Healthcare is very important to lead a good life. However, it is very difficult to obtain a consultation with a doctor for every health problem. The idea is to create a medical chatbot using Artificial Intelligence that can diagnose the disease and provide basic details about the disease before consulting a doctor. This will help to reduce healthcare costs and improve accessibility to medical knowledge through medical chatbots
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Healthcare-chatbot
Install dependencies
pip install rasa
pip install flask
pip install requests
Go to rasabot directory
cd rasabot
open terminal in this directory and run the following command to start rasa server
rasa run -m models --endpoints endpoints.yml --port 5000 --credentials credentials.yml
rasa shell
Go to web_app directory
cd web_app
open terminal in this directory and run the following command to start flask server
flask run
Client: HTML,CSS,Javascript
Server: Python Flask
Chatbot framework: Rasa
"AI healthcare chatbot: NLP-driven, offers medical advice, symptom analysis, medication reminders, and guides to healthcare resources."