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148 lines (110 loc) · 7.68 KB

File metadata and controls

148 lines (110 loc) · 7.68 KB


From 7.3.1 to 7.4.0


  • The $eagerState repository property is now private, and it is of type null|string because it holds the parent repository that renders it.

From 6.x to 7.x

High impact:

  • Any action permitted unless the Model Policy exists and the method is defined
  • PHP8.0 is required
  • Laravel 9 is required
  • Repository.php:
    • static to method renamed to route
    • $withs class property was renamed to $with so it matches the Eloquent default
    • $defaultPerPage and $defaultRelatablePerPage has a type of int, if you override this make sure you add int type
    • eagerState method was deleted from the repository, there is no need to call it anymore, the repository will be resolved automatically
    • $prefix property requires a string type
    • resolveShowMeta is not inherited for the resolveIndexMeta anymore, both methods are now using policyMeta method, so override the policyMeta instead. This could be simply solved if you replace in all repositories resolveShowMeta with policyMeta.
  • Relations that are present into include or related will be preloaded, so if you didn't specify a repository to serialize the related relationship, and you're looking for the Eloquent to resolve it, it will not invoke the restify.casts.related cast anymore, instead it'll load the relationship as it. This has a performance reason under the hood.
  • Since related relationships will be preloaded, the format of the belongs to will be changed now. If you didn't specify the repository to serialize the belongsTo relationship, it'll be serialized as an object, not array anymore:


"relationships": {
  "user": [{
    "name": "Foo"


"relationships": {
  "user": {
    "name": "Foo"

Low impact:

  • Restify.php - repositoryForKey renamed to repositoryClassForKey

From 6.2.1 to 6.3.0

From 5.x to 6.x


  • The major deprecation was the AuthController deletion, as it wasn't very intuitive and configurable. Intead we developed individual controllers for each auth action, you can release them using the restify:auth command. See more on the official docs;
  • Matchable are now only read from query params, not post payloads. So make sure all matchable filters are in query params.
  • Actions are not logged if the model doesn't use HasActionLog trait.


  • A major breaking change was made around the storeCallback, updateCallback and storeBulkCallback. In 5.x the closure was receiving the RestifyRequest $request instance, however now, it only gets the value (so it's compatible with the showCallback or indexCallback):
field('name')->storeCallback(fn($value) => Str::upper($value)) // $value === $request->input('name')

How to fix:

If you already implemented this callback, you still can use instead the fillCallback, so simply replace you storeCallback with fillCallback:

field('name')->fillCallback(function(RestifyRequest $request) {
    if ($request->isStoreRequest()) {
        return Str::upper($request->input('name'));

From 4.10.x to 5.x

Repository changes:

  • filters - explicit array returned type
  • getSearchableFields() - deprecated, to use searchables
  • getMatchByFields() - deprecated, to use matches
  • getOrderByFields() - deprecated, to use sorts
  • availableFilters now returns an instance of FiltersCollection, so if you overwrite this, make sure to adapt.
  • uriTo - explicit string returned type
  • The support for relatable via query params was dropped because of security reasons. Now we only maintain the relatable via BelongsToMany or HasMany fields. ie: /posts?parentRepository=users&parentRepositoryId=1 should be now: /users/1/posts and define the 'posts' => HasMany::new('')... into your UserRepository
  • Repository index, show, store, update, destroy should specify the JsonResponse return.
  • getRelated method was dropped - use related instead
  • getMatchByFields method was dropped - use matches instead
  • getOrderByFields method was dropped - use sorts instead
  • getSearchableFields method was dropped - use searchables instead
  • getWiths method was dropped - use withs instead


  • uriKey() - string returned type

  • BooleanFilter - changed namespace to Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Filters

  • SelectFilter - changed namespace to Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Filters\SelectFilter and must implement the options method and return an array. The key should be the value the frontend can send and value would be the label frontend could use to display the select. ie: ['is_active' => 'Is Active']

  • There is no more class property for the advanced filters, the frontend should only send they key of the filter.

  • The filters method from the repository should return a list of AdvancedFilers.

  • The resolve method for the advanced filters now requires a AdvancedFilterPayloadDto instance.

  • The value argument for the third parameter for AdvancedFilters will be resolved from the AdvancedFilterPayloadDto@value method

  • Each advanced filter must implement the rules method which returns the validation payload for the filter.


  • POST /profile/avatar was deleted.


  • RestController namespace was changed to Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Http\Controllers so you should refactor all of yours classes where you have used it (tip: you can use data() helper to wrap any response into json with data key)
  • Action base class doesn't extend anymore the RestController.
  • RestifyHandler was removed.


  • For all related fields (BelongsTo, HasMany etc.) was dropped the argument one, so instead of BelongsTo::make('user', 'user', UserRepository::class) you have to use: BelongsTo::make('user', UserRepository::class)


  • RestifyServiceProviderRegistered event was removed

From 4.7.0 to 4.8.0

  • Copy the database/migrations/create_action_logs_table.php migration to yours local migrations and run php artisan migrate to ensure you can benefit from the action logs.

From v3 to v4

  • Dropped support for laravel passport
  • Now you have to explicitly define the allowRestify method in the model policy, by default Restify don't allow you to use repositories.
  • viewAny policy isn't used anymore, you can delete it.
  • The default exception handler is the Laravel one, see restify.php -> handler
  • fillCallback signature has changed
  • By default it will do not allow you to attach belongsToMany and morphToMany relationships. You will have to add BelongsToMany or MorphToMany field into your repository
  • All of the Repository getter methods should declare the returned type, for instance the fieldsForIndex method should say that it returns an :array
  • Attach endpoint:
"api/restify/users/{$user->id}/attach/roles", [
    'roles' => [$role->id],

now requires to have a Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Fields\BelongsToMany or Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Fields\MorphToMany field to be defined in the repository.

  • Field method append renamed to value.

  • The relations from the Repository $related, which are resolved via a Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation or Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder will do not have anymore the attributes property in the relations. To support this format, you can configure a custom Cast on restify.php, see the Binaryk\LaravelRestify\Tests\Fixtures\Post\RelatedCastWithAttributes::class, it returns the old 3.x format.