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Technical documentation

Nic Hannah edited this page Sep 24, 2018 · 30 revisions

Technical Documentation

MOM diagnostics list

The list

is here: MOM_diags.txt (best viewed as "raw").


A comprehensive tabulation of MOM diagnostics does not exist.

A set of Unix commands to generate such a list is offered on p.413 of S. M. Griffies "Elements of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM) 5 (2012 release with updates)" [Technical Report 7, NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Ocean Group, February 2012] but this does not deal well with diagnostic registrations that span multiple lines.

The list offered here is more complete, but not without its own problems. Hopefully it will be of some use.


This is a work in progress.

Some of these diags may not actually be available because the functions may not be called.

Also many names are programmatically generated so you have to dive into the code to figure out what they are, eg

e:   id_yflux_adv_int_z ( n ) = register_diag_field ( 'ocean_model' , trim ( t_prog ( n ) % name ) // '_yflux_adv_int_z' , grd % tracer_axes_flux_y ( 1 : 2 ) , time % model_time , 'z-integral of cp*rho*dxt*v*temp' , 'Watts' , missing_value = missing_value , range = ( / - 1.e18 , 1.e18 / ) ) 

(we are working on dealing with that case)

How the list was generated

The diag list was produced by Marshall Ward using flint to parse the entire MOM codebase via this script (named

   from flint.project import Project

   proj = Project(verbose=True)

The script was run (python works find if 3.x is installed):

   python3 > out

The parsed output out is then filtered with grep to just list the lines with diag_table field registrations:

   grep -e "^mom5" -e "= *register_diag_field" out > MOM_diags.txt

Spinup timestep sequences

This page records the timestep sequence found to successfully spin up various configurations of ACCESS-OM2 and related models.

These can be updated via (for example)

cd /g/data3/hh5/tmp/cosima/access-om2-025/025deg_jra55_ryf_spinup7
echo "## $PWD"; echo -e '| run | years | months | days | timestep |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |'; for file in output*; do echo -n "| $file |"; grep -m 1 -A 2 years: "$file"/config.yaml | tr -s '\n' '| '; grep -m 1 timestep: "$file"/config.yaml | tr -s '\n' ' '; echo '|'; done


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output001 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output001 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output002 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output003 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output004 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output005 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output006 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output007 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output008 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output009 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output010 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output011 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output012 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output013 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output014 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output015 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output016 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output017 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output018 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output019 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output020 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output021 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output022 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output023 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output024 years: 0 months: 1 days: 0 timestep: 240
output025 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output026 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 300
output027 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 450
output028 years: 0 months: 2 days: 0 timestep: 450


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 600
output001 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 600
output002 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 900
output003 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 900
output004 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1350
output005 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output006 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output007 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output001 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output002 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output003 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output004 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output005 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output001 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output002 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output003 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output004 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output005 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output006 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output007 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output008 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output009 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output010 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output011 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output012 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output013 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output014 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output015 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output016 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output017 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output018 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output019 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output020 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output021 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output022 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output023 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output024 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output025 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output026 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output027 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output028 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output029 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output030 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output031 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output032 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output033 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output034 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output035 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output036 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output037 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output038 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output039 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output040 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output041 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output042 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output043 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output044 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output045 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output046 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output047 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output048 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output049 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output050 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output051 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output052 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output053 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output054 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output055 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output056 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output057 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output058 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output059 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output060 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output061 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output062 years: 2 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400


run years months days timestep
output000 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output001 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output002 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output003 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output004 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output005 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output006 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output007 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output008 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output009 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output010 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output011 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output012 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output013 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output014 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output015 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output016 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output017 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output018 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output019 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output020 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output021 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output022 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output023 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output024 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output025 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output026 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output027 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output028 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output029 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output030 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output031 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output032 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output033 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output034 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output035 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output036 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output037 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output038 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output039 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output040 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output041 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output042 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output043 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output044 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output045 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output046 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output047 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output048 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output049 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output050 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output051 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output052 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output053 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output054 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output055 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output056 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output057 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output058 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output059 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output060 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output061 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output062 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output063 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output064 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output065 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output066 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output067 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output068 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output069 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output070 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output071 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output072 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output073 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output074 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output075 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output076 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output077 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output078 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output079 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output080 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output081 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output082 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output083 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output084 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output085 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output086 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output087 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output088 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output089 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output090 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output091 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output092 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output093 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output094 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output095 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output096 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output097 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output098 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output099 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output100 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output101 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output102 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output103 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output104 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output105 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output106 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output107 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output108 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output109 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output110 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output111 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output112 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 1800
output113 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 3600
output114 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output115 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output116 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output117 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output118 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output119 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output120 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output121 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output122 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output123 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output124 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output125 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output126 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output127 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output128 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output129 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output130 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output131 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output132 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output133 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output134 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output135 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output136 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output137 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output138 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output139 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output140 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output141 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output142 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output143 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output144 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output145 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output146 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output147 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output148 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output149 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output150 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output151 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output152 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output153 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output154 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output155 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output156 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output157 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output158 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output159 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output160 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output161 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output162 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output163 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output164 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output165 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output166 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output167 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output168 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output169 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output170 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output171 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output172 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output173 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output174 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output175 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output176 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output177 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output178 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output179 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output180 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output181 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output182 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output183 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output184 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output185 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output186 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output187 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output188 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output189 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output190 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output191 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output192 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output193 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output194 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output195 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output196 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output197 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output198 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output199 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output200 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output201 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output202 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output203 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output204 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output205 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output206 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output207 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output208 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output209 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output210 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output211 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output212 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output213 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output214 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output215 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output216 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output217 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output218 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output219 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output220 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output221 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output222 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output223 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output224 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400
output225 years: 1 months: 0 days: 0 timestep: 5400