The following components of the project are shared using Send/Receive: Major Components:
- Project translation text (including which books are included in the project)
- project history
- Project users information
- Project properties (including inventory data, quotation rules and so on)
- Language settings (language name, language code, custom keyboard, etc.)
- Scripture reference settings
- Biblical terms renderings (Project Biblical terms list, Bible terms rendering discussion notes)
- Wordlist data (spelling status, spelling discussion notes hyphenation, morphology)
- Project notes
- comments
- note assignments
- note status
- custom note tag information
- Project Plan
- Project progress and assignments information
- Status of the basic checks
- Denied list items
Any files in the shared folder (If the shared folder does not exist, you must create it in the project folder. It must be named “shared”, and it must be all lower case.) Any sub-folders in the shared folder (including files and settings for PTXprint)
- Files in the project folder with specific extensions (such as.txt or .ini. Including autocorrect.txt)
- Figures (low-resolution versions, stored in the figures folder)
- Project interlinearizer data (such as glosses, and text alignment information)
- Settings or adjustment files for Export draft PDF (stored in the PrintDraft folder)
- Customizations to the stylesheet or project canon
- Optionally layouts, Biblical term filters and text collections created by an Administrator.
- Bible module specifications
- Derived translation status information
- Files which plugins have saved to the project
- TECkit mapping files in the project folder (files with extensions .tec or .map)
- CC Table mapping files in the project folder (files with the extension .cct)