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- Learn X in Y minutes: collection of tutorials on many topics
- Software Carpentry: teaching basic lab skills for research computing
- Atom: free, open source, sponsored by GitHub
- Emacs: free, open source, GNU project, works in terminal
- Nano: free, open source, very simple, works in terminal
- Spacemacs: Emacs configuration inspired by vim
- Sublime Text: very popular non-free editor
- TextWrangler: macOS only, free, closed source, can easily edit remote files
- Vim: free, open source, works in terminal
- Visual Studio Code: free, open source, sponsored by Microsoft
: package manager for macOS- The Linux Command Line: book about using unix-like command line
- Pro Git: detailed book about Git
- Learn Git in Y minutes: short Git tutorial
- Git Reference
- Git homepage
- Oh Shit Git!: common Git problems and resolution
- GitHub Desktop: GUI for GitHub
- GitHub Guides
- GitHub Help Documentation
- GitHub: online Git repository hosting service
- BitBucket: online Git repository hosting service
- GitLab: online Git repository hosting service
- Article: Git from the inside out by Mary Rose Cook
- Anaconda Python: distribution including packages for scientific computing
: online Jupyter notebook (warning: work not saved)- notebook interface for Python (included with Anaconda)
: plotting in Pythonnumpy
: numeric arrays in Pythonpandas
: data analysis in Python- Python for Data Analysis by Wes McKinney (book)
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!
- Learning Python, 5th edition by Mark Lutz (book)
- Learn Python in Y minutes
- Python Tutor: web tool to visualize data structures
- scipy: scientific computing in Python
- Coliru: online C++ editor and compiler for small test programs
- Learn C++ in Y minutes
- C++ Primer, 5th edition by Lippman, Lajoie, and Moo (book)
: C++ reference