Running with nyc
Assuming you have a coffeescript project with tests cases stored in /test, and you are using
mocha to run your unit tests, cd
to your project and run:
npm install --save-dev @danielx/coffeecoverage nyc
./node_modules/.bin/nyc --reporter lcov ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --recursive \
--compilers coffee:coffeescript/register \
--require @danielx/coffeecoverage/register-istanbul \
You should now have a coverage report in ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html.
This should work for the majority of projects, but if it doesn't quite do what you want, you can tweak a few things with environment variables, or you can set up custom options with a loader.
You can control how @danielx/coffeecoverage/register-istanbul
will work with the following environment
- (defaults to 'coverage/coverage-coffee.json') location to write coverage JSON report when your process exits.COFFEECOV_INIT_ALL
- (defaults to 'true') if set to 'true', then CoffeeCoverage will recursively walk through the current folder looking for .coffee files at startup, so you will see 0% coverage for files that are never loaded. CoffeeCoverage will ignore the './test', './node_modules', and './.git' folders. If you want to ignore other folders, see #how to write a custom loader.
Save your mocha options in /test/mocha.opts
--compilers coffee:coffeescript/register
--require @danielx/coffeecoverage/register-istanbul
Create a /.nycrc
"reporter": ["lcov", "text"],
"extension": [".coffee"],
"sourceMap": false,
"instrument": false
In package.json, add:
"scripts": {
"test": "nyc mocha"
now you can run npm test
to run your tests and generate a coverage report.
If the defaults in @danielx/coffeecoverage/register-istanbul
don't work for you, you can write a custom
loader. Save this in "coffee-coverage-loader.js":
var path = require('path');
var coffeeCoverage = require('@danielx/coffeecoverage');
var projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, "../..");
// Only write a coverage report if we're not running inside of Istanbul.
var writeOnExit = (coverageVar == null) ? (projectRoot + '/coverage/coverage-coffee.json') : null;
instrumentor: 'istanbul',
basePath: projectRoot,
exclude: ['/test', '/node_modules', '/.git'],
writeOnExit: writeOnExit,
initAll: true
Then when you run mocha, use --require ./coffee-coverage-loader.js