CoffeeCoverage supports streamline'd coffee files. The easiest way to enable streamline support is by writing a custom loader. First, install streamline:
npm install --save streamline
Write the following to a file called 'registerCoffeeCoverage.js' in your project's root folder:
path = require('path');
basePath: process.cwd(),
exclude: ['/test', '/node_modules', '/.git'],
instrumentor: 'istanbul',
coverageVar: '_$coffeeIstanbul',
writeOnExit: 'coverage/coverage-coffee.json',
streamlinejs: true,
cachePath: path.join process.cwd(), 'build/coffee-coverage-cache'
initAll: true
Then, run your tests:
mocha --require ./registerCoffeeCoverage --reporter html-cov ...
You can also set streamlinejs
to a set of options to pass to streamline. Any option you can
pass to transform
is supported.
It is highly recommended to pass the cachePath
option when using streamline, as the streamline
compiler can be a bit slow.