- Create a login & signup component for user.
- After successful login user should navigate to dashboard
- Dashboard will be consists of header with search bar below that filter tab which will have options like price, rating, delivery days etc. & below that one container which will contains all products in card format
- For product data required properties are name, description, price, rating, review, delivery days, seller etc.
- Whenever user clicks on product card a detailed view of product should open with all product details
- Whenever a user selects any filter from the filter tab, that time product list needs to update according to filter & it should reflect in the UI. This change needs to do in UI only
- In product details view components one input field needs to add to add review. When user clicks on submit new review should get added for that book by calling api & changes need to reflect in UI as well
- In header component search bar whatever query user will enter based on that data need to be filter in UI
- User data - list of user object - user object will have properties like name, mob, email, password etc
- Product data - list of product object product object structure = { name : string, description: string, rating : number, price: number, delivery_days: number, reviews : string [ ] }