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Technical documentation

Andrew Kiss edited this page Nov 16, 2018 · 30 revisions

Scaling and Performance


See .csv tables auto-generated by in /g/data3/hh5/tmp/cosima/access-om2-run-summaries on NCI.

MOM diagnostics list

The list

is here: MOM_diags.txt (best viewed as "raw").


A comprehensive tabulation of MOM diagnostics does not exist.

A set of Unix commands to generate such a list is offered on p.413 of S. M. Griffies "Elements of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM) 5 (2012 release with updates)" [Technical Report 7, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Ocean Group, February 2012] but this does not deal well with diagnostic registrations that span multiple lines.

The list offered here is more complete, but not without its own problems. Hopefully it will be of some use.


This is a work in progress.

Some of these diags may not actually be available because the functions may not be called.

Also many names are programmatically generated so you have to dive into the code to figure out what they are, eg

e:   id_yflux_adv_int_z ( n ) = register_diag_field ( 'ocean_model' , trim ( t_prog ( n ) % name ) // '_yflux_adv_int_z' , grd % tracer_axes_flux_y ( 1 : 2 ) , time % model_time , 'z-integral of cp*rho*dxt*v*temp' , 'Watts' , missing_value = missing_value , range = ( / - 1.e18 , 1.e18 / ) ) 

(we are working on dealing with that case)

How the list was generated

The diag list was produced by Marshall Ward using flint to parse the entire MOM codebase via this script (named

   from flint.project import Project

   proj = Project(verbose=True)

The script was run (python works find if 3.x is installed):

   python3 > out

The parsed output out is then filtered with grep to just list the lines with diag_table field registrations:

   grep -e "^mom5" -e "= *register_diag_field" out > MOM_diags.txt