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File metadata and controls

99 lines (86 loc) · 6.71 KB


Table of Contents

Folders and Finder

Alias Description
.. Go back to parent folder
c Clear terminal
cd - Go to previous opened folder
cleanup Delete .DS_Store files
f Open finder
get-vscode-exts To get links for all installed vscode extensions
hide Hide hidden files
l List all files colorized in long format
la To list all aliases
lsd List directories only
mkd <folder-name> To mkdir and cd into it
o Open
oo Open current folder in finder
rm Remove directory without -rf
show Show hidden files
z <folder-name> Folder names which you have already visited to auto complete the path


Alias Description
c. To open current directory in vscode editor
code Open vscode editor. Eg: code . opens vscode for current directory
emptytrash Empty the Trash on all mounted volumes and the main HDD
fs <file-name> Get file size
ip Show your current ip address
killport <port-number> To kill a port
kt To kill all chrome tabs (stable & canary)
lock To Lock screen while going AFK
logoff To logoff
sca Take screenshot of a window of your choice and Eg: sca test.png or sca test.jpg
server Python server for current directory
update To update brew, npm, gem and their installed packages
zip Create a zip

Git Aliases

Alias Description
clone <repo-url> Clone && cd into
g Git command
ga . Git add all files
ga <file-name> Git add a file
gb -D <branch-name> Git delete a new branch locally
gbd <branch-name> Git delete branch both locally & remote
gc -m "My commit msg" Git commit with commit message
gclist <owner> <repo-name> Git contribution list with avatar & link to profile
gco - Git checkout to previous branch
gco -b <branch-name> Git create a new branch
gco <branch-name> Git checkout to a branch
gco <file-name> Git checkout a file
gd <file-name> Git show diff for a particular file
gd Git show diff for all the files
gdbl Delete all local branch's except master
gf Git fetch
ggpull Git pull into current branch
ggpush Git push into current branch
gra Git rebase --abort
grc Git rebase --continue
grm Git rebase -i origin/master
s Show git status

Git Extras

Alias Description
gitit pulls <number> Open's a particular pull request in git
gitit pulls Open's pulls in git
gitit Open's repo in git

More commands.

NPM and Yarn Aliases

Alias Description
dnm delete node_modules
ni npm install
nr <command> npm run
ns npm start
ya yarn add
yag yarn global add
ys yarn start
yu yarn upgrade
yui yarn upgrade-interactive --latest