A 5-table SQLite database has been provided. The database contains a table of 100 artworks, a table of creators, a table of departments, and 2 linking tables containing the relationships between artworks, departments, and creators.
Using python, write a script that extracts the data from the tables and writes them into a JSON representation. Each object should contain all the information relevant to an artwork. Write the resulting data to a file.
Using the web or mobile framework of your choice, create a simple app that ingests the JSON file from Part 1 and displays all the information in a clear interface. Feel free to be creative and keep in mind that each artwork record will have a lot of data, so displaying all the data, all at once, will not result in a “clear interface”. Also provided is a folder of artwork images that are referenced in the artwork data. The images are named by the accession number of the artwork (a unique identifier assigned to an artwork when it is acquired by a musuem). These images should also be incorporated into the final app.
Completed work should include all code to arrive at the solution, plus all code, assets, and resources required to run the final result of part 2.
PLEASE INCLUDE a detailed README containing instructions for running the project locally.
All completed work should be pushed to a public repo on GitHub.