This document provides an overview of the automated systems in place for managing the Linea Token List. It details the GitHub Actions set up for synchronization, validation, and testing, as well as the scripts executed for token updates, both community-initiated and auto-synced from on-chain data.
Step-by-step procedure through which community members can propose token updates. It begins with a user creating a new branch and ends with the pull request (PR) being merged after validation.
Mermaid source: Community Token List updates diagram
Validates JSON structures and runs unit tests for every push and pull request on the main branch.
- Triggered by pull requests to the main branch.
- Executes unit tests.
- Validates linea-goerli-token-shortlist.json against its JSON schema.
- Executes verifyMainnetShortlist.
- Commit changes if changes are detected.
Mermaid source: Community Token List updates diagram
Automatically syncs the on-chain token list every hour. For an in-depth execution flow, refer to the Script Execution Guide.
- Runs hourly.
- Executes verifyMainnetShortlist.
- Generates an updated token list from on-chain data.
- Creates a pull request if changes are detected.
- Auto-merges and cleans up the PR branch.
Mermaid source: Community Token List updates diagram
Technical workflows associated with updating the Linea Token List. It covers both community-initiated updates and automated synchronization from on-chain data.
Script that retrieves the Mainnet Token Shortlist, verifies each token's on-chain data, updates any discrepancies, and gracefully terminates after the entire verification process.
Mermaid source: Automatic Sync Mainnet Token List diagram
Script for synchronizing the Mainnet Token List directly from on-chain data. Triggered every hour, it encompasses stages from fetching event data from Ethereum to merging updates into the main branch after validation.
Mermaid source: Automatic Sync Mainnet Token List diagram