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83 lines (73 loc) · 3.29 KB

File metadata and controls

83 lines (73 loc) · 3.29 KB


⚠️ I've decided to completely re-write this plugin and use treesitter instead of textobjects etc and completely move away from the current implementation. Feel free to checkout trevJ instead:

Nvim-plugin for doing the opposite of join-line (J) of arguments written in lua. Requires some textobject that selects a argument such as vim-textobj-parameter or targets.vim. Note: vim-textobj-parameter in turn requires vim-textobj-user. Note: targets.vim should in principle work I think but I haven't managed to get it to select arguments as I would want. Note: whitespace needs to be included in the textobject so nvim-treesitter-textobjects won't work yet, because of this.


Use your favourite plugin manager, for example using packer.nvim

use {
    requires = {'kana/vim-textobj-user', 'sgur/vim-textobj-parameter'},
    -- or
    -- requires = {'wellle/targets.vim'},
    -- or ...

or vim-plug:

Plug 'kana/vim-textobj-user'
Plug 'sgur/vim-textobj-parameter'
" or
" Plug 'wellle/targets.vim'
" or ...
Plug 'AckslD/nvim-revJ.lua'


The plugin needs to be enabled by calling it's setup function.


By default no keybindings are enabled, see below for configuration.


These are the default values

    brackets = {first = '([{<', last = ')]}>'}, -- brackets to consider surrounding arguments
    new_line_before_last_bracket = true, -- add new line between last argument and last bracket (only if no last seperator)
    add_seperator_for_last_parameter = true, -- if a seperator should be added if not present after last parameter
    enable_default_keymaps = false, -- enables default keymaps without having to set them below
    keymaps = {
        operator = '<Leader>J', -- for operator (+motion)
        line = '<Leader>j', -- for formatting current line
        visual = '<Leader>j', -- for formatting visual selection
    parameter_mapping = ',', -- specifies what text object selects an arguments (ie a, and i, by default)
        -- if you're using `vim-textobj-parameter` you can also set this to `vim.g.vim_textobj_parameter_mapping`


Three keybindings can be enabled:

  • operator for splitting arguments to new lines within a motion.
  • visual for splitting arguments to new lines within a visual selection.
  • line for splitting arguments to new lines from the first occurrence of an enabled bracket until its partner. Default keybindings can be enabled in the setup (see above), which is equivalent to doing:
    keymaps = {
        operator = '<Leader>J', -- for operator (+motion)
        line = '<Leader>j', -- for formatting current line
        visual = '<Leader>j', -- for formatting visual selection



To run the tests locally (TODO update)

make test