BTG Starbuck: ALk5mWvwpBozgeBieayrTrmnKBH3kPYUhj
BTG DrMiaow: GQubYakjr6Ap4kq9XAdsqxeYvu6m45GmRe
BTC Starbuck: 12Yc3Ezayhnm4X9x3nxV7vWY1h2qpWgajc
BTC DrMiaow: 1LHSWFPEeXuZXZ43nUs1bmpipcKyJejCV4
ZEC: t1Ud3BzQUcHrPxtrGgDsuT65qTkZLrXbrZ2
- Boost 1.62+
Windows builds made by us are available here:
Download and install:
- CUDA SDK (if not needed remove USE_CUDA_TROMP and USE_CUDA_DJEZO from nheqminer Preprocessor definitions under Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor)
- Visual Studio 2013 Community:
- Visual Studio Update 5 installed
- 64 bit version only
Open nheqminer.sln under nheqminer/nheqminer.sln and build. You will have to build ReleaseSSE2 cpu_tromp project first, then Release7.5 cuda_tromp project, then select Release and build all.
If you don't wan't to build with all solvlers you can go to nheqminer Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions and remove the solver you don't need.
Work in progress. Working solvers CPU_TROMP, CPU_XENONCAT, CUDA_TROMP, CUDA_DJEZO
Install CUDA SDK v8 (make sure you have cuda libraries in LD_LIBRARY_PATH and cuda toolkit bins in PATH)
- example on Ubuntu:
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64/stubs"
- PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/"
- PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin"
Use Boost 1.62+ (if it is not available from the repos you will have to download and build it yourself)
CMake v3.5 (if it is not available from the repos you will have to download and build it yourself)
Currently support only static building (CPU_XENONCAT, CUDA_DJEZO are enabled by default, check CMakeLists.txt in nheqminer root folder)
If not on Ubuntu make sure you have fasm installed and accessible in PATH
After that open the terminal and run the following commands:
git clone
- Generating asm object file:
- On Ubuntu:
cd nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/asm_linux/
- bundeled fasm not compatible:
- delete/replace (inside nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/asm_linux/ directory) with fasm binary compatible with your distro
cd nheqminer/cpu_xenoncat/asm_linux/
- On Ubuntu:
cd ../../../
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../nheqminer
make -j $(nproc)
Parameters: -h Print this help and quit -l [location] Stratum server:port -u [username] Username (bitcoinaddress) -a [port] Local API port (default: 0 = do not bind) -d [level] Debug print level (0 = print all, 5 = fatal only, default: 2) -b [hashes] Run in benchmark mode (default: 200 iterations)
CPU settings -t [num_thrds] Number of CPU threads -e [ext] Force CPU ext (0 = SSE2, 1 = AVX, 2 = AVX2)
NVIDIA CUDA settings -ci CUDA info -cd [devices] Enable CUDA mining on spec. devices -cb [blocks] Number of blocks -ct [tpb] Number of threads per block Example: -cd 0 2 -cb 12 16 -ct 64 128
If run without parameters, miner will start mining with 75% of available logical CPU cores. Use parameter -h to learn about available parameters:
Example to run benchmark on your CPU:
nheqminer -b
Example to mine on your CPU with your own BTC address and worker1 on NiceHash USA server:
nheqminer -l -u YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1
Example to mine on your CPU with your own BTC address and worker1 on EU server, using 6 threads:
nheqminer -l -u YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1 -t 6
Note: if you have a 4-core CPU with hyper threading enabled (total 8 threads) it is best to run with only 6 threads (experimental benchmarks shows that best results are achieved with 75% threads utilized)
Example to mine on your CPU as well on your CUDA GPUs with your own BTC address and worker1 on EU server, using 6 CPU threads and 2 CUDA GPUs:
nheqminer -l -u YOUR_BTC_ADDRESS_HERE.worker1 -t 6 -cd 0 1