x <- c(1 : 10 )
y <- c(11 ,30 ,16 ,21 ,25 ,26 ,31 ,18 ,33 ,27 )
length(y )
# plot graph
# scatter plot
plot(x ,y )
# pie
pie(x ,y )
name_data <- letters [1 : 10 ]
pie(x ,name_data )
# barplot
barplot(x )
# boxplot
boxplot(x )
# hist
hist(y )
"las" labels are parallel (=0) or perpendicular(=2) to axis
"lwd" Specifies the line width
"par" accomodate several graph
"cex" number indicating the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be scaled
relative to the default. 1=default, 1.5 is 50% larger, 0.5 is 50% smaller, etc.
# par()<-accomodate several graph
# oma<- all side line space
par(mfrow = c(2 ,3 ), oma = c(2 ,2 ,2 ,2 ))
# plot 1
# pch<- plotting character
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 )
# dev.off()
# plot 2
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 , type = " o" )
# plot3 #color
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 , type = " o" ,
col = " red" ,
xlab = " height" ,
ylab = " weight" )
# plot 4
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 , type = " o" ,
col = " red" ,
xlab = " height" ,
ylab = " weight" ,
sub = " H/W" )
# plot 5
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 , type = " o" ,
col = " red" ,
xlab = " height" ,
ylab = " weight" ,
sub = " H/W" , cex.axis = 1.5 ,
cex.lab = 1.0 )
# plot 6 las-orient
plot(x ,y , pch = 6 , type = " o" ,
col = " green" ,
xlab = " height" ,
ylab = " weight" ,
sub = " H/W" , cex.axis = 1.5 ,
cex.lab = 1.0 , las = 2 )