This repository gives several examples on how to integrate your your applications with Azure Active Directory.
- Azure CLI or PowerShell Az module
- ASP.NET Core 2.2
- Angular CLI
- Visual Studio Code
- REST Client plugin for VSCode
- Node.js
- 00 - Registering an application in AAD and receiving an ID Token
- 01 - Authenticating users in a web app using Azure AD
- 02 - Registering an application in AAD and receiving an ID Token via a URL Fragment
- 03 - Integrating an Angular SPA (Single page application) with Azure AD
- 04 - OAuth2 - Code Grant Flow
- 05 - TODO
- 06 - OAuth2 - Implicit Grant Flow
- 07 - OAuth2 - Implicit Grant Flow in a SPA (Single Page Application)
- OAuth 2.0 - an open standard for access delegation with a focus on authorization - "Allows apps or services to make (restricted) API calls to other services without needing the password of the user"
- OpenID Connect (OIDC) - An identity layer built on top of OAuth 2.0 for authentication - "Allows apps or services to know who the user is and authenticate him/her, including basic profile information"
- ID Token - used to authenticate the user, contain basic profile information
- Access Token - used to access protected resource via APIs on behalf of the user
- Refresh Token - used to request new access token once they are expired
- Authorization Server - issues access and refresh tokens, given the identity of the user
- Scopes - delegated permission to protected resources to limit delegated access for applications
- Consent - given by the user to accept the requested scopes
- Resource Server - stores the resource owner's data
- Resource Owner - own a specific piece of data (e.g., emails, contacts, etc.)
- Andreas Mock - @andreasM009
- Clemens Siebler - @clemenssiebler