diff --git a/about.php b/about.php
index 4136da5..415cbe7 100644
--- a/about.php
+++ b/about.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- v1.07 202?.??.?? |
+ v1.07 2021.12.03 |
diff --git a/ajax-album-playlist.php b/ajax-album-playlist.php
index 407ded4..3674727 100644
--- a/ajax-album-playlist.php
+++ b/ajax-album-playlist.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
. |
-// +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-class TidalAPI {
- public $username;
- public $password;
- public $token;
- public $audioQuality = "HIGH";
- public $curl;
- public $fixSSLcertificate = false;
- public $sessionId;
- public $countryCode;
- public $userId;
- private $trials = 1;
- const AUTH_URL = "https://api.tidalhifi.com/v1/login/username";
- const API_URL = "https://api.tidalhifi.com/v1/";
- const RESOURCES_URL = "https://resources.tidal.com/images/";
- public function __construct(){
- //$this->trials = 0;
- $this->curl = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- //to fix "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate" under Windows uncomment below lines or use function fixSSLcertificate():
- //curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
- //curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
- }
- public function __destruct(){
- //$this->logout($this->sessionId);
- curl_close($this->curl);
- }
- //fix "SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate" under Windows
- function fixSSLcertificate(){
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
- }
- function connect($sessionId = '', $countryCode = '') {
- if ($sessionId && $countryCode){
- $this->sessionId = $sessionId;
- $this->countryCode = $countryCode;
- //$this->userId = $res_json["userId"];
- return true;
- }
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL,self::AUTH_URL);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
- http_build_query(array('username' => $this->username,'password' => $this->password,'token' => $this->token)));
- $server_output = curl_exec($this->curl);
- if (!$server_output) {
- $errors = array();
- $errors['return'] = 1;
- $errors['error'] = "Error code: " . curl_errno($this->curl) . ": " . curl_error($this->curl);
- return($errors);
- }
- else {
- $res_json = json_decode($server_output, true);
- if ($res_json["sessionId"] && $res_json["countryCode"] && $res_json["userId"]) {
- $this->sessionId = $res_json["sessionId"];
- $this->countryCode = $res_json["countryCode"];
- $this->userId = $res_json["userId"];
- return true;
- }
- elseif ($res_json["userMessage"] == 'Server at capacity' && $this->trials < self::MAX_CONNECTION_REPEAT){
- usleep(100000);
- $this->trials++;
- return $this->connect();
- }
- else {
- $errors = array();
- $errors['return'] = 1;
- $errors['error'] = $res_json["userMessage"];
- $errors['trials'] = $this->trials;
- return $errors;
- }
- };
- }
- function logout($sessionId, $countryCode='') {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL,self::API_URL . 'logout');
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
- http_build_query(array('sessionId' => $sessionId,'countryCode' => $countryCode)));
- $server_output = curl_exec($this->curl);
- return $server_output;
- }
- function search($type, $query, $limit = 50) {
- $query = urlencode($query);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "search/" . $type . "?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&query=" . $query . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function searchAll($query, $limit = 50) {
- $query = urlencode($query);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "search?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&query=" . $query . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&types=ARTISTS,ALBUMS,TRACKS,PLAYLISTS");
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getTrack($track_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "tracks/" . $track_id . "?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getAlbum($album_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "albums/" . $album_id . "?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getAlbumTracks($album_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "albums/" . $album_id . "/tracks?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getAlbumInfo($album_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "pages/album?albumId=" . $album_id . "&deviceType=BROWSER&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getArtistAll($artist_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "pages/artist?artistId=" . $artist_id . "&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&deviceType=BROWSER");
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getArtistAlbums($artist_id, $limit = 50) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "artists/" . $artist_id . "/albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getArtistEPsAndSingles($artist_id, $limit = 50) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "artists/" . $artist_id . "/albums?filter=EPSANDSINGLES&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getArtistTopTracks($artist_id, $limit = 10) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "artists/" . $artist_id . "/toptracks?filter=ALL&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getArtistBio($artist_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "artists/" . $artist_id . "/bio?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getRelatedArtists($artist_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "pages/artist?artistId=" . $artist_id . "&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&deviceType=BROWSER");
- $artistAll = $this->request();
- foreach ($artistAll["rows"] as $module){
- if ($module["modules"][0]["type"]=='ARTIST_LIST') {
- return $module["modules"][0]["pagedList"]["items"];
- };
- }
- }
- function getNewAlbums($limit = 100) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "pages/show_more_featured_albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&deviceType=BROWSER");
- $res = $this->request();
- return $res;
- $s = array_search("featured-new",array_column($res["rows"][0]["modules"][0]["tabs"],"key"));
- return $res["rows"][0]["modules"][0]["tabs"][$s]["pagedList"]["items"];
- }
- function getFeatured($limit = 100, $offset = 0) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "featured/new/albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&offset=" . $offset);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getFeaturedRecommended($limit = 100, $offset = 0) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "featured/recommended/albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&offset=" . $offset);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getFeaturedTop($limit = 100, $offset = 0) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "featured/top/albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&offset=" . $offset);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getFeaturedLocal($limit = 100, $offset = 0) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "featured/local/albums?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&offset=" . $offset);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getSuggestedNew($limit = 50, $offset = 0, $getMore = false) {
- $res = $this->getHomePage();
- foreach($res['rows'] as $key => $row){
- if ($row['modules'][0]['title'] == 'Suggested New Albums') {
- if ($getMore) {
- $apiPath = $res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['dataApiPath'];
- $more = $this->getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath);
- return $more;
- }
- else {
- return ($res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getNewForYou($limit = 50, $offset = 0, $getMore = false) {
- $res = $this->getHomePage();
- foreach($res['rows'] as $key => $row){
- if ($row['modules'][0]['title'] == 'New Releases For You') {
- if ($getMore) {
- $apiPath = $res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['dataApiPath'];
- $more = $this->getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath);
- return $more;
- }
- else {
- return ($res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getSuggestedForYou($limit = 50, $offset = 0, $getMore = false) {
- $res = $this->getExplorePage();
- foreach($res['rows'] as $key => $row){
- if ($row['modules'][0]['title'] == 'Suggested Albums for You') {
- if ($getMore) {
- $apiPath = $res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['dataApiPath'];
- $more = $this->getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath);
- return $more;
- }
- else {
- return ($res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getSuggestedArtistsForYou($limit = 50, $offset = 0, $getMore = false) {
- $res = $this->getExplorePage();
- foreach($res['rows'] as $key => $row){
- if ($row['modules'][0]['title'] == 'Suggested Artists for You') {
- if ($getMore) {
- $apiPath = $res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['dataApiPath'];
- $more = $this->getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath);
- return $more;
- }
- else {
- return ($res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getSuggestedNewTracks($limit = 50, $offset = 0, $getMore = false) {
- $res = $this->getHomePage();
- foreach($res['rows'] as $key => $row){
- if ($row['modules'][0]['title'] == 'Suggested New Tracks') {
- if ($getMore) {
- $apiPath = $res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']['dataApiPath'];
- $more = $this->getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath);
- return $more;
- }
- else {
- return ($res['rows'][$key]['modules'][0]['pagedList']);
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function getByApiPath($limit, $offset, $apiPath) {
- if ($limit > 50) $limit = 50; //Tidal API limitation
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . $apiPath ."?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&locale=en_US&deviceType=BROWSER&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit . "&offset=" . $offset);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getStreamURL($track_id) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "tracks/" . $track_id . "/streamUrl?soundQuality=" . $this->audioQuality . "&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getUserPlaylists() {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "users/" . $this->userId . "/playlists?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getUserPlaylistTracks($playlist_id, $limit = 1000) {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . "playlists/" . $playlist_id . "/tracks?sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode . "&limit=" . $limit);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getHomePage() {
- //curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . " pages/home?locale=en_US&deviceType=DESKTOP&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . " pages/home?locale=en_US&deviceType=BROWSER&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- function getExplorePage() {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_URL, self::API_URL . " pages/explore?locale=en_US&deviceType=BROWSER&sessionId=" . $this->sessionId . "&countryCode=" . $this->countryCode);
- return $this->request();
- }
- static function artistPictureToURL($pic) {
- $pic = str_replace("-","/",$pic);
- $pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/480x480.jpg';
- //$pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/640x428.jpg';
- return $pic;
- }
- static function artistPictureWToURL($pic) {
- $pic = str_replace("-","/",$pic);
- //$pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/480x480.jpg';
- $pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/640x428.jpg';
- return $pic;
- }
- static function albumCoverToURL($pic,$quality = 'hq') {
- if (!$pic) {
- return false;
- }
- $pic = str_replace("-","/",$pic);
- if ($quality == 'hq') {
- $pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/1280x1280.jpg';
- }
- else {
- $pic = self::RESOURCES_URL . $pic . '/320x320.jpg';
- }
- return $pic;
- }
- function request() {
- curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_POST, 0);
- $server_output = curl_exec($this->curl);
- $res_json = json_decode($server_output, true);
- $res_json['trials'] = $this->trials;
- return $res_json;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/api/tidal_api/tidal_api.php b/api/tidal_api/tidal_api.php
index c724495..5967520 100644
--- a/api/tidal_api/tidal_api.php
+++ b/api/tidal_api/tidal_api.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
apiKey = array('clientId' => base64_decode('YVI3Z1VhVEsxaWhwWE9FUA=='), 'clientSecret' => base64_decode('ZVZXQkVrdUwyRkNqeGdqT2tSM3lLMFJZWkViY3JNWFJjMmw4ZlUzWkNkRT0='));
$this->apiKey = array('clientId' => base64_decode('T21EdHJ6Rmd5VlZMNnVXNTZPbkZBMkNPaWFicW0='), 'clientSecret' => base64_decode('enhlbjFyM3BPMGhndE9DN2o2dHdNbzlVQXFuZ0dybVJpV3BWN1FDMXpKOD0='));
$this->curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($this->curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
diff --git a/browser.php b/browser.php
index 41ad240..ab8a9ed 100644
--- a/browser.php
+++ b/browser.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
16 OR audio_sample_rate > 48000");
-$cfg['quick_search'][6] = array("Japanese Editions","album LIKE '%japan%' OR comment LIKE '%SHM-CD%'");
+$cfg['quick_search'][1] = array("Live Concerts","album LIKE '%live%'");
+$cfg['quick_search'][2] = array("HD Audio","audio_bits_per_sample > 16 OR audio_sample_rate > 48000");
+$cfg['quick_search'][3] = array("Japanese Editions","album LIKE '%japan%' OR comment LIKE '%SHM-CD%'");
$cfg['quick_search'][7] = array("Pop of the 80's","genre ='Pop' and ((album.year BETWEEN 1980 AND 1989) or comment like '%80s%')");
-$cfg['quick_search'][8] = array("AOR","comment like '%AOR%'");
diff --git a/include/footer.inc.php b/include/footer.inc.php
index a0b6bd1..6f7378d 100644
--- a/include/footer.inc.php
+++ b/include/footer.inc.php
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@