- Git & command line editors
- Introduction to Bash
- Bash - scripting
- Unix processes and signals
- Regex
- first statements
- pointers
- recursion
- static library
- memory allocation
- preprocessor
- variadic functions
- bit manipulation
- file I/O
- Singly linked lists
- dynamic libraries
- makefiles
- Doubly linked lists
- Stack and Queues
- Search algorithms
- Hash tables
- Sorting algorithms
- Binary trees
- Create your own printf
- Create your own Shell ...
Python - first statements
Python - import & modules
Python - data structures
Python - exceptions
Python - classes
Python - inheritance
Python - file I/O
Python - JSON serialization / deserialization
HTML/CSS introduction
Network introduction
- Python - Object-relational mapping
- Python - Web framework
- Python - RESTful API
- Python - web scraping
- Javascript - first statements
- Javascript - objects
- Javascript - scopes and closures
- Javascript - web scraping
- SSL certificate
- Web server
- Load balancer
- Firewall
- MySQL primary-replica
- Server monitoring
- Code deployment
- Postmortem
- Webstack debugging
- Portfolio project
- ES6 introduction / promise
- ES6 classes / data manipulation
- TypeScript
- HTML / CSS advanced
- Developer tools
- Responsive design
- Webpack
- React introduction / props
- React component
- React inline-styling
- React state / immutable
- React Redux - action creator/normalizr
- React Redux -reducer/selector
- React Redux -connector/provider
- ES6 introduction / promise
- ES6 classes / data manipulation
- TypeScript
- Python
- async
- SQL - basic queries
- SQL - join queries
- MySQL advanced
- NoSQL introduction
- Redis introduction
- API Pagination
- Caching algorithms
- Unit & integration tests
- i18n
- Personal data
- User authentications
- Node JS introduction
- Queuing system
- GraphQL API
- Async file API