- Python : 3.12.7
- IPython : 8.28.0
- ipykernel : 6.29.5
- ipywidgets : 8.1.5
- jupyter_client : 8.6.3
- jupyter_core : 5.7.2
- jupyter_server : 2.14.2
- jupyterlab : 4.2.5
conda env create --file ./env.yml
I deliberately remove pip
in the venv to avoid multiple pkg manager to manage the same venv.
Read this section before you use pip
in conda
jupyter lab build
jupyter labextension list --verbose
Check if those unhealthly extensions are working porperly, or you might need to find alternative one.
conda activate another_env
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name another_env --display-name "whatever"
jupyter kernelspec list
jupyter kernelspec uninstall unwanted-kernel
conda env update --file env.yml --prune
Extension Compatibility with JupyterLab 4.0 - jupyterlab/jupyterlab#14590
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-unfold
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyter-archive
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-favorites
- https://github.com/rapidsai/jupyterlab-nvdashboard
- conda install -c rapidsai-nightly -c conda-forge jupyterlab-nvdashboard
- https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter-resource-usage
- https://github.com/jupyter-lsp/jupyterlab-lsp
- conda install jupyterlab-lsp jupyter-lsp jedi-language-server
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-variableInspector
- conda install lckr_jupyterlab_variableinspector
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab_code_formatter
- conda install jupyterlab_code_formatter black isort
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/search-replace
- conda install jupyterlab-search-replace ripgrep
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/jupyterlab-vim
- https://github.com/jupyterlab-contrib/spellchecker
- https://github.com/jupyter/nbdime
- https://github.com/timkpaine/jupyterlab_autoversion
- https://github.com/deshaw/jupyterlab-execute-time
- https://github.com/trungleduc/jupyter_app_launcher
- https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-sidecar