- Challenge 0 - Setup your system
- Challenge 1 - Azure Web Applications
- 🔸 Breakout! - Deploy the Azure Dev College sample application to Azure 🔸
- Challenge 2 - Serverless
- Challenge 3 - Messaging
- 🔸 Breakout! - Add a serverless microservice to our sample app and include messaging 🔸
- Challenge 4 - Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates
- 🔸 Breakout! - Create an Azure Web App and Storage Account with ARM templates 🔸
To give you a little bit more context on what we will be building, here's the description of our sample application and the resulting architecture for Day 2.
The sample application we will be using to get to know all the Azure services throughout the workshop, will be a Simple Contacts Management (SCM) application. You can - surprisingly - create, read, update and delete contacts with it. Currently, we will be storing the contacts in an in-memory database. On Day 3 we will learn about the various database services of Azure and add proper persistance to our services.
Later that day, we will also add a second service to be able to add contact images - which will be stored in an Azure Storage Account (Blob). An Azure Function which will automatically be trigger through an Azure Storage Queue will be responsible to create thumbnails of the images in background.
The frontend for the application is a small, responsive Single Page Application written in VueJS (which is one of the popular frameworks at the moment). We will be using the cheapest option to host a static website like that: Azure Blob storage.
At the end of the day, we will have the following architecture up and running in your own Azure subscription.