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File metadata and controls

163 lines (79 loc) · 5.16 KB

Cash Box

Module of Cash Box realized in Odoo 10.

Easy way:

For Odoo employees

To add the odoo-dev remote use this command:

$ ./setup/ setup_git_dev

To fetch odoo merge pull requests refs use this command:

$ ./setup/ setup_git_review

Install dependences for odoo

$ ./setup/ setup_deps

#We will install odoo in linux. Must be installed postgresql

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql

Change the permissions of postgresql: We edit the configuration file of postgresql pg_hba.conf

$   sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf 

Access the user su

$ sudo su

change password default of postgresql

$ ALTER USER postgresql with passwird 'MyNewPassword';

We logged in as user postgresql to create user su postgresql

we create user odoo in postgresql to work whit DB of odoo

$ createuser -d -S -w -R odoo

Restart Service of postgresql

$ sudo service postgresql restart

Step 1: A new user is created for odoo with all the privileges.

$ useradd -m -g sudo -s /bin/bash new-user

Step 2: Change password to new-user.

$ passwd new-user

Step 3: Update system

$sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Step 4: Install dependency of python

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv bzr bzrtools python python-egenix-mxdatetime python-dateutil python-pybabel python-openid python-feedparser python-lxml python-libxml2 python-libxslt1 python-psycopg2 python-libxml2 python-libxslt1 python-imaging python-gdata python-ldap python-reportlab python-pyparsing python-simplejson python-pydot python-webdav graphviz python-werkzeug python-matplotlib python-vatnumber python-numpy python-pychart python-vobject python-zsi python-xlwt python-hippocanvas python-profiler python-dev python-setuptools postgresql postgresql-client-common python-yaml python-mako gcc mc python-babel python-feedparser python-reportlab-accel python-zsi python-openssl python-jinja2 python-unittest2 python-mock  python-docutils lptools make python-psutil python-paramiko poppler-utils python-pdftools antiword python-jinja2 python-requests git-core sudo python-decorator python-pypdf python-passlib xsltproc xmlstarlet python-soappy python-qrencode

Update Packages of pip

$ pip install --upgrade pip

Odoo has many dependencies so it is recommended to install a virtual environment where we will have running our server

Install virtualenv. It will be our virtual envirioment

$ virtualenv Name-our-Virtual-Envirioment

We Activate virtual envirioment

$ . NameOurVirtualEnvirioment/bin/activate

Now we install the dependencies that are in the file requeriment.txt

pip install -r requeriment.txt

Once finished successfully the installation, let's run the server.

$ ./odoo-bin -d <namedb>

checked in brower.


If we have an error creating the DB, we given permission to the folder located in ~/.local/share/Odoo

$ sudo chown -R YouNameUser: ~/.local/share/Odoo

#Create Module of Odoo#

we created a folder where we will have our modules

$ sudo mkdir modulos_locales

To create a new module we place in the folder of odoo and execute the following command

$ ./odoo-bin scaffold <nameModuleCreated> <foldertheyoumodules>

Register your local module folder in odoo.

$ ./odoo-bin -d odoo --addons-path='addons,odoo/addons,local_addons' --save

--save: Save the configuration to a file located in ~/.odoorc where are all the configurations of the server

So I do not have to add the command --addons-path, For the server Read the local modules, now to run the server will only be placed the command ./odoo-bin -d

Update change made in a module specific

$ ./odoo-bin -d <naameBD> -u <NameOfModule>

Activate developer mode on the "configuration" page of odoo

1. Click in tab (Configuration) or (settings) in the top of the page 2.Click in (Activate the developer mode) located in the down of the page)

Update list of application or modules of the interface of odoo

1. Click in (update list of application) located in the left sidebar 2. Click in (Applicate update) Search the module create

#How translate one module to any other idiom

./odoo-bin -d odoo --modules=Namemodule -l es_VE --i18n-export=es_VE.po

--load-language = Language to load Specifies the languages ​​for the translations you want to be loaded

l IDIOMA, --language = (IDIOM) Specify the language of the translation file. Use it with -i18n-export o -i18n-import

--i18n-export = (Filename.extension) Export all phrases to be translated into a file CSV, PO or one file TGZ y exit

--i18n-import = (Filename.extension) Import one file CSV or PO with Translations and exit. The option '-l' is Necessary.

--i18n-overwrite Overwrites existing translation terms in the update of a module O import one file CSV o PO.

--modules = (Module a traslate) Specify modules to export. Use in combination with --i18n-exportation