UnityConstants is a code generator that produces a single file called UnityConstants.cs
containing values for items you may modify in the editor. This tool currently generates constants for the following:
- Tags
- Sorting Layers
- Layers
- Scenes in the build configuration
You can run this tool by choosing Generate UnityConstants.cs
from the Edit
menu. When you first run the command it will prompt you for a directory in which to save UnityConstants.cs
. Each time after this, it will find that file and replace it, making it very quick to re-run the process.
This is an example of what you'll see in UnityConstants.cs
namespace UnityConstants
public static class Tags
public const string Untagged = "Untagged";
public const string Respawn = "Respawn";
public const string Finish = "Finish";
public const string EditorOnly = "EditorOnly";
public const string MainCamera = "MainCamera";
public const string Player = "Player";
public const string GameController = "GameController";
public const string Test = "Test";
public const string AnotherTest = "Another Test";
public const string _3Testing = "3 Testing";
public static class SortingLayers
public const int Default = 0;
public const int Second = 1;
public const int NewLayer3 = 3;
public const int Another = 2;
public const int NewLayer5 = 5;
public const int Foreground = 7;
public static class Layers
public const int Default = 0;
public const int TransparentFX = 1;
public const int IgnoreRaycast = 2;
public const int Water = 4;
public const int Layer8 = 8;
public const int Layer12 = 12;
public static class Scenes
public const int TestScene = 0;
public const int TestScene2 = 1;
public const int GameSaveSystemDemo = 2;