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Fire NES Template

A thin NES template that builds against multiple mappers and includes the most fundamental of mapper integrations (eg bank switching and far calling across banks). This project enables you to develop in both C and assembly.

Project Goal

This project's goal is to provide an NES template useful to both novice and advanced developers. This affects many aspects of this template:

  • Low opinion design so that your game is not limited by unnecessary and incorrect constraints about how the template thinks your game should run.
  • Module system with ready-to-use Easy Joypad input library, Famistudio and BHOP (wip) audio engines, and the Rapidfire video library.
  • Multi-mapper build system that targets many common mappers used in the homebrew community. Start developing with any of these mappers today.
  • Unified mapper API. PRG banking, CHR banking, seamless far calling, IRQ-based screen scrolling; all in a unified api.
  • C and ASM are both supported, though you may choose to disable all C elements of the template if you prefer the bare-metal experience.
  • Highly commented system files for advanced developers to modify as they desire.
  • Ready-to-use segments reserved for your game's startup, NMI, and IRQ assembly code.

This project strongly recommends using VSCode, paired with Mesen-X and the Alchemy65 VSCode extension for the best NES debugging experience. This project contains a launch configuration for VSCode, and a build task that will display build errors in your source code.

Project Organization

The Fire template organizes code into four major sections, that correspond with top-level folders in the project.

  • "sys/" contains the template's core code and mapper definitions for the unified API.
  • "lib/" is for modules that you can optionally include in your project. Choose which modules to include by setting MODULES in the makefile.
  • "src/" is for all of your game code, entered via main() or main:. Assembly files in this folder will be included automatically. If you have enabled C_SUPPORT, C files in this folder will be included automatically.
  • "res/" is for your game resources. Assembly files in this folder will be included automatically.

Getting Started

Before you get started, install make for Windows (or sudo apt-get install build-essential for ubuntu) and cc65 and add them to your environment PATH.

git clone [email protected]:AlchemicRaker/fire.git
cd fire

Now you should have a fire.nes rom you can open in an emulator of your choice.

If you have set up make, Mesen-X (add them to your PATH!), VSCode, and installed the Alchemy65 extension, you may use ctrl+shift+b to build the project, and F5 to run it with debugging.

Unified Mapper API

PRG Configuration Overview

NROM - - - $8000 No
UxROM $8000 - - $C000 No
MMC1 $8000 - - $C000 No
MMC3 $8000 $A000 - $C000 Yes PRG mode 0
MMC5 $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 Yes PRG mode 3
FME-7 $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 Yes
VRC6 $8000 $C000 - $E000 Yes (VRC6a)
VRC7 $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 Yes
N163 $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 Yes
GTROM $8000 $A000 $C000 $E000 No plans below

Many of these mappers have configurable layouts. This template assumes that banked prg rom will use the lower addresses, and static prg rom will use the higher addresses. When possible, modes with the highest number of prg banks have been used (see "notes" column).

GTROM and compatible / comparable mappers have 32K PRG banks. With GTROM's max capacity of 512K, that means there are 16 banks of memory that can be swapped in. The plan is to "fake" PRG, DATA, and SAMPLE BANKs, so long as their combined number of combinations is 16 or less. For instance, 1 x PRG, 4x DATA, and 4x SAMPLE BANKs would be a valid configuration.

PRG API Reference

The availability of PRG features corresponds with the overview table above. Your game's code is entered at main() or main:, which must be located in "PRG_FIXED" (or another non-banked segment).

The PRG BANK is specially designed to be easy for a developer to navigate with code. In C you can use the "farcall" wrapper that will automatically handle bank switching when calling wrapped functions.

// wrap one or more functions with the "farcall" wrapper in your headers.
// these functions _must_ be void and take zero arguments.
#pragma wrapped-call (push, farcall, bank)
void pause_menu(void);
#pragma wrapped-call (pop)

// bank switching now happens automatically when calling those functions.
if(PAUSE) {

For assembly, the "farjsr" and "farjmp" macros are provided (via "") that take a label as a target, and will switch to the label's bank before jumping to the address.

.include "" ; to get access to the macros

.segment "PRG_BANK_0"
    farjsr work
    jmp loop

    farjmp forth

.segment "PRG_BANK_1"
    lda #$42

    farjmp back

The following functions are available for DATA BANK and SAMPLE BANK. The DATA BANK has optional C functions to push and pop banks, that may help manage which data page is currently selected.

void push_data_bank(char bank); //#ifdef DATA_SUPPORT
void pop_data_bank();
void select_data_bank(char bank);

void select_sample_bank(char bank); //#ifdef SAMPLE_SUPPORT

Bank selection is available with assembly subroutines of the same names:

lda #bank
jsr select_sample_bank

lda #bank
jsr select_data_bank

CHR Configuration Overview

Mapper 8K Select 4K Select 2K Select 1K Select Mirroring CHR Windows
NROM - - - - Fixed None
UxROM - - - - Fixed None
MMC1 Yes Yes - - Dynamic 4K+4K or 8K
MMC3 Yes Yes Yes Sprite or Background Dynamic 2Kx2 + 1Kx4
MMC5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic 1Kx8 (and more)
FME-7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic 1Kx8
VRC6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic 1Kx8
VRC7 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic 1Kx8
N163 Yes Yes Yes Yes Dynamic 1Kx8 + 1Kx4(NT)
GTROM Yes - - - N/A 8K

MMC3 includes two modes, the more commonly used "1K sprites", and the less commonly used "1K backgrounds". You must include MMC3_1K_SPRITES (for select_chr_1k_1xxx) or MMC3_1K_BACKGROUNDS (for select_chr_1k_0xxx) in the makefile OPTIONS in order to build MMC3.

CHR API Reference

These functions are available based on the overview table above. Banks are always 0-indexed, and counted in multiples according to the function's name. As an example, select_chr_2k_1800(2) selects $1000-$17FF from CHR ROM to map into $1800-$1FFF of PPU memory. This is equivalent to calling select_chr_1k_1800(4); and select_chr_1k_1C00(5);.

void select_mirror_vertical(); //#ifdef DYANIC_MIRRORING
void select_mirror_horizontal();

void select_chr_8k_0000(char bank) //#ifdef CHR_8K_SUPPORT

void select_chr_4k_0000(char bank) //#ifdef CHR_4K_SUPPORT
void select_chr_4k_1000(char bank)

void select_chr_2k_0000(char bank) //#ifdef CHR_2K_SUPPORT
void select_chr_2k_0800(char bank)
void select_chr_2k_1000(char bank)
void select_chr_2k_1800(char bank)

void select_chr_1k_0000(char bank) //#ifdef CHR_1K_B_SUPPORT
void select_chr_1k_0400(char bank)
void select_chr_1k_0800(char bank)
void select_chr_1k_0C00(char bank)
void select_chr_1k_1000(char bank) //#ifdef CHR_1K_S_SUPPORT
void select_chr_1k_1400(char bank)
void select_chr_1k_1800(char bank)
void select_chr_1k_1C00(char bank)

All of these C functions are available as assembly subroutines with the same names, and use the accumulator register as the bank argument. The above example may be written in assembly as:

lda #$02
jsr select_chr_2k_1800

Vector Design

Startup, NMI, and IRQ vectors contain very common bits of code, but also contain code that is highly game-specific. We understand how critical timing is in these places, so we have provided that common code (as described below) and left the rest open for you.

Startup Vector Implementation

    • Boilerplate initialization of NES state, including zeroing out the ZP
    • If C is enabled, sp and the necessary BSS and DATA ranges will be initialized
    • Waits through two vblanks, using the time to zero out the nametable and load some default palettes
    • Initializes OAM shadow by setting all y values to off-screen
  2. STARTUP_MAP is used to initialize any mapper-specific state.
  3. STARTUP_LIB is reserved to initialize any modules you choose to include, or is empty by default.
  4. STARTUP_GAME is an empty segment reserved for your game-specific startup code.
  5. STARTUP_FIRE_2 wraps up initialization and jumps to your game's main() or main:.

NMI Vector Implementation

  1. NMI_FIRE_1 saves the CPU registers.
  2. NMI_TIMING is both for you and for modules to set up precisely timed things using NMI, and is empty by default. Be sure that any code in here runs at constant speed (no branching, that may throw off other timing sensitive code). For instance, IRQ may use CPU Cycle Counting that needs a predictable starting point.
  3. NMI_FIRE_2 runs OAMDMA. The source is determined by the value in nmi_oam_enable (which becomes the high byte, and is then cleared). For instance, nmi_oam_enable = 0x02; would flag OAMDMA to run during the next NMI, copying the comonly used OAM Shadow range of $0200 through $02FF.
  4. NMI_LIB is reserved for use by any modules you choose to include, or is empty by default.
  5. NMI_GAME is an empty segment reserved for your game-specific vblank code.
  6. NMI_FIRE_3 calls nmi_hook() in C, again for your own game-specific vblank code. (requires the C_NMI_HOOK option)
  7. NMI_AUDIO_LIB is reserved for use by any modules you choose to include, or is empty by default.
  8. NMI_FIRE_4 restores the CPU registers and exits NMI.

The limited vertical blank time is valuable. Therefore, the only code included by default is a very standard and flexible OAMDMA. By setting a value (probably $02) to nmi_oam_enable, OAMDMA will run on that page during the next NMI.

We know NMI cycles are valuable. Any modules that put code into NMI will prioritize doing work and calculations prior to NMI.

IRQ Vector Implementation

  1. IRQ_FIRE_1 is used to track the address of the IRQ vector, and is otherwise empty.
  2. IRQ_LIB is reserved for use by any modules you choose to include, or is empty by default.
  3. IRQ_GAME is an empty segment for your game-specific irq code.
  4. IRQ_FIRE_2 calls rti.

We know IRQ cycles are valuable. The baseline IRQ is empty, containing only the required rti.

The most common use for IRQ is for creating a single horizontal scroll split. We provide a mapper-generic way of achieving this with the "IRQ_SCREEN_SCROLL" module.

Available Modules

Easy Joypad Module (EASY_JOY)

Reading player input via the "standard controllers" is pretty common, but because different types of controllers are available this hasn't been baked into the base fire template. This module reads one or both controllers, and reports which keys are held, which keys have been newly pressed this frame, and which keys have released. If NMI is disabled and you need to poll for input, you may call poll_joy(); once per frame. However while NMI is enabled, inputs are automatically polled once per NMI.

// include "easy_Joy.h"
char JOY1_HELD;

char JOY2_HELD; // #ifdef READ_JOY_2

poll_joy(); // usually not needed

// constants:

This module uses the common double-read technique for DPCM safety.

IRQ Screen Scroll Module (IRQ_SCREEN_SCROLL)

IRQs may work by counting cpu cycles or scanlines, and techniques exist for triggering multiple IRQs per frame. IRQs can be used for many things, and can require incredible precision and tuning. For this reason, we have left the IRQ segment empty, and you may include the "IRQ_SCREEN_SCROLL" module for the most common use case of IRQ: a horizontal scroll split.

// Calls available through IRQ_SCREEN_SCROLL

irq_screen_scroll(scanline, x, y);
// schedules a screen scroll at the scanline
// this will persist across frames until disabled

// disables the screen scroll

Rapidfire Video Module (RAPIDFIRE)

Rapidfire is a video library for NES. It provides buffered NMI video updates for both asm and C, inspired by the high performance "popslide" technique.

C developers may include the library and use the rapidfire_push_ functions to add things to the Rapidfire buffer. Once all the changes are buffered, end it with rapidfire_ready().

rapidfire_push_ppu_addr(unsigned int address);
rapidfire_push_ppu_data(char data);
rapidfire_push_ppu_ctrl(char ctrl);
rapidfire_push_function(void* function);
// (more coming later)


Implement your own functions to run in nmi, using rapidfire_push_function:

#include "rapidfire.h"

void foo() { // quickly writes some tiles into the nametable
    PPU_ADDR = 0x20; PPU_ADDR = 0x03;
    PPU_DATA = 0xA0; PPU_DATA = 0xA1;
    PPU_DATA = 0xA2; PPU_DATA = 0xA3;

// once per frame queue up what you want to draw

Assembly developers may utilize macros to buffer updates:

rapidfire_push_ppu_addr newaddress
rapidfire_push_ppu_ctrl ctrl
rapidfire_push_ppu_data data
rapidfire_push_subroutine subroutine, arg1, arg2, ...

jsr rapidfire_ready ; once all changes have been buffered

When implementing your own subroutine, arguments will be placed in the buffer as well. You may access each of these arguments, in order, using pla. After all arguments have been read from the buffer, call rts to move on to the next buffered item.

FamiStudio Module (FAMISTUDIO)

This includes the NES Sound Engine for the FamiStudio NES Music Editor.

Please see "lib/famistudio.s" for the extensive configuration options available for this engine.

BHOP Module (BHOP)

This includes the WIP BHOP sound engine, which aims to be a drop-in replacement for FamiTracker projects.

This is partly implemented, but should eventually support automatic sample banking on compatible mappers.