This origionally started as a demo project for my medium article Why and how I implemented CQRS and Mediator patterns in a microservice.
This repo focuses on providing a C# dotnet core 3.1 microservice template with all the boilerplate setup completed, which enables the developer to start implementing their domain asap without having to go through the new service setup and the teething issues that goes along with it.
- Mediator
- Layered architecture
- Dotnet core 3.1
- EF Core
- Postgres
- NUnit
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- RabbitMQ
- Hangfire with Postgres as the backing store
When Development/Testing
docker-compose -f docker-compose.testing.yml up -d
NOTE: You can change the db name in the Microservice.Db project remember to also update the connection settings in the Microservice.Api appsettings.json
- CLI Tool Can be found at CQRSAndMediator-Scaffolding with extensions for backgroundjobs, event publish and subscribe wireups still to come.
What it does:
A dotnet CLI tool which follows the CQRS and Mediator patterns to auto generate commands, queries, responses and handlers in the domain layer using Roslyn API for code generation.
Features planned for next development cycle:
- Refactor RabbitMQ and Hangfire for a more streamlined implementation
- Move RabbitMQ Messagebroker implementation into a nuget package
- Move Hangfire implementation into a nuget package
Future features to include:
- Redis cache management on route level i.e cached responses
- Redis cache management for custom resources i.e custom cache managment accross multiple handlers
- Hangfire support for running background tasks using redis as a backing store
- Health checks to monitor service
- Swagger
- GraphQL (investigate trade offs)
- Extend DB layer with infrastructure to facilitate (long)LastModifiedBy,(UTCDateTime)LastModifiedDate,(long)CreatedBy,(UTCDateTime)CreatedDate on resource update and create
- Extend DB layer with infrastructure to facilitate soft deletes i.e Set IsDeleted prop on a record to true
- Extend Db layer with infrastructure to exclude IsDeleted reccords from db queries i.e add a query filter
- Hangfire support *DONE
- RabbitMQ support *DONE