JSON API-compliant view generators for Flask
This project is being merged in with SQLAlchemy-JSONAPI in its rewrite. The new SQLAlchemy-JSONAPI will be released when JSON-API nears finalization.
Clone repository and run python setup.py install
until this reaches version 0.1.
To use this, make sure your models already have the JSONAPIMixin
from SQLAlchemy-JSONAPI added. Then add the following code to your application:
from flask.ext.jsonapi import FlaskJSONAPI, SQLAlchemyEndpoint
# Add the extension to your application. You can also call init_app later
# much like most other extensions for Flask.
api = FlaskJSONAPI(app)
# Now add an endpoint for each model.
api.add_endpoint(SQLAlchemyEndpoint(User, db.session), urlprefix='/api')
In this example, the endpoint will be accessible at /api/users