1. Immersive Learning Implementation Worksheet
- Phase
- Plan
- Vision
- Stakeholders
- Design
- Problem & Solution
- Learner Persona
- Curriculum
- Assessment
- ILX Requirements
- Support Requirements
- Project Planning Document
- Problem & Solution
- SWOT / Risk Analysis
- Requirements
- Timeline
- Budget
- Socialize
- Stakeholder Review
- Purchase
- Purchasing Requirements
- ILX Features
- Budget
- Timeline
- Support
- Test the ILX
- Test the Enterprise
- Timeline Responsible
- Evaluate support materials (Guides, tutorials, etc.) Supplements needed?
- Accessibility (VPAT)
- Info Sec (SOC2, ISO)
- Support
- Vendor (SLA?)
- Institution
- Socialize Results
- Stakeholder Approval
- Execute Purchasing Contracts
- Prepare
- Acquire Test Hardware
- Acquire Test ILX
- Launch Test Enterprise
- Curriculum Revision
- Train Faculty
- Train Support Staff
- Train IT
- Socialize
- Pilot
- Objectives
- Curriculum
- Enterprise
- Learners
- Faculty
- Staff
- IT
- Assessment
- Support
- Vendor
- Staff
- IT
- Learner Feedback
- Assessment Reporting
- Socialize
- Refine
- Review Report - List Deficiencies
- Showstoppers Severe Minor
- Prioritize Improvements
- Timeline Adjustment
- Budget Adjustment
- Socialize
- Stakeholder Approval for Deployment
- Deploy
- Hardware Provisioning System
- ILX Provisioning System
- Class Management System
- Timeline Adjustment
- Budget Adjustment
- Support
- Vendor
- Department
- IT
- Assess
- Research Program
- Hypothesis
- Method
- Control Group
- ILX instruments
- Traditional instruments
- Findings & Recommendations
- Socialize
- Stakeholder Review
2. An Engaged Learning Technologies White Paper on Designing Intelligent Immersive Learning for Professional and Higher Education
- June 2018
- By:
- Jim Kiggens, Director Engaged Learning Technologies, Strategy & Innovation, Adtalem Global Education
- Emily Battaglia, Learning Experience Designer, Engaged Learning Technologies, Strategy & Innovation, Adtalem Global Education
- © Adtalem Global Education June 2018
- Contents
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Intend
- Learning Experience Design (LXD)
- Artificial Intelligence for Education (AIEd)
- Analytics
- Immerse
- Presence
- Flow
- Embodiment
- Feel
- Narrative
- Sensemaking
- Persistence
- Learn
- Constructivism
- The Learner as Creator
- Collaboration
- Conclusions
- References
3. Executive Summary
- Intelligent immersive learning is a paradigm shift that is already underway in higher education.
- The legacy focus of designing and implementing learning products for institutional needs, practices, and structures is outdated beyond revision or adaption.
- A fundamental shift in focus is required with the learner’s experience at the core and the learner’s personalized instructional needs as the overarching guiding framework.
- This paper is the first in a three-part series that addresses design, production, and research for intelligent immersive learning experiences for professional education and higher education.
- The ILXD model has been developed to serve the shift in focus from producing learning products to producing learning experiences.
- The model is used to guide and inform the design, production, and research for intelligent immersive learning experiences for professional education and higher education.
- The elements of the ILXD model are drawn from a broad array of pedagogy and educational technology topics including; cognition and learning sciences, game-based learning, design thinking, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence for education (AIEd).
4. Introduction
- Since April of 2016, Engaged Learning Technologies at Adtalem Global Education (ATGE) has been exploring a production process to create and deliver intelligent immersive learning experiences for use in professional education and university classes throughout the seven ATGE institutions.
- Our experience has been that the technologies, tools, and processes are available, affordable, and can go to scale.
- It is possible to design, produce, and deliver a personalized learning experience with immersion, empathy, and a hereto unseen level of engagement.
- In order to fully realize the potential, a radical change in intention and practice is required.
- The ILXD model is our design method that we are using as a response.
- The model is intended to empower our team and client institutions to fully leverage the power of learning experiences delivered in VR using artificial intelligence (AI).
- It is a springboard for a collegial conversation for those interested in furthering the efficacy and best practice regarding ILXD.
5. The ILXD Pyramid© illustrates the scaffolding method of the ILXD model. While each of the layers in the scaffold contains individual elements that contribute significantly toward learning in their own right, it is the scaffolded sum that we are striving toward for each immersive learning experience. Any of these elements that are missing or underdeveloped diminish or prevent achieving that ultimate objective.
- The base is the design intent, integrating both familiar and new processes and resources to provide a foundation upon which the learning experience is enabled.
- The immerse layer is then supported by that intention which has been optimized to leverage the affordances of VR and AI. Without this solid design foundation, the impact of the immerse layer components is meaningless. Designing for agency and feedback are two components in the immerse layer that we apply extra attention toward.
- The immerse layer then presents a unique support for the feel layer where the learner develops and nurtures an emotional connection with the learning activities and content. The importance of story in the feel layer cannot be overstated.
- The three underlying layers then support the pinnacle of the pyramid which is the learn layer where the learner is an active creator in their learning experience and shares their understandings and experiences with others.
6. Given the rate of change and advances in these technologies, tools, and processes, and the unending insights that we are gaining from our intelligent immersive learning experiences deployed in the classroom, our goal for this paper is to introduce our experience in using the ILXD model as a starting reference point for discussion and collaboration in a community of practice. We hope that you will find it useful and we look forward to learning about your work and discussing your comments, suggestions, and questions.
7. Intend
- “The experience is designed and it is measurable.”
- The intend layer (design foundation) for the ILXD model is organized by three primary topics; Learning Experience Design (LXD), Artificial Intelligence for Education (AIEd), and Analytics.
- In our experience, this foundation layer is where the greatest flux has been occurring.
- Our LXD process has been under nearly constant revision in response to advances and insights gained regarding the layers above it in the scaffold.
- AIEd has evolved from a simple text-based chatbot to a full-blown intelligent enterprise.
- Analytics have advanced from being reflective to being a formative input for precision learning.
- Despite the constant changes, these three key elements of Intention have fundamental guiding principles we use in our design.
8. Learning Experience Design (LXD)
- Introduction to Learning Experience Design
- Learning Experience Design (LXD) enables education creators to better meet the needs of the student.
- The fundamentals of instructional design are present but LXD improves the delivery structure and most importantly, focus of the learning experience.
- The fundamental shift to LXD signals a focus on the learner.
- Instructional design focuses the best product that can be used for instruction, but LXD focuses on the best experience the learner can have while reaching their learning goals.
- Behind that change is a shift to empathy, from what the learner is going to know to how the learner is going to feel throughout their learning experience.
- Traditional courses are designed in modules and delivered in event-based or rigidly delivered episodic increments.
- LXD delivers learning experiences through content curation in chunked a la carte pieces using innovative platforms that meet the learner where they are and take them where they need to be.
- The learning methods in LXD are varied and appropriate for the outcome.
- Each learning element has context so there is no fluff or ineffective learning events that don’t help the learner achieve the learning goals.
- A key element of LXD is learner control.
- The learner controls pacing, sequence, review opportunities, modality, practice opportunities, assessment methods, and reflection or processing time, among others.
- Through experiential learning and a constructivist approach, we design human-centered, holistic learning experiences so that learners are empowered to create enjoyable, engaging, relevant, informative, enriching, immersive learning experiences for themselves.
- The Learning Experience Designer is an instructional architect who looks at how systems operate and how each learning component fits into the overall learning experience.
- It starts with big picture thinking, a careful consideration of how the learner will experience the instruction we design.
- The designer focuses on what the learner wants to know and what they should be able to do after completion.
- Both the content and the user experience are designed around the learner.
9. LXD in Game Development
- The gaming environment is fertile ground for LXD.
- Humans respond to experiences and learn from them, and there is no better modality for personalized learning than Game Based Learning (GBL).
- It is inherently learner-centric, has the ability to reach diverse learners, and can expose learners to environments and situations they may not have access or opportunity to otherwise.
- Thoughtful design can make GBL more effective to enable deeper learning and more engaged, empowered learners.
- The combination of effective LXD in GBL is a product differentiator that businesses would be wise to capitalize on.
- For us, LXD in GBL means that we create effective, engaging learning experiences by taking advantage of the virtual reality environment.
- This is the “I” in ILXD.
- The immediate immersion and entry into flow state activates empathy and creates a different kind of learner engagement.
- Games can use artificial intelligence to add to the highly personalized environment, providing expertise, guidance, remediation, and knowledge extension based on the learner’s zone of proximal development.
10. ILXD Creation Process
- As with any good design, we start with the learner first.
- We have to understand our audience and their unique needs before we design our experience.
- We serve a very broad, diverse audience, and one solution does not apply to any one set of learners.
- We start by asking key questions that guide our design.
- We want to know about their knowledge, skills, confidence, motivation, resources and tools, and learning preferences.
- What drives our learners? What are their motivations, and how can we access that? Why do they care?
- How can we connect to our learners on a personal level?
- How can we capitalize on the learner’s previous experience?
- What do they want to see in how they experience the learning?
- What prevents our learners from engaging with the information? What would they change?
- How can we connect our learners to the big ideas so they are able to construct experiences that bring the learning outcomes within their zone of proximal development?
- The ADDIE development method in a waterfall of prescribed steps is too rigid for game development.
- Instead, we design the experience before the product based on audience needs.
- Design thinking guides our process through research, experimentation, ideation, conceptualization, prototyping, iteration, and testing.
- These steps occur in various orders and overlap.
- The learner co-creates the experience, and we build their feedback into the product.
- The reason for this is the shift in perspective from instructional design to learning experience design.
- In instructional design, we assume that designers and subject matter experts know best.
- We rarely audience test or involve the learner in design or production.
- As learning experience designers, however, we start with the idea that we don’t know what the learner wants or needs and work through our design process, including compulsive play testing, with the goal of learning the most effective design structure will be.
11. Application of ILXD in GBL
- We have created several games and simulations that exemplify the efficacy of ILXD in GBL.
- In Cold Case, the learner solves a crime through interrogations, evidence collection, and lab tests and is guided by a Sergeant to reflect, review, and complete processes.
- The system empowers the course instructor to facilitate learning through the environment.
- In Take Control, the learner, guided by an AI agent, determines their own conflict management style and uses that style to manage conflicts in an office environment.
- Their own choices determine their experience, what challenges they encounter, and how well they meet the learning objectives.
- Our Microscope simulation provides learners with unlimited opportunities to learn and practice microscopy fundamentals.
- AI supports the learning, and instructors can use the environment to facilitate learning outcomes.
- Our Pathology Engaged Learning Objects (ELOs) immerse learners in a hospital room and enable them to experience each body system through chart analysis, medical tests, and exploration.
- The content varies for each ELO, and the spaced repetition of key concepts ensures retention and reinforces the application of knowledge.
- AI has been an effective element of the learning experiences we have designed.
- It is a fundamental element in designing for the ILXD Pyramid and understanding its capabilities and uses is key to successful ILXD creation.
12. Artificial Intelligence for Education (AIEd)
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
- AI involves computer software that has been programmed to interact with the world in ways normally requiring human intelligence.
- This means that AI depends both on knowledge about the world and algorithms to intelligently process that knowledge (Luckin, Holmes, Griffiths, Forcier, 2018).
- In AIEd, this knowledge about the world is represented