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494 lines (369 loc) · 43.9 KB

File metadata and controls

494 lines (369 loc) · 43.9 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.

1.6.1 (2024-05-27)


1.6.0 (2024-05-27)


Bug Fixes

1.5.1 (2022-12-14)

1.5.0 (2022-12-13)


1.4.5 (2022-06-12)


  • change api url (c48fb14)
  • change github api url (e59323f)
  • change text (bea3dbd)
  • configcenter: add filename and ip search (3a50a8f)
  • get github from serverless done (2edec7d)
  • get github trending from juejin (0cbd245)
  • get github trendinng from serverless (0775fad)
  • hostmanagemant: add name and ip search (d826bd8)
  • logs add id (57f541d)
  • proxy add addr search (3e26cef)
  • refresh local ip by user (08d41f2)
  • send msg when failed (bbe7d0a)

1.4.4 (2021-12-10)


  • improve timed task result log (2964379)

1.4.3 (2021-12-09)


1.4.2 (2021-11-19)


1.4.1 (2021-10-25)

1.4.0 (2021-10-22)


  • add help docs icon in proxy server page (2f4cf65)
  • add key action (2f80e79)
  • add ssh for ternimal (facb9f5)
  • add ssh2 to deal with command (6a1740c)
  • add terminal default focus (0edc8ae)
  • add webTerminal ctrl + z and optimized input (79b5a2d)
  • article help doc (fd98ee7)
  • article help icon (2b8c9d9)
  • article subscription (890a9c0)
  • article subscription controller (d36d454)
  • cancel and create timed task when update articleSubscription (d7f1472)
  • change proxy-server collections stored, from cookie to localStorage (31627dc)
  • choose send time component (bdb8233)
  • configDetail introduce terminal component (004eed3)
  • crud complete (7bae31e)
  • default expand collection record (967c88f)
  • delete unnecessary webTerminal route (ad6f5d7)
  • delete unused file (fe0961e)
  • destroy terminal and socket after destroy terminnal (e8af685)
  • get topic list (4988c0e)
  • github trending test done (8e15b3a)
  • host-management add webTerminal (b223584)
  • initail socket for terminal (dc84854)
  • initail web terminal (18ee09d)
  • juejin and github can be sended (614e7b3)
  • local database name (ac96c0a)
  • optimized terminal command display (14dab38)
  • optimized terminal crtl Z (05f5543)
  • proxy help doc url (7b50cba)
  • recover configDetail (45d0b3e)
  • remove api useless (e70ab17)
  • remove cheerio from yarn.lock (7229306)
  • remove timed task when articleSubscription status is close (f899a92)
  • repalce message info (1de98d4)
  • set loading component default props (c45723d)
  • timed task (977e0b7)
  • timed task done (d70c2e8)
  • timed task when start (f557181)
  • update sql (ca00b91)
  • use url from env.json (0967709)

Bug Fixes

  • delete sensitive information for server (5feb2ff)
  • moment and folder rename (3cdd746)
  • style and doc, some small changes (1df0817)

1.3.2 (2021-06-30)


  • add config to set prod msyql link (88bab5f)

Bug Fixes

  • (?.) can not use under node.js v14.15.0 (f4e1f62)

1.3.1 (2021-06-30)


  • env.json: data desensitization (7152fdf)
  • add help link (dd63daf)
  • change help_doc_url (5d7db31)
  • pull out the configuration and document it (dcf11ac)

1.3.0 (2021-04-16)


  • 哆啦A梦配置中心-配置详情应用配置发送钉钉消息到群 (414ee5c)
  • 哆啦A梦配置中心-配置详情钉钉提示url增删处理 (2add30d)
  • 修改url验正,提示格式 (618f455)
  • 编辑/删除发送钉钉消息到群处理 (b691cc4)
  • add type to config_notice_url table (96f355e)
  • antd4.0 (f69932b)
  • antd4.x upgrade (01aba09)
  • antd4.x upgrade stash (08eb9a7)
  • change untils dingTalk send message function (df39d50)
  • finished hosts Dingtalk config (6c61dc1)
  • init hosts webhooks layout (e789360)
  • lint-fix and transfer dingTalk config (6379344)
  • merge dev (9813252)
  • migrate to ts (9e5edc9)
  • optimize (89bd163)
  • remove @ant-design/compatible (f6e8860)
  • update api and config_notice_url table (f2fef24)
  • hostmanagement: host management antd4.x upgrade, and bugfix (68be760)
  • proxyserver: proxy server antd4.x upgrade, fix form bug (34c7f92)
  • switchhosts: switch hosts antd4.x upgrade (1c6ee51)
  • toolbox: toolbox antd4.x upgrade and bugfix (8a5c163)

Bug Fixes

1.2.3 (2021-01-22)


  • path: optimize routing redirection (955f1aa)

Bug Fixes

  • proxy: fix the domain name broker (8feeb3f)
  • toolbox: fix host file edits (003cc63)

1.2.2 (2021-01-19)


  • layout: update layout select header (954738e)
  • proxy: adds the current user agent identity (b47fe28)

Bug Fixes

  • proxy: fix proxy change origin (d6c4486)

1.2.1 (2021-01-16)


  • dingbot: update ding bot (d425c09)
  • file: update file system (de48fad)
  • proxy server: update proxy server list (334ae5a)
  • public: update static public resources (108f81a)
  • resources: add resources file (0e02672)

1.2.1 (2021-01-15)


  • dingbot: update ding bot (d425c09)
  • file: update file system (de48fad)
  • proxy server: update proxy server list (334ae5a)
  • resources: add resources file (0e02672)

1.2.0 (2020-12-31)


  • ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
  • dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
  • proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
  • proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
  • proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
  • toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
  • upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)

Bug Fixes

  • webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
  • bugfix (7279d06)
  • bugfix (2632e68)
  • fix data month (bb80631)
  • appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
  • bugfix (2d033b9)
  • proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
  • switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)

1.2.0 (2020-12-31)


  • ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
  • dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
  • proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
  • proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
  • proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
  • toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
  • upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)

Bug Fixes

  • webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
  • bugfix (7279d06)
  • bugfix (2632e68)
  • fix data month (bb80631)
  • appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
  • bugfix (2d033b9)
  • proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
  • switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)

1.2.0 (2020-12-31)


  • ding bot: add ding bot and update test shell (770f36d)
  • dttag: reset antd tag (ec879cb)
  • proxy rules: allowed to choose target addr (6540ab1)
  • proxy service: add proxy service addrs (5d5e65c)
  • proxyserver: add api_doc_url (01506f3)
  • toolbox: add tags and tags filter (b3f6fb2)
  • upload: upload logo and save(use stream) (a15e829)

Bug Fixes

  • webpack.config.js: fix imagemini plugin (607d8c4)
  • bugfix (7279d06)
  • bugfix (2632e68)
  • fix data month (bb80631)
  • appcenter: inner app save into database, style change (424448f)
  • bugfix (2d033b9)
  • proxyaddrstable: fix row selected bug (9f992c2)
  • switchhost: change file storage path (83383e8)

1.1.1 (2020-12-12)


Bug Fixes

  • change link url (c99f85c)
  • config center: fix config center tag filter (770c2f2)
  • tag management: fix updata tag color (c15c90e)

1.1.0 (2020-12-04)

🌟 新功能

范围 描述 commitId
api server info api d6810c8
app update app center 8a0973a
feedback add feedback code 0250c2d
feedback add feedback code d3ff4ab
label management fix the impact of tag management 3fbcdad
label management fix the impact of tag management a8a729d
layout updata layout for app 804d59d
layout updata layout for global styles a4e1c9f
logo updata logo for header 45e091a
proxy update proxy server and create server rules 76fc4d6
proxy server add proxy server collection 9df1419
proxy server add proxy server collection 5cf1bf4
proxy server add proxy server common link 1df947c
proxy server add proxy server common link 5912f34
remote host updata remote host docs c096a86
switchhosts add switchhosts model 2c3fdc2
switchhosts push, delete actions, and bugfix 977cfed
tags add host management tags filter bb3a93e
tags add host management tags filter 3513047
tags add tag management page e0b06bd
  • | add help link | 9af674d
  • | add help link | 4db43dd switchhosts | hosts edit page | a841b1e tags | add tag management page | a2046aa themes | updata themes for layout | 450514c
  • | add and update appcenter | d45ca82
  • | hosts add and udpate api | 0bcb4d4
  • | write switchhosts back-end logic | 552995d toobox | add toolbox app center | dd0e5f6

🎨 代码样式

范围 描述 commitId
toolbox upate toolbox for help icon styles 75df841
toolbox upate toolbox for help icon styles 721c40d

🐛 Bug 修复

范围 描述 commitId
switchhosts rename and fix exist dir bug cfb102a
switchhosts rename and fix exist dir bug 6dfe4e7
  • | add order params and fix add app | bed8e06
  • | api response | 65a3e8a
  • | bugfix | a49c8a0
  • | bugfix and optimize | 0c1eb5c
  • | fix create app | ba0d02d
  • | merge serverinfo api, save into store | d274c81 switch hsots | get server info and optimize | 240c407
  • | hosts file store locally | 2b70e29 switchhosts | fix hosts file save and read | fca1261

📝 文档

范围 描述 commitId
docs updata docs Introduction 0da4158
version update doraemon version v1.1.0 4aa994b
  • | add Introduction and RemoteHosts | a423ba6
  • | add logo | 877a3c1
  • | align image center | 27ec7b2
  • | update Introduction | ff28753 packagejson | update packagejson version and changelog | 03e0aa3

📦 持续集成

范围 描述 commitId

🚀 性能优化

范围 描述 commitId
public public folder add hosts file 1999bf7
switchhost modify the hosts manage title name 36bda4c

1.0.0 (2020-09-04)

🌟 新功能

范围 描述 commitId
animate updata doraemon animate 4d0dbc8
commit 优化代码提交控制流程 954a7c3
config 修改mysql数据源配置 b938f04
范围 描述 commitId
  • | Update 修改数据库密码 | 4fcfca8
  • | 优化列表删除 | b6e2e59
  • | 修改package.json | cb4111b
  • | 版本控制 | ab9a10d
  • | 锁定安装包 | 08a8cfa
  • | 优化欢迎页 | a2d6f7c
  • | 优化界面 | e158523
  • | feat:优化eslint | 8bf8274
  • | 修改主题布局及全局列表默认排序方式 | e5d3a73
  • | 去掉服务端文件操作命令错误提示 | 333317c
  • | 添加默认ip | 76722a2
  • | 优化远程nginx配置创建 | 102ae4f
  • | 配置详情修复配置问题修复 | a36d2d0
  • | 优化远程操作指令rm | def58fd
  • | 支持配置文件的远程更新 | 4f367cf
  • | webpack配置调整 | 5ac8169
  • | 新增配置中心 | 6df7e76
  • | 部分react组件该用hook的方式去写 | 30d109b
  • | shell脚本调整 | 0f621e3
  • | 获取本机IP的方式改变 | 78d7d9c
  • | start.sh脚本更新 | d009ec6
  • | 新增主机失败问题修复 | 9db1c89
  • | 加入主机管理功能 | a30a559
  • | Revert "Revert "加入本机ip的获取"" | 6f8146b
  • | Revert "加入本机ip的获取" | e2bd908
  • | 获取本机ip函数调整 | 92cda1e
  • | 加入本机ip的获取 | 02422de
  • | 代理服务正则表达式校验改成宽松校验 | 11779b1
  • | 代理规则加入备注这一字段 | 59d5256
  • | 打包问题修复 | 77673c5
  • | 添加邮件签名制作 | 15d3d1c
  • | 样式调整 | d8ffd00
  • | 加入工具箱和内部网址导航 | 05fa606
  • | 新增默认需求本机Ip | 8536a9a
  • | serverId获取方式调整 | e0833cd
  • | 修改.gitignore | 053c71c
  • | 忽略config/manifest.json | 96347b4
  • | 标题链接首页 | 6b9c4e7
  • | 把名字改回去 | 2cdf326
  • | 再次改 | b2cf9d7
  • | 改到你成 | 554d1fc
  • | 名字再次调整 | 2ee8b85
  • | 名字调整测试 | a0a7541
  • | 重定向问题修复以及加入目标服务地址的格式校验 | def1895
  • | 塌陷问题修复 | aad39b0
  • | 启动命令调整 | efcb39c
  • | 生产环境数据库地址调整 | 66b0ea1
  • | 修复代理不支持post类型 | 2ac75ad
  • | bug fix | a5de1cd
  • | 查询model改变 | 34de349
  • | 编辑问题修复 | a71f297
  • | 更换数据库地址 | c376c70
  • | 生产环境加入数据配置 | 1ef4d15
  • | 删除test.js | a6ac981
  • | 代理功能完成 | 1d52b7e
  • | 代理服务操作 | c984fbf
  • | 项目初始化 | f116e4c