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Releases: CastXML/pygccxml


10 May 21:48
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  1. Fix _HAS_TR1=0 definition for msvc9 (#72)

  2. Fix possible infinite recursion in find_noncopyable_vars() (#71)


10 May 21:49
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  1. Fix multiple calls to __hash__() (#70)

  2. Static and extern qualifiers are now no more treated as equivalents
    in the type_qualifiers class (for CastXML).
    The old behaviour is kept for GCC-XML (static == extern).

  3. Fix for declarations.is_noncopyable when used on a pointer_t.


10 May 21:49
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  1. Include paths read from configuration files on windows are now normed
    and passed between quotation marks. This makes pygccxml more robust
    when used on Windows (with paths containing whitespaces).

  2. Closed cache file handle, which would not be closed in case of an exception
    (warning thrown by Python 2.7.13)

  3. Always call wait() on subprocesses before closing stdout/stderr streams.
    Detected by Python 3.6. Fixes the following warning:
    ResourceWarning: subprocess xxxxx is still running

  4. Fix deprecation warnings thrown by ConfigParser when using pygccxml
    with python 2.7.13. Fix the usage of pygccxml with python 3.6.

  5. Updated travis setup to python 3.6 for OS X.


10 May 21:49
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  1. Single-source the version number to prevent version numbers mismatches.
    Release 1.8.2 contained a wrong version number in its download url
    on pypi.


10 May 21:49
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  1. xml_generator_configuration_t will no more try to find
    castxml or gccxml. You can use utils.find_xml_generator to help you
    finding the path to the xml generator, or set it manually.
    It is now mandatory to pass a valid xml_generator and
    xml_generator_path to the configuration (#65).


10 May 21:50
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  1. Added is_struct function to declarations package. It returns true if
    a declaration is a struct.

  2. Removed * from decl_string when type is a function pointer (#61)

  3. Update travis.yml for newer OS X images. Update CastXML binaries for Travis.

  4. Fix regression in directory_cache, which was crashing due an unset variable.
    Add support for python3 in directory_cache.


10 May 21:50
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  1. CastXML is now the default XML generator (instead of GCCXML)
    find_xml_generator will now look for CastXML first too.

  2. Do not allow to use the GCCXML provided by newer gccxml debian packages.
    It is a wrapper around CastXML which can confuse pygccxml.
    You should use the castxml package and the CastXML binary instead.
    If you really want to use gccxml, the gccxml.real binary from the
    gccxml debian package can still be used.

  3. Fix parsing of boost/locale.hpp code.
    Templated class instantiations with specializations are now better supported,
    specifically when containing parentheses:
    myClass<std::vector<char>(const std::string &, const std::string &)> obj;

  4. When using the remove_pointer function on a function pointer, the
    remove_pointer function now correctly returns a calldef_type_t.

  5. declarations.is_string, declarations.is_std_wstring,
    declarations.is_std_ostream and declarations.is_std_wostream now
    correctly work when a the type is also a reference.
    Example: declarations.is_string returned false for
    typedef std::string& x3;; it will return true now.

  6. General code style overhaul (with the help of

  7. Added a bunch of new examples and documentation update and cleanup

  8. [Removals] Remove compiler attribute in and
    gccxml_path from
    These were deprecated in pygccxml v1.7.0, and definitively removed for v1.8.0

  9. [Deprecations]

  • The binary_parsers module was deprecated. It seems that this module is not
    used by other third-party projects, at least a quick search on GitHub
    did not give any interesting usage. Also, this code is not tested, and
    there seem to be some undefined variables, so it is highly probable that this
    module is not working anyway.
    I do not want to put much efforts in maintaining this module, but concentrate
    on improving pygccxml's core features. If somebody wants to revive this
    module it can still be done in a separate project.
    Thus, the 3 following functions are now deprecated and will be removed in
    pygccxml 1.9.0: merge_information, undecorate_blob and format_decl.
    The undname_creator_t class is also deprecated for the same reason.

  • A bunch of attributes and methods were deprecated.
    They will throw a warning when used with pygccxml 1.8.0, and will be removed
    in version 1.9.0.

    • In class_declaration_t and class_t:

      • decl.container_traits attribute => declarations.find_container_traits(decl)
    • In class_t

      • decl.find_noncopyable_vars() method => declarations.find_noncopyable_vars(decl)
      • decl.find_copy_constructor() method => declarations.find_copy_constructor(decl)
      • decl.has_vtable argument => declarations.has_vtable(decl)
    • In constructor_t

      • ctor.is_copy_constructor attribute => declarations.is_copy_constructor(ctor)
      • ctor.is_trivial_constructor attribute => declarations.is_trivial_constructor(ctor)
    • Deprecate the ns() method. The namespace() method can be used instead.

    • Deprecate etree_scanner_t and etree_saxifier_t classes.
      The most efficient xml scanner class is the ietree_scanner_t class, which
      is the one used since many years now.

    • The [gccxml] section used in the configuration file is now deprecated.
      Please use [xml_generator] instead.

  • native_compiler and enum classes from the utils module. These were
    not used in pygccxml, and can easily be implemented in your own project if you
    need and equivalent


10 May 21:50
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  1. Fix problem with argument without names when building declaration string (#55)


10 May 21:50
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  1. Improve error message when no castxml or gccxml is found.

  2. Fix compilation of tests with c++11.

  3. Fix patching of enums in default arguments for C++03.

  4. Version numbers are still tagged with the v prefix (1.7.4 was correctly tagged),
    as this is recommended by GitHub. The version number in the and files are without v prefix, because this is what pip requires.

Thanks to the following people for their contribution to this release:
Ashish Sadanandan


10 May 21:51
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  1. CV-qualified arrays were not being handled correctly by type traits
    manipulations functions. For instance, 'int const[N]' would not be
    detected as 'const'. Similar problems existed for volatile qualified
    arrays too. See #35 for more details. A newer version of CastXML is
    recommended (xml output version >= 1.138)

  2. Close subprocess stdout stream once value has been read.
    Fixes some warnings under python3.

  3. Since this release, pyggcxml's version numbers do not contain the v
    prefix anymore. This was breaking distribution on PyPI (

  4. The documentation is now at

Thanks to the following people for their contribution to this release:
Ashish Sadanandan