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File metadata and controls

324 lines (225 loc) · 6.44 KB

Lecture 2

Intro to VCS

Version Control System - the way to store the history of changes in certain files.


  • Full history of every file, which gives you possibility to go back to previous version of your codebase, analyze source of bugs and fix them.
  • Ability to work on a development team, where each member can modify similar parts of the code without pain.
  • Ability to track each change and describe purpose of the change
  • Connection to project management system
  • Connection to bug tracking software

VCS types

  • Centralized version control - all project files are saved on a version control server. You pull and work only with certain files. You don't need full copy of your project locally.
  • Distributed version control - you can clone a copy of a repository to your local machine, so you will have the full history of the project.

Version Control Systems

  • Centralized:
    • Subversion (SVN)
    • Perforce
  • Distributed:
    • Git
    • Mercurial

VCS services


  • Repository - data structure which stores your project files and directories.
  • Commit - checkpoint, adds changes to head revision of repository.
  • Branch - an active live of development.
  • Conflict - a situation when several users made changes in the same file and trying to push them.
  • Merge - bring content from one branch to another.
  • Fetch - get branch missing files from remote repository.
  • Pull - fetch and merge branch.
  • Push - putting all modified local files into the remote repository.
  • Rebase - reapply changes from a branch to a different state.
  • Revision - synonym for commit.
  • Tag - namespace that points to an object.
  • Master - the default development branch.


  • Initialize git repository on local machine
git init
  • Specify remote repository
git remote add origin<username>/<repository_name>.git
  • Adding files
git add example.txt
git add --all
git add .
git add src/
  • Check current status
git status
  • Reset added files
git reset
  • Remove files from staging
git restore --staged <filename>
  • Commit your changes
git commit -m "Remove old bug, add new one"
  • Push change to the remote repository
git push <remote_name> <branch_name>
  • Get changes from the remote
# runs 'fetch' and 'merge' by default, or 'rebase' if using --rebase flag
git pull <remote_name> <branch_name>
git pull
# downloads objects & files from repository
git fetch origin <branch_name>
git fetch
# clone repository to a local machine
git clone<username>/<repository_name>.git


  • Create branch
git branch crazy-experiment
  • Delete branch
git branch -d crazy-experiment
  • Move to branch
git checkout crazy-experiment
  • Show current branch
git branch
  • Create and move to new branch
git checkout -b crazy-experiment

Typical branching flow

master experiment feature one-more merge

git merge crazy-experiment

Useful tricks

  • Removing commit
# locally
git reset --hard HEAD~1
# from remote
git push origin HEAD --force
  • Stashing
# stash changes
git stash
# get from stash
git stash pop
  • Squash commits
git rebase -i <commit_hash>

Change pick to squash for a commit you want to meld into a previous one.

pick 8f59fe1 initial commit
pick 7e9b63f add some feature   # <---
squash 94d96b5 cleanup          # <--- these two commits will be squashed together
  • Reverting changes
git revert <commit_hash>
  • Keep empty directory in VCS Just place empty .gitkeep file in that directory

.gitignore && .gitignore_global

# Ignore all files & folders & subfloders
# Ignore all files with .txt extension
# Ignore specific file
# Ignore specific directory (nested)
# Ignore specific files in specific directory
# Ignore specific files in specific directory (nested)
# Ignore directory except single file
# Ignore files by mask in name (will work with /dist/img/a/test.jpg, /dist/img/a1/test.jpeg etc)



Gitflow - branching model for Git, authored by Vincent Driessen. Made for collaboration and easy maintenance.


  • Simultaneously development
  • Staging
  • Collaboration
  • Hotfixes



How it works

  • Feature branches


  • Development branch


  • Release branch


  • Merge to master and dev branches


  • Hotfixes


Github templates

Go to project settings:<repo_name>/settings issues-template

  • Issue templates in .github/ISSUES_TEMPLATE/*.md

    • Bug report
    • Feature request
    • Custom template
  • Pull request templates in .github/

### All Submissions:

* [ ] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
* [ ] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open
[Pull Requests](<username>/<repo_name>/pulls) for the same update/change?

<!-- You can erase any parts of this template not applicable to your Pull Request. -->

### New Feature Submissions:

1. [ ] Does your submission pass tests?
2. [ ] Have you lint your code locally prior to submission?

### Changes to Core Features:

* [ ] Have you added an explanation of what your changes do and why you'd like us to include them?
* [ ] Have you written new tests for your core changes, as applicable?
* [ ] Have you successfully ran tests with your changes locally?

Github pages

GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website.