A list of various Learning reasources that can be relevant to project work at Cogito.
Use the resources you that are related to what you want to learn and that fit your learning style the best.
You do not need to go through everything.
- Recommended
- Lectures
- Selected Papers Realted to Super Resolution
- Video Tutorials
- Written Tutorials
- Awesome Lists
- Frameworks and Libraies
- GitHub Student Developer Pack
- Deep Learning Book
- Code Examples
- Visualization
- IDE/Code_Editor Tutorials
- Fashion mnist Example from Tensorflow
- Keras API Reference
- Keras Developer Guides
- Deep Learning Fundamentals
- Super-Resolution Example
Lectures series that give a good introduction to Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- How to Read Academic Papers
- Image Super-Resolution via Iterative Refinment
- Image Super-Resolution via Deep Recursive Network
- Fast, Accurate, and Lightweight Super-Resolution with Cascading Residual Networks
- Accurate Image Super-Resolution Using Very Deep Convelutional Networks
- Python in 100 Seconds
- Introduction to Python
- Intermediate Python
- 25 Nooby Python You Need to Ditch
- 10 Tips & Tricks
- 5 Common Mistakes in Python
- if name == 'main':
- Intorduction to Deep Learning with Keras
- Autoencoder Tutorial
- Tutorials by Tensorflow
- Intro to Keras for Engineers
- Guides by Keras
- Awesome Python
- Awesome Deep Learning
- Awesome Artificial Inteligence
- Dive Into Machine Learning
- Awesome Data Science
- Awesome Math
- Papers We Love
- Free Programming Books
- Awesome Public Datasets
Official documentation for libraries and tools we will use
Massive Open Online Courses
- Free resources for students such as a free JetBrains IDE professional License (Intelij, PyCharm etc.)
Neural Networks and Deep Learning is a free online book.
The book will teach you about:
Neural networks, a beautiful biologically-inspired programming paradigm which enables a computer to learn from observational data
Deep learning, a powerful set of techniques for learning in neural networks
Official code examples from Keras covering common use cases and opperations
Get an intuitive sense of what a neural network does
How to Use VScode and PyCharm from developing effetivly in Python
Created by JonRodtang