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Development Installation

In order to compile Alice you will need to install a lot of dependencies... for real, a lot!

command-line Build Tools

In order to compile c++ in powershell, you need to install visual studio's command-line Build Tools:

Install Make

In order to compile SQLiteCPP you need make. Download and install it: Also add it to your system env path

Install CMake

You must get CMake in order to compile and install some dependencies. Follow to install it. Ensure to add it to your system env path.

Install OpenSSL

You need openSSL to handle cryptography, to install it do as follows:

Build SQLite3 as .lib

You need to build sqlite3.lib. In order to do so:

  • Download an amalgamation:
  • Download a binary matching the same version (You will need the .def)
  • Open Developer Command Prompt for VS in admin mode.
  • Run lib /DEF:sqlite3.def /OUT:sqlite3.lib /MACHINE:x64
  • Reference the .lib into your vs solution

Install deps

You need to have some compiled .lib in your computer. Open a powershell in admin mode and type .\install_deps.ps1. This script will install civetweb, cJSON, lib signal, and spdlog libraries. You also need to have sqlite_modern_cpp somewhere in your pc. use git clone Locate the folder \hdr inside the project, you need to include it into your vs solution.

Install SQLCipher

For a detailed guide to install SQLCipher go to: We can summarize it in these steps:

  • Download the repo:
  • Open sqlcipher
  • Edit the file Makefile.msc:
    • Replace SQLITE3DLL = sqlite3.dll for SQLITE3DLL - sqlcipher.dll
    • Do the same for .lib, .exe and sh.pdb
    • For -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE replace 1 for 2
    • Add a configuration for TCC and RCC with the parameter -DSQLITE_HAS_CODEC
    • Add a configuration for TCC and RCC with the parameter containing the path of your openssl headers -Ipath\to\your\openssl\include
    • Add a configuration for LTLIBPATHS with the path of your openssl libs: LTLIBPATHS = $(LTLIBPATHS) /LIBPATH:path\to\your\openssl\lib
    • Add a configuration for LTLIBS with all the files contained inside your openssl lib folder: LTLIBS = $(LTLIBS) crypto.lib openssl.lib
    • Replace all sqlite3.def for sqlcipher.def (5-6 Concurrencies)
  • Open x64 Native Tools Command Propmt and run nmake /f Makefile.msc

Include dirs and linked libs

You need to reference those installed dependencies in your vs solution. Ensure those dependencies are in release and debug mode. Also ensure to use windows standard library.


Include Dirs:

C:\Program Files (x86)\signal-protocol-c\include
C:\Program Files (x86)\spdlog\include
C:\Program Files (x86)\civetweb\include

Linked Libs:

C:\Users\Unable to decrypt\Downloads\sqlite3\sqlite3.lib
C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\lib\libcrypto.lib
C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\lib\libssl.lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\signal-protocol-c\lib\signal-protocol-c.lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\spdlog\lib\spdlog\spdlog.lib
C:\Program Files (x86)\civetweb\lib\civetweb.lib

Preprocessor Definitions:


Also add libcrypto-3.dll generated when you compiled OpenSSL to your root solution. There's one already there but it's better if you replace it with the one you just compiled.