Finance Machine Learning
"Because everyone else is autistic"
- Create Github Project
- Create the DataFetcher API (In Progress)
- TDAmeritrade Equitys
- TDAmeritrade Options
- Create DataProvier API
- Create Initial ML Model
- Create Testing Framework
- Create Trading API
This contains code to retrieve data from various types of backends.
- Register at for an API Key
- Add a APIKEY.apikey file to the TDAmeritrade Folder
- Copy your API key from step 1 into the first line of this file.
- DO NOT COMMIT THIS FILE (.gitignore is set for *.apikey)
Create a new instance of an Equity class by passing the string of the ticker symbol.
AMD = Equity("AMD")
AMD.get_price() //returns the current price
The DataProvider class is meant to be the main class used to generate training data from data.
dp = DataProvider()
(data, label) = dp.get_train_data_single(random=True)
(data, label) = dp.get_train_data_next()