9.637e-04  4.733e-03 1.044e+02   0.204  0.83906    
Formaleducationyears 3.116e-02  1.715e-02 1.091e+02   1.817  0.07191 .  
WC                   4.428e-04  1.725e-04 2.927e+02   2.567  0.01075 *  
symptom              5.877e-02  1.850e-02 2.471e+02   3.176  0.00168 ** 
anx                  7.205e-02  3.141e-02 2.255e+02   2.294  0.02270 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm
BSContr     -0.192                                   
Age         -0.726 -0.019                            
Frmldctnyrs -0.643 -0.062  0.049                     
WC          -0.058 -0.083 -0.018 -0.075              
symptom     -0.031 -0.025 -0.011 -0.092  0.159       
anx         -0.019 -0.141  0.010 -0.012  0.067  0.015
anova(toy3.1, toy4)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy4: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + (1 | ID)
toy3.1: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + Employment + WC + symptom + (1 | ID)
       npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy4      9 499.65 532.98 -240.82   481.65                    
toy3.1   10 502.01 539.04 -241.00   482.01     0  1          1
Loading required package: carData

Attaching package: 'car'

The following object is masked _by_ '.GlobalEnv':


The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':


                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.031570  1        1.015662
Age                                   Age 1.002975  1        1.001486
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.019631  1        1.009768
WC                                     WC 1.040503  1        1.020051
symptom                           symptom 1.033237  1        1.016483
anx                                   anx 1.023870  1        1.011865
BSContr                 1.031570
Age                     1.002975
Formaleducationyears    1.019631
WC                      1.040503
symptom                 1.033237
anx                     1.023870
#toy 5 is significant better than toy4
toy5<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 533.9

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.94612 -0.44090 -0.00612  0.55773  3.08014 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1804   0.4247  
 Residual             0.1828   0.4276  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           9.798e-01  3.919e-01  1.168e+02   2.500 0.013809 *  
BSContr               3.675e-01  4.538e-02  2.804e+02   8.097 1.73e-14 ***
Age                   5.016e-04  4.714e-03  1.043e+02   0.106 0.915464    
Formaleducationyears  2.942e-02  1.708e-02  1.091e+02   1.723 0.087790 .  
WC                    4.218e-04  1.716e-04  2.915e+02   2.458 0.014547 *  
symptom               6.662e-02  1.872e-02  2.421e+02   3.560 0.000447 ***
anx                   6.784e-02  3.124e-02  2.251e+02   2.172 0.030905 *  
feel                 -3.512e-02  1.584e-02  2.433e+02  -2.217 0.027572 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx   
BSContr     -0.192                                          
Age         -0.724 -0.018                                   
Frmldctnyrs -0.643 -0.061  0.050                            
WC          -0.065 -0.082 -0.016 -0.072                     
symptom     -0.004 -0.028 -0.019 -0.099  0.146              
anx         -0.027 -0.140  0.013 -0.009  0.070  0.004       
feel        -0.141  0.017  0.044  0.047  0.055 -0.191  0.060
anova(toy5, toy4)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy4: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + (1 | ID)
toy5: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + (1 | ID)
     npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy4    9 499.65 532.98 -240.82   481.65                       
toy5   10 496.66 533.69 -238.33   476.66 4.9946  1    0.02543 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.031832  1        1.015791
Age                                   Age 1.004937  1        1.002465
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.021783  1        1.010833
WC                                     WC 1.043609  1        1.021572
symptom                           symptom 1.072277  1        1.035508
anx                                   anx 1.027573  1        1.013693
feel                                 feel 1.052467  1        1.025898
BSContr                 1.031832
Age                     1.004937
Formaleducationyears    1.021783
WC                      1.043609
symptom                 1.072277
anx                     1.027573
feel                    1.052467
#toy 6 is significant better than toy5, no collinearity issue
toy6<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 536.8

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.82512 -0.43991 -0.00717  0.56171  2.97512 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1853   0.4305  
 Residual             0.1780   0.4219  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.404e+00  4.399e-01  1.584e+02   3.191  0.00171 ** 
BSContr               3.624e-01  4.506e-02  2.781e+02   8.043 2.54e-14 ***
Age                  -3.957e-04  4.762e-03  1.052e+02  -0.083  0.93393    
Formaleducationyears  2.723e-02  1.721e-02  1.091e+02   1.582  0.11659    
WC                    3.648e-04  1.723e-04  2.888e+02   2.117  0.03515 *  
symptom               6.083e-02  1.868e-02  2.373e+02   3.256  0.00130 ** 
anx                   6.661e-02  3.089e-02  2.222e+02   2.156  0.03213 *  
feel                 -3.490e-02  1.568e-02  2.399e+02  -2.226  0.02696 *  
focuspresent         -2.042e-02  9.455e-03  2.581e+02  -2.159  0.03174 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel  
BSContr     -0.188                                                 
Age         -0.686 -0.014                                          
Frmldctnyrs -0.604 -0.057  0.056                                   
WC          -0.123 -0.074 -0.002 -0.061                            
symptom     -0.061 -0.023 -0.007 -0.088  0.163                     
anx         -0.029 -0.139  0.014 -0.008  0.072  0.007              
feel        -0.122  0.016  0.043  0.046  0.053 -0.189  0.061       
focuspresnt -0.445  0.042  0.087  0.064  0.148  0.131  0.012 -0.004
anova(toy6, toy5)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy5: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + (1 | ID)
toy6: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + (1 | ID)
     npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy5   10 496.66 533.69 -238.33   476.66                       
toy6   11 493.98 534.72 -235.99   471.98 4.6731  1    0.03064 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.033272  1        1.016500
Age                                   Age 1.012557  1        1.006259
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.025384  1        1.012613
WC                                     WC 1.066923  1        1.032920
symptom                           symptom 1.090605  1        1.044320
anx                                   anx 1.027801  1        1.013805
feel                                 feel 1.052013  1        1.025677
focuspresent                 focuspresent 1.053668  1        1.026483
BSContr                 1.033272
Age                     1.012557
Formaleducationyears    1.025384
WC                      1.066923
symptom                 1.090605
anx                     1.027801
feel                    1.052013
focuspresent            1.053668
#toy 7 is significant better than toy6, no collinearity issue
toy7<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + money + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 535.8

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.69844 -0.43143 -0.02449  0.54561  2.95450 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1801   0.4244  
 Residual             0.1775   0.4213  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.364e+00  4.364e-01  1.575e+02   3.126  0.00211 ** 
BSContr               3.654e-01  4.489e-02  2.781e+02   8.138 1.35e-14 ***
Age                  -2.110e-04  4.712e-03  1.044e+02  -0.045  0.96436    
Formaleducationyears  2.947e-02  1.707e-02  1.091e+02   1.726  0.08718 .  
WC                    4.140e-04  1.733e-04  2.889e+02   2.389  0.01754 *  
symptom               5.711e-02  1.874e-02  2.351e+02   3.047  0.00257 ** 
anx                   6.184e-02  3.092e-02  2.214e+02   2.000  0.04670 *  
feel                 -3.588e-02  1.564e-02  2.394e+02  -2.294  0.02268 *  
focuspresent         -1.906e-02  9.446e-03  2.594e+02  -2.018  0.04465 *  
money                -1.879e-01  9.548e-02  2.520e+02  -1.968  0.05014 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel   fcsprs
BSContr     -0.190                                                        
Age         -0.685 -0.014                                                 
Frmldctnyrs -0.604 -0.055  0.057                                          
WC          -0.129 -0.070  0.001 -0.051                                   
symptom     -0.057 -0.026 -0.009 -0.095  0.145                            
anx         -0.025 -0.141  0.012 -0.014  0.059  0.015                     
feel        -0.121  0.015  0.043  0.044  0.048 -0.185  0.063              
focuspresnt -0.449  0.043  0.089  0.069  0.156  0.123  0.006 -0.007       
money        0.043 -0.027 -0.020 -0.069 -0.142  0.108  0.082  0.031 -0.069
anova(toy7, toy6)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy6: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + (1 | ID)
toy7: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + (1 | ID)
     npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy6   11 493.98 534.72 -235.99   471.98                       
toy7   12 492.00 536.44 -234.00   468.00 3.9841  1    0.04593 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.034145  1        1.016929
Age                                   Age 1.013113  1        1.006535
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.030624  1        1.015196
WC                                     WC 1.089011  1        1.043557
symptom                           symptom 1.103666  1        1.050555
anx                                   anx 1.034728  1        1.017216
feel                                 feel 1.053232  1        1.026271
focuspresent                 focuspresent 1.059155  1        1.029153
money                               money 1.059961  1        1.029544
BSContr                 1.034145
Age                     1.013113
Formaleducationyears    1.030624
WC                      1.089011
symptom                 1.103666
anx                     1.034728
feel                    1.053232
focuspresent            1.059155
money                   1.059961
#toy 8 is marginally significant better than toy7 but with lower AIC, no collinearity issue
toy8<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+
             informal+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 536.1

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.71199 -0.48661 -0.00619  0.52685  2.93946 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1747   0.4179  
 Residual             0.1774   0.4212  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.343e+00  4.326e-01  1.569e+02   3.104  0.00226 ** 
BSContr               3.640e-01  4.476e-02  2.780e+02   8.131 1.42e-14 ***
Age                  -4.639e-04  4.662e-03  1.036e+02  -0.100  0.92093    
Formaleducationyears  2.928e-02  1.689e-02  1.081e+02   1.734  0.08579 .  
WC                    4.195e-04  1.726e-04  2.882e+02   2.430  0.01572 *  
symptom               6.094e-02  1.880e-02  2.378e+02   3.241  0.00136 ** 
anx                   5.542e-02  3.108e-02  2.196e+02   1.783  0.07596 .  
feel                 -3.766e-02  1.564e-02  2.388e+02  -2.408  0.01681 *  
focuspresent         -1.861e-02  9.424e-03  2.594e+02  -1.975  0.04934 *  
money                -1.812e-01  9.535e-02  2.516e+02  -1.901  0.05847 .  
informal              1.138e-01  6.091e-02  2.280e+02   1.868  0.06302 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel   fcsprs
BSContr     -0.190                                                        
Age         -0.683 -0.013                                                 
Frmldctnyrs -0.603 -0.056  0.057                                          
WC          -0.130 -0.070  0.000 -0.051                                   
symptom     -0.059 -0.027 -0.012 -0.096  0.145                            
anx         -0.023 -0.137  0.015 -0.013  0.056  0.002                     
feel        -0.120  0.018  0.045  0.044  0.047 -0.190  0.069              
focuspresnt -0.452  0.042  0.089  0.069  0.157  0.124  0.003 -0.008       
money        0.042 -0.027 -0.021 -0.070 -0.140  0.112  0.077  0.028 -0.067
informal    -0.023 -0.024 -0.029 -0.003  0.014  0.102 -0.115 -0.059  0.020
informal     0.043
anova(toy8, toy7)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy7: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + (1 | ID)
toy8: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
     npar   AIC    BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy7   12 492.0 536.44 -234.0    468.0                       
toy8   13 490.4 538.55 -232.2    464.4 3.5995  1     0.0578 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.034838  1        1.017270
Age                                   Age 1.014196  1        1.007073
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.031115  1        1.015438
WC                                     WC 1.089312  1        1.043701
symptom                           symptom 1.115568  1        1.056205
anx                                   anx 1.048493  1        1.023959
feel                                 feel 1.057234  1        1.028219
focuspresent                 focuspresent 1.060075  1        1.029600
money                               money 1.061772  1        1.030423
informal                         informal 1.029564  1        1.014674
BSContr                 1.034838
Age                     1.014196
Formaleducationyears    1.031115
WC                      1.089312
symptom                 1.115568
anx                     1.048493
feel                    1.057234
focuspresent            1.060075
money                   1.061772
informal                1.029564
# nonflu (non-fluency) and informal (informality) are signficantlt positive correlated; toy 8.1 is worse than toy 8
cor.test(Df$nonflu, Df$informal)
    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  Df$nonflu and Df$informal
t = 15.226, df = 312, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.5844543 0.7121240
sample estimates:
toy8.1<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+
             nonflu+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + money + nonflu + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 537.3

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.69995 -0.44092 -0.02639  0.56696  2.95963 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1764   0.4199  
 Residual             0.1785   0.4225  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.403e+00  4.357e-01  1.587e+02   3.221  0.00155 ** 
BSContr               3.584e-01  4.535e-02  2.783e+02   7.904 6.35e-14 ***
Age                  -5.369e-04  4.688e-03  1.040e+02  -0.115  0.90905    
Formaleducationyears  2.853e-02  1.698e-02  1.084e+02   1.680  0.09579 .  
WC                    4.233e-04  1.734e-04  2.883e+02   2.441  0.01524 *  
symptom               5.370e-02  1.902e-02  2.337e+02   2.823  0.00517 ** 
anx                   6.219e-02  3.098e-02  2.205e+02   2.008  0.04590 *  
feel                 -3.657e-02  1.567e-02  2.391e+02  -2.333  0.02047 *  
focuspresent         -1.922e-02  9.456e-03  2.586e+02  -2.032  0.04313 *  
money                -1.903e-01  9.560e-02  2.515e+02  -1.991  0.04756 *  
nonflu                1.081e-01  9.176e-02  2.380e+02   1.178  0.23987    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel   fcsprs
BSContr     -0.199                                                        
Age         -0.686 -0.005                                                 
Frmldctnyrs -0.604 -0.049  0.060                                          
WC          -0.126 -0.075 -0.002 -0.053                                   
symptom     -0.069 -0.002  0.001 -0.088  0.136                            
anx         -0.025 -0.140  0.012 -0.014  0.058  0.013                     
feel        -0.124  0.021  0.045  0.045  0.047 -0.177  0.062              
focuspresnt -0.451  0.045  0.091  0.070  0.156  0.125  0.006 -0.006       
money        0.042 -0.024 -0.019 -0.069 -0.141  0.109  0.082  0.031 -0.068
nonflu       0.080 -0.140 -0.060 -0.043  0.041 -0.162  0.004 -0.035 -0.021
nonflu      -0.014
anova(toy8, toy8.1)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy8: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
toy8.1: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + nonflu + (1 | ID)
       npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy8     13 490.40 538.55 -232.20   464.40                    
toy8.1   13 492.56 540.71 -233.28   466.56     0  0           
#toy9 is not significantly better than toy 8, but has a bit lower AIC
toy9<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+
             informal+  body+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + (1 |      ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 540.5

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.76220 -0.46443 -0.01638  0.50509  2.98145 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1685   0.4105  
 Residual             0.1788   0.4228  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.429e+00  4.333e-01  1.606e+02   3.298  0.00120 ** 
BSContr               3.519e-01  4.562e-02  2.782e+02   7.712 2.21e-13 ***
Age                  -4.167e-04  4.608e-03  1.019e+02  -0.090  0.92812    
Formaleducationyears  3.024e-02  1.672e-02  1.068e+02   1.809  0.07322 .  
WC                    3.876e-04  1.739e-04  2.875e+02   2.229  0.02656 *  
symptom               6.204e-02  1.884e-02  2.381e+02   3.293  0.00114 ** 
anx                   5.745e-02  3.117e-02  2.192e+02   1.843  0.06667 .  
feel                 -2.977e-02  1.659e-02  2.390e+02  -1.795  0.07394 .  
focuspresent         -2.133e-02  9.628e-03  2.569e+02  -2.216  0.02758 *  
money                -1.850e-01  9.545e-02  2.512e+02  -1.938  0.05372 .  
informal              1.203e-01  6.114e-02  2.293e+02   1.968  0.05024 .  
body                 -2.162e-02  1.483e-02  2.290e+02  -1.458  0.14619    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Age    Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel   fcsprs
BSContr     -0.213                                                        
Age         -0.674 -0.014                                                 
Frmldctnyrs -0.588 -0.064  0.058                                          
WC          -0.147 -0.044  0.000 -0.057                                   
symptom     -0.056 -0.031 -0.012 -0.096  0.140                            
anx         -0.017 -0.142  0.016 -0.012  0.050  0.002                     
feel        -0.067 -0.047  0.045  0.057  0.001 -0.171  0.077              
focuspresnt -0.471  0.078  0.087  0.060  0.180  0.117 -0.005 -0.074       
money        0.039 -0.022 -0.021 -0.071 -0.136  0.112  0.076  0.021 -0.061
informal    -0.014 -0.035 -0.029 -0.001  0.005  0.102 -0.112 -0.036  0.007
body        -0.141  0.196 -0.007 -0.044  0.131 -0.027 -0.039 -0.329  0.202
            money  infrml
informal     0.042       
body         0.018 -0.062
anova(toy8, toy9)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy8: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
toy9: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + (1 | ID)
     npar    AIC    BIC logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy8   13 490.40 538.55 -232.2   464.40                     
toy9   14 490.21 542.06 -231.1   462.21 2.1897  1     0.1389
#toy10 is not significantly better than toy 9. 
toy10<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Age+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+
             informal+ body+ingest+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom +  
    anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + ingest +  
    (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 546.9

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.7410 -0.4665 -0.0188  0.5016  2.9849 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1694   0.4115  
 Residual             0.1790   0.4231  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.412e+00  4.348e-01  1.599e+02   3.247  0.00142 ** 
BSContr               3.612e-01  4.802e-02  2.795e+02   7.522  7.4e-13 ***
Age                  -2.634e-04  4.623e-03  1.020e+02  -0.057  0.95469    
Formaleducationyears  3.094e-02  1.678e-02  1.070e+02   1.844  0.06798 .  
WC                    3.858e-04  1.741e-04  2.863e+02   2.216  0.02748 *  
symptom               6.146e-02  1.887e-02  2.364e+02   3.257  0.00129 ** 
anx                   5.603e-02  3.127e-02  2.172e+02   1.792  0.07455 .  
feel                 -2.904e-02  1.664e-02  2.383e+02  -1.745  0.08227 .  
focuspresent         -2.151e-02  9.639e-03  2.555e+02  -2.231  0.02655 *  
money                -1.861e-01  9.555e-02  2.501e+02  -1.947  0.05261 .  
informal              1.194e-01  6.120e-02  2.280e+02   1.952  0.05220 .  
body                 -2.321e-02  1.506e-02  2.293e+02  -1.541  0.12459    
ingest               -8.456e-03  1.336e-02  2.681e+02  -0.633  0.52726    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 13 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it
anova(toy10, toy9)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy9: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + (1 | ID)
toy10: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + ingest + (1 | ID)
      npar    AIC    BIC logLik deviance Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy9    14 490.21 542.06 -231.1   462.21                    
toy10   15 491.79 547.35 -230.9   461.79 0.417  1     0.5184
#toy11: although age is an important covariate, but it does not explain much variation; after dropping age, AIC is much lower 
toy11<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+ Formaleducationyears+ WC+ symptom+anx+feel+ focuspresent+money+
             informal+(1|ID), Df)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx +  
    feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
   Data: Df

REML criterion at convergence: 527.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.72123 -0.48823 -0.00718  0.52831  2.92969 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.1723   0.4151  
 Residual             0.1774   0.4212  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.313e+00  3.149e-01  1.926e+02   4.169 4.62e-05 ***
BSContr               3.642e-01  4.470e-02  2.789e+02   8.147 1.26e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears  2.934e-02  1.678e-02  1.088e+02   1.748  0.08322 .  
WC                    4.199e-04  1.724e-04  2.892e+02   2.436  0.01545 *  
symptom               6.103e-02  1.879e-02  2.384e+02   3.248  0.00133 ** 
anx                   5.555e-02  3.106e-02  2.201e+02   1.788  0.07511 .  
feel                 -3.761e-02  1.561e-02  2.398e+02  -2.409  0.01675 *  
focuspresent         -1.849e-02  9.377e-03  2.627e+02  -1.972  0.04968 *  
money                -1.819e-01  9.525e-02  2.524e+02  -1.909  0.05737 .  
informal              1.139e-01  6.085e-02  2.288e+02   1.872  0.06244 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc WC     symptm anx    feel   fcsprs money 
BSContr     -0.273                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.772 -0.055                                                 
WC          -0.178 -0.071 -0.051                                          
symptom     -0.093 -0.027 -0.096  0.145                                   
anx         -0.016 -0.137 -0.014  0.056  0.002                            
feel        -0.124  0.018  0.042  0.048 -0.190  0.068                     
focuspresnt -0.539  0.043  0.065  0.158  0.126  0.002 -0.012              
money        0.038 -0.027 -0.069 -0.140  0.112  0.077  0.029 -0.065       
informal    -0.059 -0.024 -0.002  0.014  0.101 -0.114 -0.058  0.023  0.042
anova(toy9, toy11)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy11: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
toy9: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + body + (1 | ID)
      npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy11   12 488.41 532.85 -232.21   464.41                     
toy9    14 490.21 542.06 -231.10   462.21 2.1999  2     0.3329
anova(toy8, toy11)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: Df
toy11: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
toy8: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Age + Formaleducationyears + WC + symptom + anx + feel + focuspresent + money + informal + (1 | ID)
      npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy11   12 488.41 532.85 -232.21   464.41                     
toy8    13 490.40 538.55 -232.20   464.40 0.0103  1     0.9192

8.3 Diagnostic plots

This residual plot does not indicate any deviations from a linear form. It also shows relatively constant variance across the fitted range. The slight reduction in apparent variance on the right and left of the graph are likely a result of there being fewer observation in these predicted areas.

DfNA<-Df %>% na.omit()
# Linearity of the predictors are assumed
      aes(x=x1,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Years of formal education")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Total word count")
      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Baseline controllability score")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category Symptom")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category anxiety")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category feel")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category focus present")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category money")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Word category informal")
# Homogenity is assumed
# normality of residuals is assumed

         (Intercept)              BSContr Formaleducationyears 
        1.3125376339         0.3641982228         0.0293420633 
                  WC              symptom                  anx 
        0.0004199339         0.0610343156         0.0555478219 
                feel         focuspresent                money 
       -0.0376148315        -0.0184900944        -0.1818553261 
Computing profile confidence intervals ...

                             2.5 %        97.5 %
.sig01                3.330604e-01  0.4943690796
.sigma                3.747489e-01  0.4605494913
(Intercept)           7.038722e-01  1.9257762630
BSContr               2.772824e-01  0.4513289024
Formaleducationyears -3.181742e-03  0.0621534581
WC                    8.633059e-05  0.0007534760
symptom               2.459139e-02  0.0977411199
anx                  -4.504202e-03  0.1158319369
feel                 -6.785587e-02 -0.0074302576
focuspresent         -3.664360e-02 -0.0002840905
money                -3.669866e-01  0.0025398478
informal             -3.914554e-03  0.2326161226

8.3.1 use PCA analysis on the linguistic features

  [1] "ID"                   "Employment"           "Marriage"            
  [4] "race"                 "ethinicity (latio)"   "Age"                 
  [7] "Formaleducationyears" "SymptomNo"            "Symptom"             
 [10] "X8wkContr"            "BSContr"              "WC"                  
 [13] "symptom"              "effort"               "impact"              
 [16] "positive.adj"         "negative.adj"         "controlled"          
 [19] "uncontrolled"         "controlNN"            "controlVB"           
 [22] "Analytic"             "Clout"                "Authentic"           
 [25] "Tone"                 "WPS"                  "Sixltr"              
 [28] "Dic"                  "function."            "pronoun"             
 [31] "ppron"                "i"                    "we"                  
 [34] "you"                  "shehe"                "they"                
 [37] "ipron"                "article"              "prep"                
 [40] "auxverb"              "adverb"               "conj"                
 [43] "negate"               "verb"                 "adj"                 
 [46] "compare"              "interrog"             "number"              
 [49] "quant"                "affect"               "posemo"              
 [52] "negemo"               "anx"                  "anger"               
 [55] "sad"                  "social"               "family"              
 [58] "friend"               "female"               "male"                
 [61] "cogproc"              "insight"              "cause"               
 [64] "discrep"              "tentat"               "certain"             
 [67] "differ"               "percept"              "see"                 
 [70] "hear"                 "feel"                 "bio"                 
 [73] "body"                 "health"               "sexual"              
 [76] "ingest"               "drives"               "affiliation"         
 [79] "achieve"              "power"                "reward"              
 [82] "risk"                 "focuspast"            "focuspresent"        
 [85] "focusfuture"          "relativ"              "motion"              
 [88] "space"                "time"                 "work"                
 [91] "leisure"              "home"                 "money"               
 [94] "relig"                "death"                "informal"            
 [97] "swear"                "netspeak"             "assent"              
[100] "nonflu"               "filler"               "AllPunc"             
[103] "Period"               "Comma"                "Colon"               
[106] "SemiC"                "QMark"                "Exclam"              
[109] "Dash"                 "Apostro"              "Parenth"             
[112] "OtherP"              
toyDf<-Df %>% select (13:112)
  symptom effort impact positive.adj negative.adj controlled uncontrolled
1    3.27   0.00   0.00            0         1.31          0         0.00
2    0.66   3.29   0.66            0         1.32          0         0.00
3    1.42   0.71   0.71            0         0.71          0         0.35
4    1.90   0.00   0.63            0         0.00          0         0.00
5    1.30   0.78   0.13            0         0.00          0         0.00
6    1.51   0.50   0.17            0         1.01          0         0.00
  controlNN controlVB Analytic Clout Authentic  Tone   WPS Sixltr   Dic
1         0 0.0000000    14.20  3.39     90.19  2.56 17.00   7.84 98.04
2         0 0.0000000    24.83  5.62     55.66 50.49  7.55  13.91 86.09
3         0 0.0000000    79.95 18.85     83.55  2.97 15.72  24.38 85.87
4         0 0.0000000    60.88 14.09     97.60  2.80 14.36  25.95 87.34
5         0 0.0000000    75.90 27.39     95.38 34.87 15.30  18.17 89.02
6         0 0.3305785    79.49 19.51     96.08 23.19 13.75  18.68 87.93
  function. pronoun ppron     i   we you shehe they ipron article  prep auxverb
1     63.40   21.57 11.76 11.76 0.00   0     0 0.00  9.80    6.54 11.11   15.03
2     51.66   17.88  7.28  7.28 0.00   0     0 0.00 10.60    4.64  7.95    8.61
3     48.06   11.31  9.54  8.48 0.00   0     0 1.06  1.77    5.65 14.84    8.48
4     51.90   14.56  6.33  6.33 0.00   0     0 0.00  8.23    5.70 13.92   10.76
5     52.16   11.11  8.50  7.84 0.13   0     0 0.52  2.61    6.41 15.82    8.10
6     51.74   13.06 10.25  9.75 0.00   0     0 0.50  2.81    6.94 15.70    6.45
  adverb conj negate  verb  adj compare interrog number quant affect posemo
1   5.88 7.19   3.92 24.84 5.88    5.23     1.31   0.00  5.88   2.61   0.00
2   6.62 5.96   3.97 18.54 6.62    3.97     1.32   1.99  0.66   3.97   2.65
3   2.83 6.71   0.35 17.31 5.65    2.47     0.71   2.83  1.77   4.59   1.06
4   3.80 5.70   1.90 21.52 7.59    3.80     0.00   1.90  0.00   3.80   0.63
5   5.10 8.50   0.52 15.42 4.31    2.61     0.78   4.31  1.44   3.66   2.09
6   3.31 8.93   0.33 14.71 9.09    3.80     1.16   2.64  2.48   5.45   2.48
  negemo  anx anger  sad social family friend female male cogproc insight cause
1   2.61 1.31  0.00 1.31   1.31   0.00   0.00   0.00 0.00   19.61    3.92  2.61
2   1.32 0.00  0.00 0.00   1.99   0.00   0.00   0.00 0.00   17.88    0.66  4.64
3   3.53 0.00  0.00 0.71   2.12   0.00   0.00   0.00 0.00    8.83    1.77  1.77
4   3.16 0.63  0.00 0.63   1.27   0.63   0.00   0.00 0.00   10.76    3.16  1.90
5   1.57 0.26  0.00 0.78   5.23   2.09   0.52   0.39 0.65    9.28    1.44  1.18
6   2.64 0.83  0.17 0.00   3.64   0.17   0.00   0.00 0.17    9.09    2.15  1.65
  discrep tentat certain differ percept  see hear feel  bio body health sexual
1    3.27   7.19    1.31   3.92    4.58 0.00 0.00 4.58 4.58 0.65   1.96   0.65
2    2.65   3.31    2.65   6.62    5.96 1.32 0.00 3.97 7.95 4.64   4.64   0.00
3    1.77   4.24    0.35   2.12    2.47 0.71 0.00 2.12 9.19 3.53   5.30   0.00
4    0.00   1.90    0.63   3.80    1.27 0.00 0.00 1.27 6.96 1.27   2.53   0.63
5    1.05   3.92    0.78   3.01    2.09 0.65 0.26 1.44 6.01 1.31   2.88   0.00
6    1.16   3.80    0.50   2.15    5.12 0.33 0.17 3.80 6.12 2.98   2.48   0.17
  ingest drives affiliation achieve power reward risk focuspast focuspresent
1   2.61   3.92        0.65    2.61  0.65   1.31 0.65      2.61        24.18
2   0.66   7.28        1.32    2.65  1.99   1.32 1.32      2.65        15.89
3   0.71   8.48        0.71    2.47  2.47   1.77 1.41      3.53        12.01
4   3.16  10.13        0.00    1.27  5.06   1.90 1.90      5.06        13.29
5   1.96   7.58        2.35    1.70  1.44   1.44 0.78      2.09        11.63
6   0.99   5.29        0.66    1.32  1.49   1.32 1.32      4.46         8.76
  focusfuture relativ motion space  time work leisure home money relig death
1        0.00   12.42   1.96  4.58  5.88 0.65    0.65 0.00  0.65     0     0
2        0.66    9.93   0.66  4.64  4.64 1.99    1.99 0.00  0.00     0     0
3        0.35   16.25   5.30  4.59  6.71 3.18    0.35 0.71  0.00     0     0
4        0.00   19.62   1.27 10.13  8.23 0.63    0.00 1.27  0.00     0     0
5        1.70   19.87   2.09  6.01 12.29 1.83    2.09 2.09  0.13     0     0
6        1.49   18.68   1.98  7.11  9.42 0.66    1.32 1.32  0.00     0     0
  informal swear netspeak assent nonflu filler AllPunc Period Comma Colon SemiC
1     0.00     0     0.00   0.00   0.00      0   16.34   5.88  5.23  0.00     0
2     0.66     0     0.66   0.00   0.00      0   23.84  15.23  3.31  0.00     0
3     0.35     0     0.35   0.00   0.00      0   15.55   6.36  6.36  0.00     0
4     0.00     0     0.00   0.00   0.00      0   12.66   6.96  3.16  0.00     0
5     0.26     0     0.00   0.00   0.26      0   14.12   6.41  4.31  0.78     0
6     0.83     0     0.00   0.66   0.17      0   10.58   6.94  2.48  0.17     0
  QMark Exclam Dash Apostro Parenth OtherP
1  0.00   0.00 0.00    5.23    0.00   0.00
2  0.66   0.00 3.31    1.32    0.00   0.00
3  0.00   0.00 1.77    0.35    0.71   0.00
4  0.00   0.00 0.63    1.27    0.00   0.63
5  0.00   0.13 0.78    0.65    0.65   0.39
6  0.00   0.33 0.50    0.00    0.00   0.17
Welcome! Want to learn more? See two factoextra-related books at
pca<-prcomp(toyDf, scale=TRUE, center = TRUE)
Importance of components:
                           PC1     PC2     PC3    PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
Standard deviation     2.82340 2.42158 2.31142 1.9799 1.92183 1.81331 1.80990
Proportion of Variance 0.07972 0.05864 0.05343 0.0392 0.03693 0.03288 0.03276
Cumulative Proportion  0.07972 0.13836 0.19178 0.2310 0.26791 0.30080 0.33355
                           PC8     PC9    PC10    PC11    PC12    PC13   PC14
Standard deviation     1.72148 1.64892 1.59650 1.54936 1.50142 1.47058 1.4211
Proportion of Variance 0.02963 0.02719 0.02549 0.02401 0.02254 0.02163 0.0202
Cumulative Proportion  0.36319 0.39038 0.41587 0.43987 0.46241 0.48404 0.5042
                          PC15   PC16    PC17    PC18   PC19    PC20    PC21
Standard deviation     1.35722 1.3415 1.33253 1.30280 1.3002 1.24132 1.23542
Proportion of Variance 0.01842 0.0180 0.01776 0.01697 0.0169 0.01541 0.01526
Cumulative Proportion  0.52265 0.5406 0.55841 0.57538 0.5923 0.60769 0.62296
                          PC22    PC23    PC24    PC25    PC26    PC27    PC28
Standard deviation     1.20135 1.17432 1.15958 1.15304 1.13666 1.09916 1.08353
Proportion of Variance 0.01443 0.01379 0.01345 0.01329 0.01292 0.01208 0.01174
Cumulative Proportion  0.63739 0.65118 0.66463 0.67792 0.69084 0.70292 0.71466
                          PC29    PC30    PC31    PC32    PC33    PC34    PC35
Standard deviation     1.07089 1.04702 1.02803 1.01275 1.00450 0.97810 0.96859
Proportion of Variance 0.01147 0.01096 0.01057 0.01026 0.01009 0.00957 0.00938
Cumulative Proportion  0.72613 0.73709 0.74766 0.75792 0.76801 0.77757 0.78696
                          PC36    PC37    PC38    PC39    PC40    PC41    PC42
Standard deviation     0.95571 0.93846 0.92882 0.90661 0.89963 0.87636 0.86220
Proportion of Variance 0.00913 0.00881 0.00863 0.00822 0.00809 0.00768 0.00743
Cumulative Proportion  0.79609 0.80490 0.81352 0.82174 0.82984 0.83752 0.84495
                          PC43    PC44    PC45    PC46    PC47    PC48    PC49
Standard deviation     0.85684 0.84733 0.82561 0.81776 0.79830 0.79556 0.77293
Proportion of Variance 0.00734 0.00718 0.00682 0.00669 0.00637 0.00633 0.00597
Cumulative Proportion  0.85229 0.85947 0.86629 0.87298 0.87935 0.88568 0.89165
                          PC50    PC51    PC52   PC53    PC54    PC55    PC56
Standard deviation     0.75883 0.73188 0.72574 0.7209 0.71168 0.69416 0.69090
Proportion of Variance 0.00576 0.00536 0.00527 0.0052 0.00506 0.00482 0.00477
Cumulative Proportion  0.89741 0.90277 0.90803 0.9132 0.91830 0.92311 0.92789
                          PC57    PC58    PC59    PC60    PC61   PC62    PC63
Standard deviation     0.67758 0.66529 0.64865 0.64423 0.62831 0.6167 0.61057
Proportion of Variance 0.00459 0.00443 0.00421 0.00415 0.00395 0.0038 0.00373
Cumulative Proportion  0.93248 0.93690 0.94111 0.94526 0.94921 0.9530 0.95674
                          PC64    PC65    PC66    PC67    PC68    PC69   PC70
Standard deviation     0.58785 0.57921 0.55418 0.55118 0.52655 0.51087 0.4997
Proportion of Variance 0.00346 0.00335 0.00307 0.00304 0.00277 0.00261 0.0025
Cumulative Proportion  0.96020 0.96355 0.96662 0.96966 0.97243 0.97504 0.9775
                          PC71   PC72    PC73    PC74    PC75    PC76    PC77
Standard deviation     0.48082 0.4691 0.44613 0.43047 0.40902 0.40595 0.36625
Proportion of Variance 0.00231 0.0022 0.00199 0.00185 0.00167 0.00165 0.00134
Cumulative Proportion  0.97985 0.9820 0.98404 0.98590 0.98757 0.98922 0.99056
                          PC78    PC79   PC80    PC81    PC82    PC83    PC84
Standard deviation     0.36544 0.35248 0.3323 0.30887 0.29521 0.27104 0.24705
Proportion of Variance 0.00134 0.00124 0.0011 0.00095 0.00087 0.00073 0.00061
Cumulative Proportion  0.99189 0.99314 0.9942 0.99519 0.99607 0.99680 0.99741
                          PC85   PC86    PC87    PC88    PC89    PC90    PC91
Standard deviation     0.22945 0.1992 0.18269 0.16750 0.14890 0.12951 0.12877
Proportion of Variance 0.00053 0.0004 0.00033 0.00028 0.00022 0.00017 0.00017
Cumulative Proportion  0.99794 0.9983 0.99867 0.99895 0.99917 0.99934 0.99950
                          PC92    PC93    PC94    PC95    PC96    PC97   PC98
Standard deviation     0.11251 0.10563 0.09814 0.08368 0.07046 0.06353 0.0123
Proportion of Variance 0.00013 0.00011 0.00010 0.00007 0.00005 0.00004 0.0000
Cumulative Proportion  0.99963 0.99974 0.99984 0.99991 0.99996 1.00000 1.0000
                          PC99     PC100
Standard deviation     0.00108 0.0008434
Proportion of Variance 0.00000 0.0000000
Cumulative Proportion  1.00000 1.0000000

8.3.2 Eigenvalues

          eigenvalue variance.percent cumulative.variance.percent
Dim.1   7.971565e+00     7.971565e+00                    7.971565
Dim.2   5.864029e+00     5.864029e+00                   13.835595
Dim.3   5.342651e+00     5.342651e+00                   19.178246
Dim.4   3.919836e+00     3.919836e+00                   23.098082
Dim.5   3.693412e+00     3.693412e+00                   26.791494
Dim.6   3.288080e+00     3.288080e+00                   30.079574
Dim.7   3.275731e+00     3.275731e+00                   33.355304
Dim.8   2.963484e+00     2.963484e+00                   36.318789
Dim.9   2.718953e+00     2.718953e+00                   39.037742
Dim.10  2.548802e+00     2.548802e+00                   41.586544
Dim.11  2.400513e+00     2.400513e+00                   43.987057
Dim.12  2.254262e+00     2.254262e+00                   46.241318
Dim.13  2.162599e+00     2.162599e+00                   48.403917
Dim.14  2.019535e+00     2.019535e+00                   50.423452
Dim.15  1.842045e+00     1.842045e+00                   52.265497
Dim.16  1.799591e+00     1.799591e+00                   54.065088
Dim.17  1.775623e+00     1.775623e+00                   55.840711
Dim.18  1.697295e+00     1.697295e+00                   57.538006
Dim.19  1.690464e+00     1.690464e+00                   59.228471
Dim.20  1.540876e+00     1.540876e+00                   60.769347
Dim.21  1.526271e+00     1.526271e+00                   62.295618
Dim.22  1.443250e+00     1.443250e+00                   63.738869
Dim.23  1.379023e+00     1.379023e+00                   65.117891
Dim.24  1.344632e+00     1.344632e+00                   66.462523
Dim.25  1.329498e+00     1.329498e+00                   67.792022
Dim.26  1.292000e+00     1.292000e+00                   69.084022
Dim.27  1.208159e+00     1.208159e+00                   70.292181
Dim.28  1.174028e+00     1.174028e+00                   71.466208
Dim.29  1.146808e+00     1.146808e+00                   72.613016
Dim.30  1.096251e+00     1.096251e+00                   73.709267
Dim.31  1.056845e+00     1.056845e+00                   74.766113
Dim.32  1.025659e+00     1.025659e+00                   75.791772
Dim.33  1.009026e+00     1.009026e+00                   76.800798
Dim.34  9.566879e-01     9.566879e-01                   77.757486
Dim.35  9.381615e-01     9.381615e-01                   78.695648
Dim.36  9.133785e-01     9.133785e-01                   79.609026
Dim.37  8.807083e-01     8.807083e-01                   80.489734
Dim.38  8.626977e-01     8.626977e-01                   81.352432
Dim.39  8.219506e-01     8.219506e-01                   82.174383
Dim.40  8.093382e-01     8.093382e-01                   82.983721
Dim.41  7.680133e-01     7.680133e-01                   83.751734
Dim.42  7.433952e-01     7.433952e-01                   84.495129
Dim.43  7.341702e-01     7.341702e-01                   85.229300
Dim.44  7.179600e-01     7.179600e-01                   85.947260
Dim.45  6.816385e-01     6.816385e-01                   86.628898
Dim.46  6.687269e-01     6.687269e-01                   87.297625
Dim.47  6.372855e-01     6.372855e-01                   87.934911
Dim.48  6.329082e-01     6.329082e-01                   88.567819
Dim.49  5.974269e-01     5.974269e-01                   89.165246
Dim.50  5.758280e-01     5.758280e-01                   89.741074
Dim.51  5.356539e-01     5.356539e-01                   90.276728
Dim.52  5.267027e-01     5.267027e-01                   90.803430
Dim.53  5.196558e-01     5.196558e-01                   91.323086
Dim.54  5.064886e-01     5.064886e-01                   91.829575
Dim.55  4.818527e-01     4.818527e-01                   92.311427
Dim.56  4.773383e-01     4.773383e-01                   92.788766
Dim.57  4.591097e-01     4.591097e-01                   93.247875
Dim.58  4.426042e-01     4.426042e-01                   93.690480
Dim.59  4.207465e-01     4.207465e-01                   94.111226
Dim.60  4.150336e-01     4.150336e-01                   94.526260
Dim.61  3.947707e-01     3.947707e-01                   94.921030
Dim.62  3.803107e-01     3.803107e-01                   95.301341
Dim.63  3.727988e-01     3.727988e-01                   95.674140
Dim.64  3.455640e-01     3.455640e-01                   96.019704
Dim.65  3.354832e-01     3.354832e-01                   96.355187
Dim.66  3.071109e-01     3.071109e-01                   96.662298
Dim.67  3.038003e-01     3.038003e-01                   96.966098
Dim.68  2.772508e-01     2.772508e-01                   97.243349
Dim.69  2.609883e-01     2.609883e-01                   97.504337
Dim.70  2.496897e-01     2.496897e-01                   97.754027
Dim.71  2.311834e-01     2.311834e-01                   97.985210
Dim.72  2.200630e-01     2.200630e-01                   98.205273
Dim.73  1.990284e-01     1.990284e-01                   98.404302
Dim.74  1.853023e-01     1.853023e-01                   98.589604
Dim.75  1.672993e-01     1.672993e-01                   98.756903
Dim.76  1.647943e-01     1.647943e-01                   98.921698
Dim.77  1.341388e-01     1.341388e-01                   99.055837
Dim.78  1.335457e-01     1.335457e-01                   99.189382
Dim.79  1.242400e-01     1.242400e-01                   99.313622
Dim.80  1.104549e-01     1.104549e-01                   99.424077
Dim.81  9.540005e-02     9.540005e-02                   99.519477
Dim.82  8.714766e-02     8.714766e-02                   99.606625
Dim.83  7.346386e-02     7.346386e-02                   99.680089
Dim.84  6.103322e-02     6.103322e-02                   99.741122
Dim.85  5.264880e-02     5.264880e-02                   99.793771
Dim.86  3.967079e-02     3.967079e-02                   99.833442
Dim.87  3.337729e-02     3.337729e-02                   99.866819
Dim.88  2.805491e-02     2.805491e-02                   99.894874
Dim.89  2.216997e-02     2.216997e-02                   99.917044
Dim.90  1.677222e-02     1.677222e-02                   99.933816
Dim.91  1.658129e-02     1.658129e-02                   99.950397
Dim.92  1.265781e-02     1.265781e-02                   99.963055
Dim.93  1.115851e-02     1.115851e-02                   99.974214
Dim.94  9.631803e-03     9.631803e-03                   99.983845
Dim.95  7.001609e-03     7.001609e-03                   99.990847
Dim.96  4.964277e-03     4.964277e-03                   99.995811
Dim.97  4.035665e-03     4.035665e-03                   99.999847
Dim.98  1.512369e-04     1.512369e-04                   99.999998
Dim.99  1.167221e-06     1.167221e-06                   99.999999
Dim.100 7.114000e-07     7.114000e-07                  100.000000
#results for variables
                   Dim.1      Dim.2        Dim.3       Dim.4       Dim.5
symptom      -0.15006906 0.45357191 -0.005839691  0.32280418 -0.22603977
effort        0.02967201 0.14867102 -0.004461888 -0.08820889 -0.06595448
impact       -0.04180244 0.28067453  0.036160929  0.05181740  0.17162450
positive.adj -0.04139276 0.02069494  0.171093920 -0.05291939 -0.30376667
negative.adj  0.04051528 0.30029470  0.082814581 -0.28445983 -0.07720504
controlled   -0.04927962 0.16256150 -0.044968047  0.18935354 -0.21945971
                   Dim.6       Dim.7       Dim.8       Dim.9       Dim.10
symptom       0.15119904 -0.04083519  0.20618634 -0.25187454  0.001469486
effort       -0.02797639 -0.07859082 -0.10953240  0.44804315  0.043756257
impact        0.13903763  0.03566462  0.09681443  0.40218407  0.155671179
positive.adj  0.01276775  0.06615737 -0.23331434 -0.01173285  0.046366860
negative.adj  0.30453195  0.03634215 -0.18019598 -0.03696745 -0.243530658
controlled   -0.03795510  0.26073263  0.47729391 -0.23950868  0.213246829
                  Dim.11       Dim.12      Dim.13      Dim.14      Dim.15
symptom      -0.05349429  0.090709972 -0.01554618  0.12359388 -0.08658422
effort        0.24688249 -0.016357867 -0.08799463  0.08781852  0.12796417
impact        0.06343173  0.065776990 -0.07576899 -0.03343537 -0.16082075
positive.adj -0.17235924  0.110891358  0.13693408 -0.05257370  0.03804841
negative.adj -0.12739031  0.048948995 -0.03017091 -0.02229087  0.03527749
controlled   -0.03017373  0.009259714 -0.14816638  0.24318296 -0.02834701
                  Dim.16      Dim.17      Dim.18       Dim.19       Dim.20
symptom       0.17051877 -0.16360394 0.008875469 -0.045160106  0.106905663
effort        0.05356207 -0.04147137 0.292565312 -0.002407799  0.142035539
impact       -0.06070459  0.09865611 0.197664024  0.074738022  0.009055056
positive.adj  0.06194144  0.06754268 0.042641172  0.238709263 -0.135972862
negative.adj -0.40370265  0.10639380 0.099914567 -0.131875265  0.089210971
controlled   -0.01968542 -0.01683723 0.055390272  0.139490894  0.240344483
                  Dim.21     Dim.22      Dim.23      Dim.24      Dim.25
symptom      -0.05551345  0.2724879 -0.09148741  0.08587028 -0.12948663
effort       -0.05741432  0.1254985 -0.11122196  0.30710831 -0.04902733
impact        0.06895730  0.1095497 -0.05849515  0.10628632 -0.02163478
positive.adj  0.14867508 -0.2345263 -0.18024909  0.04326070 -0.21677169
negative.adj  0.15735152 -0.1265856  0.15441005 -0.07491472  0.02710858
controlled   -0.02701010 -0.2356116  0.05727279  0.11947638  0.04112219
                  Dim.26       Dim.27       Dim.28      Dim.29       Dim.30
symptom      -0.10432237  0.009695423  0.068968879 -0.07563156  0.057340794
effort        0.16782195  0.323064826 -0.129621213  0.13207707 -0.037567825
impact       -0.07838213 -0.085590880  0.097762555 -0.03148811 -0.060881063
positive.adj -0.06895013 -0.376445310 -0.051254117 -0.07947377  0.010095820
negative.adj  0.03346851  0.021044082  0.088074208  0.13772620  0.031742664
controlled   -0.14589792  0.044244525  0.008637477  0.02123529 -0.001663236
                   Dim.31      Dim.32       Dim.33       Dim.34       Dim.35
symptom       0.088197095 -0.06477663 -0.046744870  0.035155235  0.087983120
effort       -0.094201160 -0.08474527 -0.008866516 -0.125046393  0.009056018
impact       -0.037630574 -0.10334394 -0.138939974  0.364669242  0.119756603
positive.adj -0.113882921 -0.04075667  0.208825342 -0.053102260 -0.133922025
negative.adj  0.017501926 -0.15477346  0.109649674  0.003506023 -0.058137141
controlled    0.009078176 -0.06371984  0.089683352 -0.061209532 -0.097114500
                  Dim.36       Dim.37       Dim.38       Dim.39     Dim.40
symptom      -0.10794183 -0.034182427 -0.073950385  0.008698401 0.02543223
effort       -0.05251280  0.008833194  0.039547828 -0.123475299 0.02858925
impact       -0.15250801  0.013332257 -0.134485773  0.124245077 0.02203870
positive.adj -0.10874268  0.073623406 -0.046451989  0.106645564 0.09844162
negative.adj  0.08684876 -0.068247129  0.048608472 -0.014919302 0.16100749
controlled    0.20514857 -0.103769638  0.009192439 -0.014901536 0.02329415
                  Dim.41       Dim.42      Dim.43       Dim.44       Dim.45
symptom       0.01091711 -0.004001565 -0.05497024 -0.033582137  0.045153763
effort       -0.09005823  0.061664892 -0.08217083  0.015391529  0.139486442
impact        0.22901474 -0.077952835 -0.05963439  0.265294205 -0.110378811
positive.adj -0.10956899 -0.095588589 -0.11200988  0.039106545  0.004484338
negative.adj -0.06697619 -0.014317548  0.16341095 -0.009493154  0.107051491
controlled   -0.01238166  0.055446842 -0.01133274  0.040639598  0.049913728
                   Dim.46      Dim.47      Dim.48      Dim.49        Dim.50
symptom       0.006969656 -0.01902312 -0.02333354 -0.01532109 -0.0003572222
effort        0.019578407 -0.04255886 -0.16059528 -0.08155656  0.1222812193
impact       -0.136464134  0.10024800  0.08650248 -0.05739115  0.0486839275
positive.adj -0.057263469 -0.02736933 -0.21770520  0.03240192 -0.0392305352
negative.adj -0.061525047 -0.11800944  0.02615026 -0.09714277  0.0019077989
controlled   -0.010978259  0.05891339 -0.03283221 -0.06824986 -0.1231076133
                  Dim.51       Dim.52      Dim.53      Dim.54      Dim.55
symptom      -0.07147207  0.179112090  0.06876905  0.03203289 -0.02259866
effort       -0.06109134  0.124515975 -0.05882143 -0.01650253 -0.01625784
impact        0.07741556 -0.023656000 -0.01417747 -0.02915799  0.02452023
positive.adj -0.11755584  0.161644835  0.09194351  0.10459818  0.01873456
negative.adj  0.01896467  0.004232823  0.02988965 -0.05228291 -0.10877022
controlled    0.06737516 -0.101602558  0.04339292  0.03998399  0.13977948
                  Dim.56      Dim.57        Dim.58       Dim.59       Dim.60
symptom      -0.03132057 -0.07648518 -0.0755692231  0.150550284  0.027676867
effort        0.02510641 -0.11834179  0.0189387578 -0.084093940  0.058866872
impact        0.05677482  0.11478407  0.0117110525 -0.023407662 -0.111464143
positive.adj -0.03132602  0.09414849  0.0150382120 -0.049331496  0.016608003
negative.adj -0.10052440  0.11253198  0.1115302601  0.023312237 -0.010689356
controlled    0.03205007  0.05510990  0.0006019581 -0.004004517  0.002037644
                  Dim.61      Dim.62      Dim.63      Dim.64       Dim.65
symptom      -0.04500644 -0.04942980 -0.04247987 -0.11235241  0.091786236
effort       -0.04562068 -0.04331692  0.01771433  0.04150901  0.005231124
impact        0.07673066 -0.02978424 -0.04269006 -0.05361393 -0.027808443
positive.adj  0.05870110 -0.04910514  0.12579247  0.03820046 -0.105783461
negative.adj  0.01735582  0.07621992 -0.06764822  0.14721623 -0.022229883
controlled   -0.02362182 -0.10798719  0.09577691  0.03719767 -0.033463041
                  Dim.66      Dim.67       Dim.68       Dim.69       Dim.70
symptom       0.07577481  0.09393880 -0.009637830 -0.189593159  0.024483328
effort       -0.05681098 -0.03348702  0.054094909 -0.002878758  0.026128058
impact       -0.09329957  0.06839856  0.102791966 -0.064110510 -0.005583458
positive.adj  0.02519025 -0.11646539  0.043059179 -0.103692767  0.029144232
negative.adj  0.01563726  0.13617930 -0.013350075 -0.109931362 -0.058386692
controlled   -0.05691295 -0.01634409  0.004853922  0.048538121 -0.022664928
                   Dim.71      Dim.72       Dim.73       Dim.74       Dim.75
symptom       0.037907343  0.02883982 -0.143624447 -0.000752045 -0.112294975
effort       -0.116330327 -0.04358420 -0.055210264  0.105454551  0.038441465
impact       -0.038239969 -0.04053784  0.008788743  0.002447861  0.042169219
positive.adj -0.029682982 -0.02988502  0.028065765 -0.018084753 -0.003011684
negative.adj -0.008555313 -0.02917264 -0.091284156  0.034732849  0.016170349
controlled   -0.001224768  0.01820773 -0.046611336  0.001696754  0.043718925
                  Dim.76        Dim.77       Dim.78       Dim.79       Dim.80
symptom       0.03643199  0.0080425762  0.011278280  0.033429437 -0.031686083
effort        0.02035375 -0.0397406571 -0.056852362 -0.053213896 -0.024286531
impact       -0.06020405 -0.0292436123 -0.005624226 -0.001558525 -0.007281740
positive.adj -0.01106365  0.0006102466 -0.011017498  0.027148586  0.006374897
negative.adj -0.06053864  0.0825555724 -0.020694523  0.019943194 -0.037304308
controlled   -0.07256713 -0.0302828761  0.043141126 -0.010418655 -0.125036936
                   Dim.81       Dim.82       Dim.83       Dim.84      Dim.85
symptom       0.011028464  0.021752267  0.009562487 -0.015716088 0.008366435
effort        0.002943488 -0.004892684  0.005883115  0.018771986 0.015652536
impact        0.015053866 -0.001011287  0.008296702  0.017823961 0.016315116
positive.adj  0.014561184  0.002233016 -0.002028628  0.015117689 0.002950444
negative.adj -0.004352636 -0.046816171 -0.008206005  0.004865248 0.010046634
controlled   -0.015127041  0.055681790  0.067452592 -0.044705195 0.019063879
                   Dim.86       Dim.87        Dim.88        Dim.89       Dim.90
symptom      0.0005209647  0.004434445 -0.0067699002 -0.0011890725 -0.002992696
effort       0.0072686880 -0.004303070 -0.0012042721  0.0005525816  0.001828320
impact       0.0027578313 -0.001421599 -0.0043551229 -0.0005509361  0.002683848
positive.adj 0.0044726307 -0.005998010  0.0008680002  0.0006431230 -0.002895717
negative.adj 0.0007999350 -0.003290348 -0.0050261898  0.0024535099 -0.002218942
controlled   0.0087463373  0.002634565 -0.0066626884 -0.0049872440  0.001159278
                    Dim.91        Dim.92        Dim.93        Dim.94
symptom      -0.0024239499  6.045381e-04  0.0013835464  0.0026178417
effort       -0.0007537617 -6.080341e-04 -0.0013711938 -0.0050996075
impact       -0.0030951983 -2.877400e-03  0.0014048249 -0.0035080189
positive.adj -0.0017724914  2.784810e-04 -0.0007219726 -0.0001249445
negative.adj -0.0009255146  5.323516e-05  0.0009180388 -0.0022978837
controlled    0.0001587212 -2.467065e-03  0.0012349327 -0.0003329511
                    Dim.95        Dim.96        Dim.97        Dim.98
symptom       0.0003310313 -0.0012480428 -0.0002483704 -1.003494e-05
effort        0.0004047550  0.0001799279  0.0001487770  3.953200e-05
impact       -0.0001042192 -0.0010481643  0.0004964307  7.265957e-06
positive.adj  0.0005753315 -0.0022196551 -0.0009307020  1.918453e-05
negative.adj  0.0021868340 -0.0008901426  0.0004933362  6.454179e-06
controlled    0.0006857743 -0.0007637883 -0.0001919997  1.683500e-05
                    Dim.99       Dim.100
symptom      -5.585917e-08 -9.889080e-09
effort        5.039901e-08  1.593870e-07
impact       -2.421768e-08 -1.668795e-08
positive.adj  3.569308e-08  4.040396e-08
negative.adj -3.663423e-08  2.364260e-08
controlled   -1.188663e-07 -6.322823e-08
head(result.var$contrib)   # Contributions to the PCs
                  Dim.1       Dim.2        Dim.3      Dim.4     Dim.5
symptom      0.28251317 3.508295543 0.0006382971 2.65833925 1.3833814
effort       0.01104460 0.376926355 0.0003726323 0.19849829 0.1177771
impact       0.02192097 1.343414044 0.0244749790 0.06849886 0.7975002
positive.adj 0.02149340 0.007303523 0.5479138990 0.07144334 2.4983454
negative.adj 0.02059178 1.537797723 0.1283680011 2.06430559 0.1613851
controlled   0.03046429 0.450649886 0.0378487219 0.91470055 1.3040128
                  Dim.6      Dim.7     Dim.8      Dim.9       Dim.10     Dim.11
symptom      0.69527361 0.05090507 1.4345548 2.33328000 8.472168e-05 0.11920949
effort       0.02380352 0.18855386 0.4048392 7.38308733 7.511803e-02 2.53908104
impact       0.58792564 0.03882997 0.3162842 5.94905607 9.507805e-01 0.16761355
positive.adj 0.00495777 0.13361285 1.8368776 0.00506297 8.434886e-02 1.23755683
negative.adj 2.82048261 0.04031929 1.0956896 0.05026172 2.326865e+00 0.67603434
controlled   0.04381249 2.07530806 7.6872168 2.10979791 1.784140e+00 0.03792748
                  Dim.12     Dim.13     Dim.14     Dim.15     Dim.16     Dim.17
symptom      0.365010839 0.01117562 0.75638443 0.40698388 1.61573627 1.50742862
effort       0.011869953 0.35804399 0.38187468 0.88894829 0.15941925 0.09686036
impact       0.191930366 0.26546488 0.05535551 1.40405436 0.20477131 0.54814725
positive.adj 0.545495409 0.86705609 0.13686290 0.07859098 0.21320074 0.25692471
negative.adj 0.106287761 0.04209214 0.02460384 0.06756086 9.05626855 0.63750252
controlled   0.003803565 1.01513412 2.92829580 0.04362288 0.02153355 0.01596580
                  Dim.18       Dim.19     Dim.20    Dim.21    Dim.22    Dim.23
symptom      0.004641146 0.1206434818 0.74170908 0.2019133 5.1446146 0.6069477
effort       5.042991933 0.0003429528 1.30926097 0.2159777 1.0912779 0.8970355
impact       2.301960542 0.3304282432 0.00532126 0.3115508 0.8315352 0.2481237
positive.adj 0.107127478 3.3707962866 1.19987680 1.4482540 3.8110216 2.3559969
negative.adj 0.588166430 1.0287755992 0.51649808 1.6222220 1.1102657 1.7289390
controlled   0.180763025 1.1510274383 3.74887095 0.0477992 3.8463741 0.2378621
                Dim.24     Dim.25    Dim.26       Dim.27      Dim.28     Dim.29
symptom      0.5483810 1.26113630 0.8423494  0.007780535 0.405161376 0.49878745
effort       7.0142261 0.18079594 2.1798916  8.638837484 1.431112795 1.52112252
impact       0.8401394 0.03520603 0.4755230  0.606360551 0.814079446 0.08645750
positive.adj 0.1391822 3.53441329 0.3679659 11.729506279 0.223758334 0.55075315
negative.adj 0.4173794 0.05527461 0.0866982  0.036655229 0.660722655 1.65402655
controlled   1.0615995 0.12719344 1.6475385  0.162029851 0.006354707 0.03932112
                   Dim.30      Dim.31    Dim.32      Dim.33      Dim.34
symptom      0.2999282018 0.736032688 0.4091039 0.216553603  0.12918430
effort       0.1287425223 0.839655315 0.7002092 0.007791184  1.63445156
impact       0.3381071527 0.133989332 1.0412787 1.913162780 13.90042213
positive.adj 0.0092976486 1.227172859 0.1619550 4.321792367  0.29475130
negative.adj 0.0919129351 0.028984128 2.3355540 1.191549762  0.00128487
controlled   0.0002523466 0.007798044 0.3958642 0.797115333  0.39162269
                  Dim.35    Dim.36      Dim.37      Dim.38      Dim.39
symptom      0.825127594 1.2756419 0.132670288 0.633902151 0.009205198
effort       0.008741721 0.3019114 0.008859383 0.181295324 1.854874121
impact       1.528696715 2.5464464 0.020182514 2.096495952 1.878073772
positive.adj 1.911729360 1.2946408 0.615459819 0.250120898 1.383693360
negative.adj 0.360271364 0.8258031 0.528855063 0.273883126 0.027080162
controlled   1.005288130 4.6077212 1.222667846 0.009794964 0.027015707
                 Dim.40     Dim.41      Dim.42     Dim.43     Dim.44
symptom      0.07991695 0.01551839 0.002153971 0.41158404 0.15707837
effort       0.10098933 1.05603436 0.511512431 0.91968404 0.03299615
impact       0.06001254 6.82901597 0.817417765 0.48439183 9.80291562
positive.adj 1.19736760 1.56317131 1.229114503 1.70889706 0.21300934
negative.adj 3.20303810 0.58407976 0.027575129 3.63718631 0.01255223
controlled   0.06704461 0.01996132 0.413555574 0.01749335 0.23003745
                  Dim.45      Dim.46     Dim.47     Dim.48     Dim.49
symptom      0.299111983 0.007263968 0.05678446 0.08602416 0.03929111
effort       2.854367649 0.057319964 0.28421427 4.07497442 1.11335331
impact       1.787381823 2.784763127 1.57694810 1.18226923 0.55132165
positive.adj 0.002950139 0.490350386 0.11754231 7.48853609 0.17573435
negative.adj 1.681246360 0.566050432 2.18524164 0.10804665 1.57956010
controlled   0.365498782 0.018022631 0.54462052 0.17031765 0.77968421
                   Dim.50     Dim.51     Dim.52     Dim.53     Dim.54
symptom      2.216073e-05 0.95364870 6.09093944 0.91006047 0.20259212
effort       2.596730e+00 0.69674694 2.94363951 0.66581775 0.05376895
impact       4.116029e-01 1.11885102 0.10624711 0.03867959 0.16785937
positive.adj 2.672734e-01 2.57990765 4.96087339 1.62677075 2.16012338
negative.adj 6.320805e-04 0.06714387 0.00340169 0.17191978 0.53969672
controlled   2.631946e+00 0.84745249 1.95994445 0.36234468 0.31564766
                 Dim.55    Dim.56    Dim.57       Dim.58      Dim.59     Dim.60
symptom      0.10598663 0.2055101 1.2742016 1.290252e+00 5.386946272 0.18456552
effort       0.05485441 0.1320514 3.0504214 8.103777e-02 1.680772346 0.83494650
impact       0.12477705 0.6752822 2.8697681 3.098677e-02 0.130225361 2.99355398
positive.adj 0.07284047 0.2055816 1.9306797 5.109482e-02 0.578399693 0.06645866
negative.adj 2.45530631 2.1169797 2.7582617 2.810411e+00 0.129165752 0.02753086
controlled   4.05482902 0.2151947 0.6615197 8.186853e-05 0.003811359 0.00100040
                 Dim.61    Dim.62     Dim.63    Dim.64      Dim.65     Dim.66
symptom      0.51310284 0.6424497 0.48405180 3.6528870 2.511217504 1.86962512
effort       0.52720388 0.4933744 0.08417342 0.4986045 0.008156788 1.05091914
impact       1.49139600 0.2332569 0.48885378 0.8318149 0.230506168 2.83441916
positive.adj 0.87286617 0.6340381 4.24458025 0.4222880 3.335529239 0.20661880
negative.adj 0.07630371 1.5275605 1.22754735 6.2716651 0.147300272 0.07962075
controlled   0.14134543 3.0662385 2.46063467 0.4004083 0.333779771 1.05469527
                Dim.67      Dim.68       Dim.69    Dim.70       Dim.71
symptom      2.9047040 0.033503153 13.772864521 0.2400713 0.6215699548
effort       0.3691177 1.055455665  0.003175333 0.2734095 5.8536833886
impact       1.5399468 3.811057943  1.574843536 0.0124855 0.6325260223
positive.adj 4.4648373 0.668742156  4.119797566 0.3401767 0.3811170618
negative.adj 6.1042739 0.064282775  4.630438941 1.3652969 0.0316603087
controlled   0.0879292 0.008497924  0.902702954 0.2057349 0.0006488596
                Dim.72      Dim.73       Dim.74      Dim.75     Dim.76
symptom      0.3779531 10.36433923 0.0003052157 7.537485892 0.80542252
effort       0.8631992  1.53152656 6.0013616273 0.883294923 0.25138924
impact       0.7467483  0.03880953 0.0032336485 1.062911183 2.19942588
positive.adj 0.4058449  0.39576614 0.1764998331 0.005421563 0.07427707
negative.adj 0.3867268  4.18673714 0.6510284382 0.156294849 2.22394099
controlled   0.1506485  1.09161123 0.0015536626 1.142470024 3.19549268
                   Dim.77     Dim.78      Dim.79      Dim.80      Dim.81
symptom      0.0482209574 0.09524797 0.899490962  0.90897528 0.127491577
effort       1.1773769983 2.42028798 2.279233336  0.53400575 0.009081883
impact       0.6375400828 0.02368621 0.001955089  0.04800487 0.237545864
positive.adj 0.0002776235 0.09089416 0.593243669  0.03679267 0.222251529
negative.adj 5.0808718987 0.32068662 0.320131288  1.25989084 0.019858939
controlled   0.6836592556 1.39364763 0.087369932 14.15440413 0.239860862
                  Dim.82      Dim.83    Dim.84     Dim.85       Dim.86
symptom      0.542941858 0.124470933 0.4046901 0.13295125 0.0006841412
effort       0.027468734 0.047113011 0.5773699 0.46535128 0.1331806841
impact       0.001173528 0.093699486 0.5205257 0.50558228 0.0191718744
positive.adj 0.005721740 0.005601845 0.3744592 0.01653431 0.0504260873
negative.adj 2.514988931 0.091662098 0.0387832 0.19171349 0.0016130158
controlled   3.557710966 6.193319982 3.2745355 0.69029396 0.1928331193
                  Dim.87      Dim.88      Dim.89      Dim.90       Dim.91
symptom      0.058915224 0.163363742 0.006377516 0.053399197 0.0354347070
effort       0.055476091 0.005169403 0.001377297 0.019930310 0.0034264918
impact       0.006054845 0.067607046 0.001369107 0.042946269 0.0577774685
positive.adj 0.107786232 0.002685535 0.001865619 0.049994445 0.0189474091
negative.adj 0.032436400 0.090046931 0.027152545 0.029356302 0.0051659251
controlled   0.020795377 0.158230479 0.112190513 0.008012811 0.0001519327
                   Dim.92      Dim.93       Dim.94       Dim.95       Dim.96
symptom      2.887279e-03 0.017154633 0.0711507005 0.0015650935 0.0313763896
effort       2.920768e-03 0.016849679 0.2700013486 0.0023398428 0.0006521403
impact       6.540965e-02 0.017686356 0.1277662873 0.0001551305 0.0221310880
positive.adj 6.126781e-04 0.004671274 0.0001620789 0.0047275760 0.0992464563
negative.adj 2.238919e-05 0.007552940 0.0548211983 0.0683020564 0.0159611121
controlled   4.808422e-02 0.013667231 0.0011509417 0.0067168338 0.0117514121
                   Dim.97       Dim.98       Dim.99      Dim.100
symptom      0.0015285675 6.658431e-05 2.673227e-07 1.374668e-08
effort       0.0005484743 1.033332e-03 2.176161e-07 3.571019e-06
impact       0.0061066372 3.490824e-05 5.024721e-08 3.914641e-08
positive.adj 0.0214637795 2.433575e-04 1.091478e-07 2.294743e-07
negative.adj 0.0060307446 2.754383e-05 1.149797e-07 7.857360e-08
controlled   0.0009134524 1.873996e-04 1.210499e-06 5.619636e-07
head(result.var$cos2)    #Quality of representation 
                    Dim.1        Dim.2        Dim.3       Dim.4       Dim.5
symptom      0.0225207225 0.2057274732 3.410199e-05 0.104202541 0.051093977
effort       0.0008804279 0.0221030713 1.990845e-05 0.007780808 0.004349993
impact       0.0017474443 0.0787781912 1.307613e-03 0.002685043 0.029454969
positive.adj 0.0017133607 0.0004282807 2.927313e-02 0.002800462 0.092274191
negative.adj 0.0016414875 0.0901769067 6.858255e-03 0.080917395 0.005960618
controlled   0.0024284809 0.0264262407 2.022125e-03 0.035854762 0.048162566
                    Dim.6       Dim.7       Dim.8        Dim.9       Dim.10
symptom      0.0228611491 0.001667513 0.042512808 0.0634407821 2.159388e-06
effort       0.0007826787 0.006176517 0.011997346 0.2007426599 1.914610e-03
impact       0.0193314625 0.001271965 0.009373033 0.1617520268 2.423352e-02
positive.adj 0.0001630154 0.004376797 0.054435582 0.0001376598 2.149886e-03
negative.adj 0.0927397106 0.001320752 0.032470590 0.0013665924 5.930718e-02
controlled   0.0014405894 0.067981506 0.227809474 0.0573644094 4.547421e-02
                   Dim.11       Dim.12       Dim.13       Dim.14       Dim.15
symptom      0.0028616388 0.0082282990 0.0002416838 0.0152754470 0.0074968266
effort       0.0609509625 0.0002675798 0.0077430541 0.0077120922 0.0163748284
impact       0.0040235846 0.0043266124 0.0057409397 0.0011179239 0.0258633147
positive.adj 0.0297077087 0.0122968932 0.0187509423 0.0027639939 0.0014476813
negative.adj 0.0162282901 0.0023960041 0.0009102839 0.0004968831 0.0012445015
controlled   0.0009104539 0.0000857423 0.0219532755 0.0591379538 0.0008035532
                   Dim.16       Dim.17       Dim.18       Dim.19       Dim.20
symptom      0.0290766515 0.0267662500 7.877395e-05 2.039435e-03 1.142882e-02
effort       0.0028688952 0.0017198749 8.559446e-02 5.797495e-06 2.017409e-02
impact       0.0036850469 0.0097330288 3.907107e-02 5.585772e-03 8.199404e-05
positive.adj 0.0038367422 0.0045620143 1.818270e-03 5.698211e-02 1.848862e-02
negative.adj 0.1629758335 0.0113196416 9.982921e-03 1.739109e-02 7.958597e-03
controlled   0.0003875159 0.0002834924 3.068082e-03 1.945771e-02 5.776547e-02
                   Dim.21     Dim.22      Dim.23      Dim.24       Dim.25
symptom      0.0030817435 0.07424967 0.008369947 0.007373706 0.0167667862
effort       0.0032964040 0.01574987 0.012370324 0.094315514 0.0024036790
impact       0.0047551091 0.01200113 0.003421682 0.011296782 0.0004680636
positive.adj 0.0221042791 0.05500258 0.032489736 0.001871488 0.0469899660
negative.adj 0.0247595014 0.01602391 0.023842463 0.005612216 0.0007348751
controlled   0.0007295453 0.05551281 0.003280172 0.014274605 0.0016910347
                  Dim.26       Dim.27       Dim.28       Dim.29       Dim.30
symptom      0.010883157 9.400122e-05 4.756706e-03 0.0057201334 3.287967e-03
effort       0.028164206 1.043709e-01 1.680166e-02 0.0174443518 1.411342e-03
impact       0.006143758 7.325799e-03 9.557517e-03 0.0009915014 3.706504e-03
positive.adj 0.004754120 1.417111e-01 2.626985e-03 0.0063160801 1.019256e-04
negative.adj 0.001120141 4.428534e-04 7.757066e-03 0.0189685056 1.007597e-03
controlled   0.021286202 1.957578e-03 7.460601e-05 0.0004509377 2.766352e-06
                   Dim.31      Dim.32       Dim.33       Dim.34       Dim.35
symptom      7.778728e-03 0.004196012 0.0021850829 0.0012358905 7.741029e-03
effort       8.873858e-03 0.007181760 0.0000786151 0.0156366003 8.201146e-05
impact       1.416060e-03 0.010679970 0.0193043164 0.1329836564 1.434164e-02
positive.adj 1.296932e-02 0.001661106 0.0436080234 0.0028198500 1.793511e-02
negative.adj 3.063174e-04 0.023954824 0.0120230510 0.0000122922 3.379927e-03
controlled   8.241327e-05 0.004060218 0.0080431037 0.0037466068 9.431226e-03
                  Dim.36       Dim.37       Dim.38       Dim.39       Dim.40
symptom      0.011651439 1.168438e-03 5.468660e-03 7.566219e-05 0.0006467984
effort       0.002757594 7.802532e-05 1.564031e-03 1.524615e-02 0.0008173452
impact       0.023258693 1.777491e-04 1.808642e-02 1.543684e-02 0.0004857044
positive.adj 0.011824970 5.420406e-03 2.157787e-03 1.137328e-02 0.0096907531
negative.adj 0.007542707 4.657671e-03 2.362784e-03 2.225856e-04 0.0259234104
controlled   0.042085934 1.076814e-02 8.450093e-05 2.220558e-04 0.0005426176
                   Dim.41       Dim.42      Dim.43       Dim.44       Dim.45
symptom      0.0001191833 1.601252e-05 0.003021727 1.127760e-03 2.038862e-03
effort       0.0081104843 3.802559e-03 0.006752046 2.368992e-04 1.945647e-02
impact       0.0524477506 6.076645e-03 0.003556260 7.038102e-02 1.218348e-02
positive.adj 0.0120053635 9.137178e-03 0.012546213 1.529322e-03 2.010928e-05
negative.adj 0.0044858102 2.049922e-04 0.026703137 9.011997e-05 1.146002e-02
controlled   0.0001533056 3.074352e-03 0.000128431 1.651577e-03 2.491380e-03
                   Dim.46       Dim.47       Dim.48       Dim.49       Dim.50
symptom      4.857611e-05 0.0003618791 0.0005444539 0.0002347357 1.276077e-07
effort       3.833140e-04 0.0018112564 0.0257908453 0.0066514725 1.495270e-02
impact       1.862246e-02 0.0100496621 0.0074826783 0.0032937440 2.370125e-03
positive.adj 3.279105e-03 0.0007490801 0.0473955553 0.0010498843 1.539035e-03
negative.adj 3.785331e-03 0.0139262288 0.0006838360 0.0094367174 3.639697e-06
controlled   1.205222e-04 0.0034707878 0.0010779543 0.0046580434 1.515548e-02
                   Dim.51       Dim.52       Dim.53       Dim.54       Dim.55
symptom      0.0051082566 3.208114e-02 0.0047291823 0.0010261060 0.0005106995
effort       0.0037321522 1.550423e-02 0.0034599607 0.0002723336 0.0002643175
impact       0.0059931693 5.596063e-04 0.0002010007 0.0008501886 0.0006012416
positive.adj 0.0138193762 2.612905e-02 0.0084536090 0.0109407791 0.0003509838
negative.adj 0.0003596588 1.791679e-05 0.0008933912 0.0027335025 0.0118309599
controlled   0.0045394124 1.032308e-02 0.0018829452 0.0015987195 0.0195383034
                   Dim.56      Dim.57       Dim.58       Dim.59       Dim.60
symptom      0.0009809783 0.005849983 5.710707e-03 2.266539e-02 7.660089e-04
effort       0.0006303317 0.014004780 3.586765e-04 7.071791e-03 3.465309e-03
impact       0.0032233805 0.013175383 1.371488e-04 5.479187e-04 1.242426e-02
positive.adj 0.0009813196 0.008863938 2.261478e-04 2.433596e-03 2.758258e-04
negative.adj 0.0101051547 0.012663447 1.243900e-02 5.434604e-04 1.142623e-04
controlled   0.0010272067 0.003037101 3.623535e-07 1.603616e-05 4.151994e-06
                   Dim.61       Dim.62       Dim.63      Dim.64       Dim.65
symptom      0.0020255794 0.0024433047 0.0018045393 0.012623063 8.424713e-03
effort       0.0020812462 0.0018763555 0.0003137975 0.001722998 2.736466e-05
impact       0.0058875937 0.0008871009 0.0018224411 0.002874453 7.733095e-04
positive.adj 0.0034458195 0.0024113146 0.0158237444 0.001459275 1.119014e-02
negative.adj 0.0003012246 0.0058094758 0.0045762818 0.021672618 4.941677e-04
controlled   0.0005579903 0.0116612324 0.0091732166 0.001383667 1.119775e-03
                   Dim.66       Dim.67       Dim.68       Dim.69       Dim.70
symptom      0.0057418220 0.0088244984 9.288776e-05 3.594557e-02 5.994334e-04
effort       0.0032274869 0.0011213805 2.926259e-03 8.287247e-06 6.826754e-04
impact       0.0087048094 0.0046783624 1.056619e-02 4.110158e-03 3.117501e-05
positive.adj 0.0006345488 0.0135641876 1.854093e-03 1.075219e-02 8.493863e-04
negative.adj 0.0002445240 0.0185448004 1.782245e-04 1.208490e-02 3.409006e-03
controlled   0.0032390838 0.0002671291 2.356056e-05 2.355949e-03 5.136989e-04
                   Dim.71       Dim.72       Dim.73       Dim.74       Dim.75
symptom      1.436967e-03 0.0008317351 0.0206279816 5.655717e-07 1.261016e-02
effort       1.353275e-02 0.0018995823 0.0030481733 1.112066e-02 1.477746e-03
impact       1.462295e-03 0.0016433169 0.0000772420 5.992026e-06 1.778243e-03
positive.adj 8.810794e-04 0.0008931145 0.0007876871 3.270583e-04 9.070238e-06
negative.adj 7.319338e-05 0.0008510426 0.0083327972 1.206371e-03 2.614802e-04
controlled   1.500056e-06 0.0003315216 0.0021726167 2.878973e-06 1.911344e-03
                   Dim.76       Dim.77       Dim.78       Dim.79       Dim.80
symptom      0.0013272902 6.468303e-05 1.271996e-04 1.117527e-03 1.004008e-03
effort       0.0004142751 1.579320e-03 3.232191e-03 2.831719e-03 5.898356e-04
impact       0.0036245279 8.551889e-04 3.163192e-05 2.429001e-06 5.302374e-05
positive.adj 0.0001224044 3.724009e-07 1.213853e-04 7.370457e-04 4.063932e-05
negative.adj 0.0036649274 6.815423e-03 4.282633e-04 3.977310e-04 1.391611e-03
controlled   0.0052659890 9.170526e-04 1.861157e-03 1.085484e-04 1.563424e-02
                   Dim.81       Dim.82       Dim.83       Dim.84       Dim.85
symptom      1.216270e-04 4.731611e-04 9.144116e-05 2.469954e-04 6.999724e-05
effort       8.664121e-06 2.393836e-05 3.461104e-05 3.523875e-04 2.450019e-04
impact       2.266189e-04 1.022702e-06 6.883526e-05 3.176936e-04 2.661830e-04
positive.adj 2.120281e-04 4.986362e-06 4.115332e-06 2.285445e-04 8.705118e-06
negative.adj 1.894544e-05 2.191754e-03 6.733852e-05 2.367064e-05 1.009349e-04
controlled   2.288274e-04 3.100462e-03 4.549852e-03 1.998554e-03 3.634315e-04
                   Dim.86       Dim.87       Dim.88       Dim.89       Dim.90
symptom      2.714042e-07 1.966430e-05 4.583155e-05 1.413893e-06 8.956230e-06
effort       5.283383e-05 1.851641e-05 1.450271e-06 3.053464e-07 3.342755e-06
impact       7.605633e-06 2.020943e-06 1.896710e-05 3.035306e-07 7.203042e-06
positive.adj 2.000443e-05 3.597612e-05 7.534243e-07 4.136073e-07 8.385177e-06
negative.adj 6.398960e-07 1.082639e-05 2.526258e-05 6.019711e-06 4.923703e-06
controlled   7.649842e-05 6.940933e-06 4.439142e-05 2.487260e-05 1.343926e-06
                   Dim.91       Dim.92       Dim.93       Dim.94       Dim.95
symptom      5.875533e-06 3.654663e-07 1.914201e-06 6.853095e-06 1.095817e-07
effort       5.681567e-07 3.697054e-07 1.880172e-06 2.600600e-05 1.638266e-07
impact       9.580252e-06 8.279432e-06 1.973533e-06 1.230620e-05 1.086163e-08
positive.adj 3.141726e-06 7.755165e-08 5.212444e-07 1.561112e-08 3.310064e-07
negative.adj 8.565773e-07 2.833982e-09 8.427952e-07 5.280270e-06 4.782243e-06
controlled   2.519241e-08 6.086411e-06 1.525059e-06 1.108564e-07 4.702864e-07
                   Dim.96       Dim.97       Dim.98       Dim.99      Dim.100
symptom      1.557611e-06 6.168786e-08 1.007000e-10 3.120246e-15 9.779390e-17
effort       3.237405e-08 2.213459e-08 1.562779e-09 2.540060e-15 2.540423e-14
impact       1.098648e-06 2.464434e-07 5.279412e-11 5.864958e-16 2.784876e-16
positive.adj 4.926869e-06 8.662062e-07 3.680463e-10 1.273996e-15 1.632480e-15
negative.adj 7.923538e-07 2.433806e-07 4.165642e-11 1.342067e-15 5.589726e-16
controlled   5.833726e-07 3.686388e-08 2.834173e-10 1.412919e-14 3.997809e-15

8.3.3 PCA results for each entries

I will use 33 components bcz the eigen value >1, explaining 76.8% of the variance

toyDf1<-cbind(Df, ind.coord1)

8.3.4 model with ID as random effects and PC1-PC33 as fixed effects (toy12)

using iterative backward elimination, I chose toy13 due to lower AIC

  [1] "ID"                   "Employment"           "Marriage"            
  [4] "race"                 "ethinicity (latio)"   "Age"                 
  [7] "Formaleducationyears" "SymptomNo"            "Symptom"             
 [10] "X8wkContr"            "BSContr"              "WC"                  
 [13] "symptom"              "effort"               "impact"              
 [16] "positive.adj"         "negative.adj"         "controlled"          
 [19] "uncontrolled"         "controlNN"            "controlVB"           
 [22] "Analytic"             "Clout"                "Authentic"           
 [25] "Tone"                 "WPS"                  "Sixltr"              
 [28] "Dic"                  "function."            "pronoun"             
 [31] "ppron"                "i"                    "we"                  
 [34] "you"                  "shehe"                "they"                
 [37] "ipron"                "article"              "prep"                
 [40] "auxverb"              "adverb"               "conj"                
 [43] "negate"               "verb"                 "adj"                 
 [46] "compare"              "interrog"             "number"              
 [49] "quant"                "affect"               "posemo"              
 [52] "negemo"               "anx"                  "anger"               
 [55] "sad"                  "social"               "family"              
 [58] "friend"               "female"               "male"                
 [61] "cogproc"              "insight"              "cause"               
 [64] "discrep"              "tentat"               "certain"             
 [67] "differ"               "percept"              "see"                 
 [70] "hear"                 "feel"                 "bio"                 
 [73] "body"                 "health"               "sexual"              
 [76] "ingest"               "drives"               "affiliation"         
 [79] "achieve"              "power"                "reward"              
 [82] "risk"                 "focuspast"            "focuspresent"        
 [85] "focusfuture"          "relativ"              "motion"              
 [88] "space"                "time"                 "work"                
 [91] "leisure"              "home"                 "money"               
 [94] "relig"                "death"                "informal"            
 [97] "swear"                "netspeak"             "assent"              
[100] "nonflu"               "filler"               "AllPunc"             
[103] "Period"               "Comma"                "Colon"               
[106] "SemiC"                "QMark"                "Exclam"              
[109] "Dash"                 "Apostro"              "Parenth"             
[112] "OtherP"               "PC1"                  "PC2"                 
[115] "PC3"                  "PC4"                  "PC5"                 
[118] "PC6"                  "PC7"                  "PC8"                 
[121] "PC9"                  "PC10"                 "PC11"                
[124] "PC12"                 "PC13"                 "PC14"                
[127] "PC15"                 "PC16"                 "PC17"                
[130] "PC18"                 "PC19"                 "PC20"                
[133] "PC21"                 "PC22"                 "PC23"                
[136] "PC24"                 "PC25"                 "PC26"                
[139] "PC27"                 "PC28"                 "PC29"                
[142] "PC30"                 "PC31"                 "PC32"                
[145] "PC33"                
toy12<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Formaleducationyears+ PC1+PC2+PC3+PC4+PC5+PC6+PC7+PC8+PC9+PC10+PC11+PC12+PC13+PC14+PC15+PC16+PC17+PC18+PC19+
PC20+PC21+PC22+PC23+PC24+PC25+PC26+PC27+PC28+PC29+PC30+PC31+PC32+PC33+(1|ID), toyDf1)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC1 + PC2 + PC3 +  
    PC4 + PC5 + PC6 + PC7 + PC8 + PC9 + PC10 + PC11 + PC12 +  
    PC13 + PC14 + PC15 + PC16 + PC17 + PC18 + PC19 + PC20 + PC21 +  
    PC22 + PC23 + PC24 + PC25 + PC26 + PC27 + PC28 + PC29 + PC30 +  
    PC31 + PC32 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 644.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.49086 -0.43316 -0.00818  0.53555  2.53755 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2245   0.4738  
 Residual             0.1567   0.3959  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                       Estimate Std. Error         df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)           1.129e+00  3.023e-01  1.302e+02   3.735 0.000280 ***
BSContr               3.556e-01  4.898e-02  2.451e+02   7.259 5.13e-12 ***
Formaleducationyears  3.757e-02  1.930e-02  1.108e+02   1.947 0.054112 .  
PC1                   7.435e-04  1.162e-02  2.524e+02   0.064 0.949039    
PC2                   5.565e-03  1.314e-02  2.537e+02   0.423 0.672376    
PC3                  -2.452e-02  1.335e-02  2.372e+02  -1.837 0.067488 .  
PC4                   2.143e-02  1.553e-02  2.425e+02   1.379 0.169015    
PC5                   1.643e-02  1.562e-02  2.285e+02   1.052 0.293879    
PC6                   6.595e-03  1.715e-02  2.474e+02   0.385 0.700821    
PC7                   4.105e-02  1.868e-02  2.639e+02   2.198 0.028847 *  
PC8                   1.112e-02  1.706e-02  2.168e+02   0.651 0.515493    
PC9                  -7.390e-03  1.810e-02  2.343e+02  -0.408 0.683436    
PC10                  2.336e-02  1.972e-02  2.384e+02   1.185 0.237331    
PC11                 -2.990e-02  2.013e-02  2.442e+02  -1.485 0.138733    
PC12                 -6.750e-03  1.986e-02  2.257e+02  -0.340 0.734273    
PC13                 -4.149e-02  2.132e-02  2.414e+02  -1.947 0.052729 .  
PC14                  1.117e-03  2.026e-02  2.153e+02   0.055 0.956079    
PC15                 -1.023e-02  2.312e-02  2.391e+02  -0.443 0.658454    
PC16                 -1.811e-02  2.228e-02  2.200e+02  -0.813 0.417345    
PC17                 -1.715e-02  2.236e-02  2.246e+02  -0.767 0.443774    
PC18                  2.411e-02  2.275e-02  2.202e+02   1.060 0.290270    
PC19                  3.523e-02  2.143e-02  1.992e+02   1.644 0.101684    
PC20                  1.600e-02  2.345e-02  2.153e+02   0.682 0.495667    
PC21                 -1.085e-02  2.416e-02  2.142e+02  -0.449 0.653743    
PC22                  8.964e-02  2.327e-02  2.032e+02   3.852 0.000157 ***
PC23                 -6.046e-03  2.419e-02  2.086e+02  -0.250 0.802873    
PC24                  6.612e-02  2.378e-02  1.937e+02   2.780 0.005974 ** 
PC25                 -4.301e-02  2.659e-02  2.274e+02  -1.618 0.107152    
PC26                 -4.443e-02  2.669e-02  2.260e+02  -1.664 0.097432 .  
PC27                  8.786e-03  2.631e-02  2.008e+02   0.334 0.738763    
PC28                  1.529e-02  2.742e-02  2.209e+02   0.557 0.577816    
PC29                 -5.706e-03  2.628e-02  2.050e+02  -0.217 0.828328    
PC30                  8.765e-02  2.752e-02  2.188e+02   3.185 0.001658 ** 
PC31                 -9.237e-03  2.914e-02  2.285e+02  -0.317 0.751527    
PC32                  2.269e-03  2.885e-02  2.154e+02   0.079 0.937402    
PC33                 -6.001e-02  2.709e-02  1.957e+02  -2.215 0.027900 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation matrix not shown by default, as p = 36 > 12.
Use print(x, correlation=TRUE)  or
    vcov(x)        if you need it
toy13<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Formaleducationyears+ PC3+PC7+PC13+PC22+PC24+PC26+PC30+PC33+(1|ID), toyDf1)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 +  
    PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 514.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.55135 -0.48626 -0.00489  0.50587  2.69724 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2148   0.4634  
 Residual             0.1546   0.3931  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.09827    0.27862 125.43539   3.942 0.000134 ***
BSContr                0.35347    0.04466 274.05592   7.914  6.2e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears   0.03984    0.01784 109.01921   2.234 0.027540 *  
PC3                   -0.02095    0.01255 240.95340  -1.670 0.096285 .  
PC7                    0.04615    0.01681 258.02543   2.745 0.006481 ** 
PC13                  -0.04653    0.02053 258.79106  -2.266 0.024283 *  
PC22                   0.08141    0.02232 218.71358   3.647 0.000332 ***
PC24                   0.07200    0.02311 217.49177   3.115 0.002086 ** 
PC26                  -0.04140    0.02575 247.57830  -1.608 0.109115    
PC30                   0.07900    0.02662 236.15700   2.968 0.003302 ** 
PC33                  -0.06117    0.02626 217.72126  -2.329 0.020761 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc PC3    PC7    PC13   PC22   PC24   PC26  
BSContr     -0.307                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.915 -0.059                                                 
PC3         -0.020 -0.081  0.052                                          
PC7         -0.113  0.071  0.094  0.050                                   
PC13        -0.075  0.233 -0.013 -0.032 -0.018                            
PC22         0.040  0.001 -0.042 -0.104 -0.036 -0.019                     
PC24         0.003 -0.108  0.040  0.024  0.028 -0.020  0.000              
PC26        -0.082  0.127  0.035 -0.007  0.020  0.069 -0.015 -0.100       
PC30         0.064 -0.078 -0.036 -0.043  0.001 -0.029 -0.003  0.016 -0.073
PC33         0.013 -0.038  0.003  0.020  0.005 -0.037  0.001 -0.008 -0.064
PC33         0.005
anova(toy12, toy13)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: toyDf1
toy13: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
toy12: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + PC4 + PC5 + PC6 + PC7 + PC8 + PC9 + PC10 + PC11 + PC12 + PC13 + PC14 + PC15 + PC16 + PC17 + PC18 + PC19 + PC20 + PC21 + PC22 + PC23 + PC24 + PC25 + PC26 + PC27 + PC28 + PC29 + PC30 + PC31 + PC32 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
      npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy13   13 478.07 526.22 -226.04   452.07                     
toy12   38 507.45 648.20 -215.73   431.45 20.621 25     0.7135
toy13.1<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Formaleducationyears+ PC3+PC7+PC13+PC22+PC24+PC30+PC33+(1|ID), toyDf1)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 +  
    PC22 + PC24 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 511.3

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.69153 -0.53188  0.00384  0.51652  2.70775 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2188   0.4678  
 Residual             0.1545   0.3931  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.06209    0.27955 124.53658   3.799 0.000226 ***
BSContr                0.36221    0.04438 272.96748   8.161 1.23e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears   0.04088    0.01795 108.83799   2.277 0.024762 *  
PC3                   -0.02116    0.01256 241.03080  -1.684 0.093437 .  
PC7                    0.04661    0.01683 258.11721   2.769 0.006033 ** 
PC13                  -0.04425    0.02052 257.26292  -2.157 0.031941 *  
PC22                   0.08091    0.02234 218.92367   3.622 0.000363 ***
PC24                   0.06831    0.02301 215.13230   2.968 0.003335 ** 
PC30                   0.07623    0.02657 234.69473   2.869 0.004499 ** 
PC33                  -0.06399    0.02623 216.43870  -2.440 0.015500 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc PC3    PC7    PC13   PC22   PC24   PC30  
BSContr     -0.299                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.917 -0.063                                                 
PC3         -0.020 -0.081  0.053                                          
PC7         -0.112  0.069  0.093  0.051                                   
PC13        -0.069  0.228 -0.016 -0.032 -0.020                            
PC22         0.039  0.003 -0.041 -0.105 -0.036 -0.018                     
PC24        -0.005 -0.096  0.044  0.024  0.031 -0.013 -0.001              
PC30         0.058 -0.070 -0.033 -0.044  0.002 -0.024 -0.005  0.009       
PC33         0.007 -0.031  0.006  0.020  0.006 -0.033  0.000 -0.014  0.001
anova(toy13, toy13.1)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: toyDf1
toy13.1: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 + PC24 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
toy13: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
        npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
toy13.1   12 478.73 523.18 -227.37   454.73                     
toy13     13 478.07 526.22 -226.04   452.07 2.6592  1      0.103
toy13.2<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Formaleducationyears+PC7+PC13+PC22+PC24+PC30+PC33+(1|ID), toyDf1)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 +  
    PC24 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 507.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.73529 -0.49929  0.01541  0.50294  2.72165 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2158   0.4646  
 Residual             0.1568   0.3960  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.05161    0.27869 125.12647   3.773 0.000247 ***
BSContr                0.35681    0.04443 274.17412   8.030 2.89e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears   0.04242    0.01787 109.05356   2.374 0.019321 *  
PC7                    0.04811    0.01690 259.67103   2.848 0.004756 ** 
PC13                  -0.04533    0.02061 259.43236  -2.200 0.028698 *  
PC22                   0.07696    0.02235 217.86794   3.444 0.000688 ***
PC24                   0.06920    0.02315 217.13030   2.989 0.003120 ** 
PC30                   0.07376    0.02670 236.67164   2.763 0.006178 ** 
PC33                  -0.06299    0.02638 218.22441  -2.388 0.017810 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc PC7    PC13   PC22   PC24   PC30  
BSContr     -0.304                                                 
Frmldctnyrs -0.916 -0.060                                          
PC7         -0.112  0.074  0.091                                   
PC13        -0.070  0.225 -0.014 -0.018                            
PC22         0.037 -0.005 -0.036 -0.030 -0.022                     
PC24        -0.005 -0.095  0.043  0.029 -0.013  0.001              
PC30         0.058 -0.074 -0.031  0.004 -0.025 -0.009  0.010       
PC33         0.008 -0.028  0.005  0.005 -0.031  0.002 -0.015  0.001
anova(toy13, toy13.2)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

Data: toyDf1
toy13.2: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 + PC24 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
toy13: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 + PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
        npar    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)  
toy13.2   11 479.64 520.39 -228.82   457.64                       
toy13     13 478.07 526.22 -226.04   452.07 5.5709  2     0.0617 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.105753  1        1.051548
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.020740  1        1.010317
PC3                                   PC3 1.025309  1        1.012576
PC7                                   PC7 1.021201  1        1.010545
PC13                                 PC13 1.062346  1        1.030702
PC22                                 PC22 1.014000  1        1.006976
PC24                                 PC24 1.022894  1        1.011382
PC26                                 PC26 1.036182  1        1.017930
PC30                                 PC30 1.014454  1        1.007201
PC33                                 PC33 1.006390  1        1.003190
BSContr                 1.105753
Formaleducationyears    1.020740
PC3                     1.025309
PC7                     1.021201
PC13                    1.062346
PC22                    1.014000
PC24                    1.022894
PC26                    1.036182
PC30                    1.014454
PC33                    1.006390

9 variable loadings on component 3, 7, 13, 22, 24, 26, 30, 33

# component 3 is immerse writing of symptom ----
p3<-sort(pca$rotation[,3], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p3<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p3), p3)
rownames(p3) <- 1:nrow(p3)
ggplot(p3 %>% filter(loadings>0.1))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+ labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC3:Immersive Writing")
# component 7 is confidence and motivation -----
p7<-sort(pca$rotation[,7], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p7<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p7), p7)
rownames(p7) <- 1:nrow(p7)
ggplot(p7 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC7:Confidence and motivation")

# component 13 is punctuation. People use more periods usually wrote short sentences and emotionally distant from the topic ------
p13<-sort(pca$rotation[,13], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p13<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p13), p13)
rownames(p13) <- 1:nrow(p13)
ggplot(p13 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC13:Emotionally distant")

# component 22 is venting (confusion and frustration) about symptom ------
p22<-sort(pca$rotation[,22], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p22<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p22), p22)
rownames(p22) <- 1:nrow(p22)
ggplot(p22 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC22:Venting(confusion and frustration)")

# component 24 is about efforts they make to fight against cancer, treatment, symptoms. Participants used greater past tense in discussing a disclosed event and greater present tense in discussing an undis- closed event. Verb tense differences could indicate increased psychological distance and a higher degree of resolution for disclosed events compared with undisclosed events ----
p24<-sort(pca$rotation[,24], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p24<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p24), p24)
rownames(p24) <- 1:nrow(p24)
ggplot(p24 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC24:Effort to fight against cancer")

# component 26 is about pressure from work----
p26<-sort(pca$rotation[,26], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p26<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p26), p26)
rownames(p26) <- 1:nrow(p26)
ggplot(p26 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC26:Pressure and effort to work")

# component 30 is about perceptive process -----
p30<-sort(pca$rotation[,30], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p30<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p30), p30)
rownames(p30) <- 1:nrow(p30)
ggplot(p30 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC30:detailed.symptom.descriptionk")

# component 33 is about financial stress -----

p33<-sort(pca$rotation[,33], decreasing = TRUE) %>%
p33<-cbind(wordCategory = rownames(p33), p33)
rownames(p33) <- 1:nrow(p33)
ggplot(p33 %>% filter(loadings>0.13))+geom_col(aes(x=wordCategory, y=loadings))+labs(y="Percent Contribution to PC", x="Word Category") + ggtitle("PC33:financial.stress")

10 compare toy 13 and 11 and select toy 13 based on low AIC value

Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 +  
    PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 514.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.55135 -0.48626 -0.00489  0.50587  2.69724 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2148   0.4634  
 Residual             0.1546   0.3931  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.09827    0.27862 125.43539   3.942 0.000134 ***
BSContr                0.35347    0.04466 274.05592   7.914  6.2e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears   0.03984    0.01784 109.01921   2.234 0.027540 *  
PC3                   -0.02095    0.01255 240.95340  -1.670 0.096285 .  
PC7                    0.04615    0.01681 258.02543   2.745 0.006481 ** 
PC13                  -0.04653    0.02053 258.79106  -2.266 0.024283 *  
PC22                   0.08141    0.02232 218.71358   3.647 0.000332 ***
PC24                   0.07200    0.02311 217.49177   3.115 0.002086 ** 
PC26                  -0.04140    0.02575 247.57830  -1.608 0.109115    
PC30                   0.07900    0.02662 236.15700   2.968 0.003302 ** 
PC33                  -0.06117    0.02626 217.72126  -2.329 0.020761 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc PC3    PC7    PC13   PC22   PC24   PC26  
BSContr     -0.307                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.915 -0.059                                                 
PC3         -0.020 -0.081  0.052                                          
PC7         -0.113  0.071  0.094  0.050                                   
PC13        -0.075  0.233 -0.013 -0.032 -0.018                            
PC22         0.040  0.001 -0.042 -0.104 -0.036 -0.019                     
PC24         0.003 -0.108  0.040  0.024  0.028 -0.020  0.000              
PC26        -0.082  0.127  0.035 -0.007  0.020  0.069 -0.015 -0.100       
PC30         0.064 -0.078 -0.036 -0.043  0.001 -0.029 -0.003  0.016 -0.073
PC33         0.013 -0.038  0.003  0.020  0.005 -0.037  0.001 -0.008 -0.064
PC33         0.005
AIC(toy13, toy11)
      df      AIC
toy13 13 540.2030
toy11 12 551.1619
BIC(toy13, toy11)
      df      BIC
toy13 13 588.3522
toy11 12 595.6073

11 Final model

Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
Formula: X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + PC3 + PC7 + PC13 +  
    PC22 + PC24 + PC26 + PC30 + PC33 + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 514.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.55135 -0.48626 -0.00489  0.50587  2.69724 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2148   0.4634  
 Residual             0.1546   0.3931  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                      Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)            1.09827    0.27862 125.43539   3.942 0.000134 ***
BSContr                0.35347    0.04466 274.05592   7.914  6.2e-14 ***
Formaleducationyears   0.03984    0.01784 109.01921   2.234 0.027540 *  
PC3                   -0.02095    0.01255 240.95340  -1.670 0.096285 .  
PC7                    0.04615    0.01681 258.02543   2.745 0.006481 ** 
PC13                  -0.04653    0.02053 258.79106  -2.266 0.024283 *  
PC22                   0.08141    0.02232 218.71358   3.647 0.000332 ***
PC24                   0.07200    0.02311 217.49177   3.115 0.002086 ** 
PC26                  -0.04140    0.02575 247.57830  -1.608 0.109115    
PC30                   0.07900    0.02662 236.15700   2.968 0.003302 ** 
PC33                  -0.06117    0.02626 217.72126  -2.329 0.020761 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc PC3    PC7    PC13   PC22   PC24   PC26  
BSContr     -0.307                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.915 -0.059                                                 
PC3         -0.020 -0.081  0.052                                          
PC7         -0.113  0.071  0.094  0.050                                   
PC13        -0.075  0.233 -0.013 -0.032 -0.018                            
PC22         0.040  0.001 -0.042 -0.104 -0.036 -0.019                     
PC24         0.003 -0.108  0.040  0.024  0.028 -0.020  0.000              
PC26        -0.082  0.127  0.035 -0.007  0.020  0.069 -0.015 -0.100       
PC30         0.064 -0.078 -0.036 -0.043  0.001 -0.029 -0.003  0.016 -0.073
PC33         0.013 -0.038  0.003  0.020  0.005 -0.037  0.001 -0.008 -0.064
PC33         0.005
names(toyDf1)[c(115, 119, 125, 134, 136, 138,142, 145)]<-c("immerse.writing.experience", "confidence.and.motivation", "emotionanlly.distant", "venting", "", "", "detailed.symptom.description", "financial.stress")
toy13<-lmer(X8wkContr ~ BSContr+Formaleducationyears+`immerse.writing.experience`+ `confidence.and.motivation`+`emotionanlly.distant`+ `venting` + `` +`` +`detailed.symptom.description`+ `financial.stress`+ (1|ID), toyDf1)
Linear mixed model fit by REML. t-tests use Satterthwaite's method [
X8wkContr ~ BSContr + Formaleducationyears + immerse.writing.experience +  
    confidence.and.motivation + emotionanlly.distant + venting + + + detailed.symptom.description +  
    financial.stress + (1 | ID)
   Data: toyDf1

REML criterion at convergence: 514.2

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.55135 -0.48626 -0.00489  0.50587  2.69724 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 ID       (Intercept) 0.2148   0.4634  
 Residual             0.1546   0.3931  
Number of obs: 300, groups:  ID, 114

Fixed effects:
                              Estimate Std. Error        df t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)                    1.09827    0.27862 125.43539   3.942 0.000134
BSContr                        0.35347    0.04466 274.05592   7.914  6.2e-14
Formaleducationyears           0.03984    0.01784 109.01921   2.234 0.027540
immerse.writing.experience    -0.02095    0.01255 240.95340  -1.670 0.096285
confidence.and.motivation      0.04615    0.01681 258.02543   2.745 0.006481
emotionanlly.distant          -0.04653    0.02053 258.79106  -2.266 0.024283
venting                        0.08141    0.02232 218.71358   3.647 0.000332         0.07200    0.02311 217.49177   3.115 0.002086   -0.04140    0.02575 247.57830  -1.608 0.109115
detailed.symptom.description   0.07900    0.02662 236.15700   2.968 0.003302
financial.stress              -0.06117    0.02626 217.72126  -2.329 0.020761
(Intercept)                  ***
BSContr                      ***
Formaleducationyears         *  
immerse.writing.experience   .  
confidence.and.motivation    ** 
emotionanlly.distant         *  
venting                      ***       **     
detailed.symptom.description ** 
financial.stress             *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
            (Intr) BSCntr Frmldc immr.. cnfd.. emtnn. ventng eff... pr....
BSContr     -0.307                                                        
Frmldctnyrs -0.915 -0.059                                                 
immrs.wrtn. -0.020 -0.081  0.052                                          
cnfdnc.nd.m -0.113  0.071  0.094  0.050                                   
emtnnlly.ds -0.075  0.233 -0.013 -0.032 -0.018                            
venting      0.040  0.001 -0.042 -0.104 -0.036 -0.019                     
effrt.t.fg.  0.003 -0.108  0.040  0.024  0.028 -0.020  0.000              
prssr.nd... -0.082  0.127  0.035 -0.007  0.020  0.069 -0.015 -0.100       
dtld.sympt.  0.064 -0.078 -0.036 -0.043  0.001 -0.029 -0.003  0.016 -0.073
fnncl.strss  0.013 -0.038  0.003  0.020  0.005 -0.037  0.001 -0.008 -0.064
fnncl.strss  0.005
                                                     Term     GVIF Df
BSContr                                           BSContr 1.105753  1
Formaleducationyears                 Formaleducationyears 1.020740  1
immerse.writing.experience     immerse.writing.experience 1.025309  1
confidence.and.motivation       confidence.and.motivation 1.021201  1
emotionanlly.distant                 emotionanlly.distant 1.062346  1
venting                                           venting 1.014000  1    1.022894  1 1.036182  1
detailed.symptom.description detailed.symptom.description 1.014454  1
financial.stress                         financial.stress 1.006390  1
                             GVIF^(1/(2*Df)) GVIF^(1/Df)
BSContr                             1.051548    1.105753
Formaleducationyears                1.010317    1.020740
immerse.writing.experience          1.012576    1.025309
confidence.and.motivation           1.010545    1.021201
emotionanlly.distant                1.030702    1.062346
venting                             1.006976    1.014000              1.011382    1.022894         1.017930    1.036182
detailed.symptom.description        1.007201    1.014454
financial.stress                    1.003190    1.006390
                                     Term     GVIF Df GVIF^(1/(2*Df))
BSContr                           BSContr 1.034703  1        1.017204
Formaleducationyears Formaleducationyears 1.027945  1        1.013876
WC                                     WC 1.089354  1        1.043721
symptom                           symptom 1.115491  1        1.056168
anx                                   anx 1.048245  1        1.023838
feel                                 feel 1.055237  1        1.027248
focuspresent                 focuspresent 1.051768  1        1.025557
money                               money 1.061247  1        1.030169
informal                         informal 1.028593  1        1.014196
BSContr                 1.034703
Formaleducationyears    1.027945
WC                      1.089354
symptom                 1.115491
anx                     1.048245
feel                    1.055237
focuspresent            1.051768
money                   1.061247
informal                1.028593
sjPlot::plot_model(toy11, show.values=TRUE, show.p=TRUE,
                   title="Effect of linguistic features on controllability")
Predictors Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 1.31 0.69 – 1.93 <0.001
BSContr 0.36 0.28 – 0.45 <0.001
Formaleducationyears 0.03 -0.00 – 0.06 0.081
WC 0.00 0.00 – 0.00 0.015
symptom 0.06 0.02 – 0.10 0.001
anx 0.06 -0.01 – 0.12 0.075
feel -0.04 -0.07 – -0.01 0.017
focuspresent -0.02 -0.04 – -0.00 0.050
money -0.18 -0.37 – 0.01 0.057
informal 0.11 -0.01 – 0.23 0.062
Random Effects
σ2 0.18
τ00 ID 0.17
ICC 0.49
N ID 114
Observations 300
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.280 / 0.635

sjPlot::plot_model(toy13, show.values=TRUE, show.p=TRUE,
                   title="Effect of linguistic features on controllability")
Predictors Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 1.10 0.55 – 1.65 <0.001
BSContr 0.35 0.27 – 0.44 <0.001
Formaleducationyears 0.04 0.00 – 0.07 0.026
immerse writing
-0.02 -0.05 – 0.00 0.096
confidence and motivation 0.05 0.01 – 0.08 0.006
emotionanlly distant -0.05 -0.09 – -0.01 0.024
venting 0.08 0.04 – 0.13 <0.001
effort to fight cancer 0.07 0.03 – 0.12 0.002
pressure and effort to
-0.04 -0.09 – 0.01 0.109
detailed symptom
0.08 0.03 – 0.13 0.003
financial stress -0.06 -0.11 – -0.01 0.021
Random Effects
σ2 0.15
τ00 ID 0.21
ICC 0.58
N ID 114
Observations 300
Marginal R2 / Conditional R2 0.278 / 0.698

#normality assumed

toyDf2 <- na.omit(toyDf1)
# Linearity of the predictors are assumed
      aes(x=x1,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Symptom experience description")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Confidence and motivation")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Confidence and motivation")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Emotionally distance")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Effort to fight against cancer")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Pressure and effort to work")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Detailed symptom description")

      aes(x=x2,y=pearson)) +
    geom_point() +
    theme_bw()+xlab("Financial stress")

11.1 95% Confidence interval of coefficients

                 (Intercept)                      BSContr 
                  1.09827360                   0.35346600 
        Formaleducationyears   immerse.writing.experience 
                  0.03984447                  -0.02095401 
   confidence.and.motivation         emotionanlly.distant 
                  0.04614526                  -0.04653064 
                  0.08140745                   0.07200259 detailed.symptom.description 
                 -0.04140271                   0.07900483 
Computing profile confidence intervals ...

                                    2.5 %       97.5 %
.sig01                        0.382674015  0.544214806
.sigma                        0.348648143  0.428320838
(Intercept)                   0.558099631  1.641588490
BSContr                       0.266721672  0.439996605
Formaleducationyears          0.005190181  0.074647444
immerse.writing.experience   -0.045186556  0.003289813
confidence.and.motivation     0.013679839  0.078601007
emotionanlly.distant         -0.086143707 -0.006919917
venting                       0.038333678  0.124464712        0.027401705  0.116588026  -0.091193602  0.008376619
detailed.symptom.description  0.026933030  0.130934191
financial.stress             -0.111851210 -0.010433448
# Coeffiencient with 95% CI band
effects_p3 <- effects::effect(term= "immerse.writing.experience", mod= toy13)
 immerse.writing.experience effect
     -22      -15     -8.6     -2.1      4.4 
2.934704 2.788026 2.653921 2.517720 2.381519 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
     -22      -15     -8.6     -2.1      4.4 
2.382642 2.404942 2.420247 2.407393 2.235587 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
     -22      -15     -8.6     -2.1      4.4 
3.486767 3.171111 2.887594 2.628046 2.527451 
p3_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=immerse.writing.experience, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p3, aes(x=immerse.writing.experience, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p3, aes(x= immerse.writing.experience, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p3, aes(x=immerse.writing.experience, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Immerse writing of traumatic experience", y="controllability")

effects_p7 <- effects::effect(term= "confidence.and.motivation", mod= toy13)
 confidence.and.motivation effect
      -6       -2        1        5        9 
2.197737 2.382318 2.520754 2.705335 2.889916 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -6       -2        1        5        9 
1.976826 2.264721 2.417829 2.513143 2.576355 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -6       -2        1        5        9 
2.418648 2.499915 2.623678 2.897527 3.203477 
p7_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=confidence.and.motivation, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p7, aes(x=confidence.and.motivation, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p7, aes(x= confidence.and.motivation, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p7, aes(x=confidence.and.motivation, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Confidence and motivation", y="controllability")

effects_p13 <- effects::effect(term= "emotionanlly.distant", mod= toy13)
 emotionanlly.distant effect
      -6       -3     -0.4        2        5 
2.752509 2.612917 2.491938 2.380264 2.240672 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -6       -3     -0.4        2        5 
2.489553 2.456035 2.392941 2.254842 2.017947 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -6       -3     -0.4        2        5 
3.015465 2.769800 2.590935 2.505686 2.463398 
p13_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=emotionanlly.distant, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p13, aes(x=emotionanlly.distant, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p13, aes(x= emotionanlly.distant, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p13, aes(x=emotionanlly.distant, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Emotionanlly distant", y="controllability")

effects_p22 <- effects::effect(term= "venting", mod= toy13)
 venting effect
      -5       -2      0.5        3        6 
2.066383 2.310606 2.514124 2.717643 2.961865 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -5       -2      0.5        3        6 
1.826752 2.179925 2.414143 2.553197 2.680180 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -5       -2      0.5        3        6 
2.306015 2.441287 2.614106 2.882089 3.243550 
p22_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=venting, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p22, aes(x=venting, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p22, aes(x= venting, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p22, aes(x=venting, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Venting", y="controllability")

effects_p24 <- effects::effect(term= "", mod= toy13)
summary(effects_p24) effect
      -8       -5       -2      0.3        3 
1.898148 2.114156 2.330164 2.495770 2.690177 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -8       -5       -2      0.3        3 
1.522192 1.867476 2.197452 2.397324 2.521852 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -8       -5       -2      0.3        3 
2.274104 2.360836 2.462875 2.594215 2.858501 
p24_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p24, aes(, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p24, aes(x=, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p24, aes(, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Effort to fight cancer", y="controllability")

effects_p26 <- effects::effect(term= "", mod= toy13)
summary(effects_p26) effect
      -4       -2     -0.1        2        4 
2.639786 2.556980 2.478315 2.391369 2.308564 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -4       -2     -0.1        2        4 
2.413377 2.415207 2.380707 2.252030 2.085197 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -4       -2     -0.1        2        4 
2.866195 2.698754 2.575923 2.530709 2.531930 
p26_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p26, aes(, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p26, aes(x=, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p26, aes(, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Pressure and effort to work", y="controllability")

effects_p30 <- effects::effect(term= "detailed.symptom.description", mod= toy13)
 detailed.symptom.description effect
      -3       -1      0.3        2        3 
2.236929 2.394938 2.497645 2.631953 2.710958 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -3       -1      0.3        2        3 
2.052995 2.284890 2.398827 2.488103 2.525135 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -3       -1      0.3        2        3 
2.420862 2.504987 2.596462 2.775802 2.896781 
p30_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=detailed.symptom.description, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p30, aes(x=detailed.symptom.description, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p30, aes(x= detailed.symptom.description, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p30, aes(x=detailed.symptom.description, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="detailed.symptom.description", y="controllability")

effects_p33 <- effects::effect(term= "financial.stress", mod= toy13)
 financial.stress effect
      -4       -2     -0.4        1        3 
2.717619 2.595271 2.497394 2.411751 2.289403 

 Lower 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -4       -2     -0.4        1        3 
2.490018 2.454010 2.398059 2.301012 2.105408 

 Upper 95 Percent Confidence Limits
      -4       -2     -0.4        1        3 
2.945220 2.736533 2.596728 2.522489 2.473399 
p33_plot <- ggplot() + 
  geom_point(data=toyDf1, aes(x=financial.stress, y=X8wkContr))+
  geom_point(data=x_p33, aes(x=financial.stress, y=fit ), color="blue") +
  geom_line(data=x_p33, aes(x= financial.stress, y=fit), color="blue") +
  geom_ribbon(data=x_p33, aes(x=financial.stress, ymin=lower, ymax=upper), alpha= 0.3, fill="blue") + labs(x="Financial stress", y="controllability")

12 Explanation of the results

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “symptom experience description” is a marginal negative predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. In the immersive writing of a traumatic event, the more authentic and relevant participants write their symptom experience (cancer), the more likely they relive the event and thus might feel worse and loss of control over the related traumatic event (dealing with multiple ans severe symptoms) they are experiencing now.

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “confidence and motivation” is a significant positive predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. When cancer survivors are confident and motivated fight against cancer, they are more likely to manage the symptoms better.

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “emotionanlly distant” is a significant negative predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. In expressive writing, some participants wrote rich narratives of their experience and emotionally invested while others were simply informative and emotionally distant from the topic. When participants were emotionally distant from the event they are dealing with, they are less likely to deal with the issues.

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “venting” is a significant positive predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. Studies on expressive writing have shown that venting help patients release negative emotions and maintain healthy mental state to manage their symptoms better

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “effort to fight cancer” is a significant positive predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. When participants try hard to fight cancer and survive, they are more motivated to manage their symptoms to have a life with better quality.

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “pressure and effort to work” is a marginally negative predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. When patients talked about their work and job, most of them describe how cancer symptoms affect their employment or work routine and how their job make their symptom worse. On the other hand, some types of works aggravates patients’ symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, abdominal bloating. Here is an example “I have to push myself all day to keep up with my job duties. Shortly after I eat lunch, I usually have that ‘sugar’ drop and want to crawl in a hole and nap.” “I have to lay in bed for a few days before going back to work.”

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “detailed symptom description” is a significant positive predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. Reflecting and describing how symptom affects daily life helps patients think about their symptoms in a different way to create condition for behavior change. Patients might be more aware of the limitations of current belief and behavior.The more participants reflect on their symptoms and how they manage it, the more likely they are willing to try new strategies to better manage their symptoms.

After controlled for participant ID, baseline controllability, and participant education, “financial stress” is a significant negative predictor for controllability at 8 weeks. Many participants talked about how financial struggling affects their emotional and social participationIt is not surprising that general loss of control influence their perceived sense of control over symptoms, such as depression, anxiety.

R version 4.1.1 (2021-08-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.1/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

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other attached packages:
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 [5] lmerTest_3.1-3   corrgram_1.14    Hmisc_4.6-0      Formula_1.2-4   
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[13] Matrix_1.3-4     reshape2_1.4.4   ggplot2_3.3.5    dplyr_1.0.7     
[17] readxl_1.3.1    

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[19] effects_4.2-0       sjmisc_2.8.7        nloptr_1.2.2.2     
[22] ggeffects_1.1.1     broom_0.7.9         cluster_2.1.2      
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[43] insight_0.14.5      xfun_0.25           stringr_1.4.0      
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