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159 lines (115 loc) · 5.31 KB

File metadata and controls

159 lines (115 loc) · 5.31 KB


Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Demo
  3. Screenshots
  4. Architecture Overview
  5. API Documentation
  6. Frontend Component Tree Visualized
  7. ERD Visualized
  8. Installation and Usage


It is a full-stack blog web application built with React on the frontend and Django/DRF on the backend integrated with AWS-S3 & AWS-RDS services.


  • JWT authentication and authorization
  • Responsive layout
  • Users:
    • Users can:
      • Signup
      • Login
      • Logout
      • Update their email, password or profile picture
      • Delete their account
    • Currently loggedin user info is displayed on the home page
  • Blog posts:
    • Users can:
      • Create a post
      • Edit their post
      • Delete their post
      • Applaud a post i.e. like/unlike a post
      • Comment on the post
      • Delete their comment
      • Save/unsave a post to their reading list
      • Save their draft and come back later to publish it
    • Category-wise blogs filtering on the home page
      • the categories supported are arts, games, home, health, technology, recreation, business, society, sports, science
    • Pagination of blogs
    • Search functionality i.e. search a blog by its title
    • A rich text editor for writing a blog


Check the video demo at


Architecture Overview

API Documentation

All the endpoints are listed below. However, to view the details of the endpoints, visit Chronicles Api Docs.

  • Users:

    • api/users/user/signup/ - POST
    • api/users/user/login/token/ - POST
    • api/users/user/login/token/refresh/ - POST
    • api/users/all/ - GET
    • api/users/user/ - GET, PUT, DELETE
  • Blogs:

    • api/blogs/blogpost/ - POST
    • api/blogs/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/ - GET, PUT, DELETE
    • api/blogs/userblogs/ - GET
  • Comments:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/commentpost/ - POST
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/comments/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/comment/{commentId}/ - PUT, DELETE
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/totalcomments/ - GET
  • Applauds:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/applaud/ - POST
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/applauder/exists/ - GET
  • Reading-list:

    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/readinglist/save/ - POST
    • api/blogs/readinglist/all/ - GET
    • api/blogs/blog/{blogId}/reader/exists/ - GET

Frontend Component Tree Visualized

ERD Visualized

Installation and Usage


  • Requirements:
    • node >= 16.14.0
    • npm >= 8.3.1
    • python >= 3.8
    • pip >= 21.3.1
    • AWS account - if you want to use AWS
    • Setup variables in the backend\ file to encapsulate all your secret-keys related to AWS.
  • git clone - clones the repository
  • cd chronicles

NOTE: If you want to use local machine for image uploads rather than AWS-S3, then remove all the configs in backend\core\ under # AWS-S3. Then in backend\core\, add this line urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT). With this setting, images will be stored under backend\media\.

For frontend folder

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • cd frontend
  • npm install or npm i - installs all packages
  • npm install --save-dev - installs devDependencies
  • npm start - starts the app

For backend folder

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • cd backend
  • py -m venv yourVenvName - creates a virtual environment
  • yourVenvName\Scripts\activate.bat - activates the virtual environment
  • pip install -r requirements.txt - installs all modules
  • python makemigrations & python migrate - migrates all the tables to db
  • python createsuperuser - creates a superuser
  • python runserver - runs the server

NOTE: First run backend server (it will run on, then run frontend app (it will run on


You need to have make installed in your machine

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • make build-backend - builds the backend
  • make build-frontend - builds the frontend
  • make run-backend - runs the backend
  • make run-frontend - runs the frontend (make sure you open another cmd to run this command)

NOTE: Use make help to see all the commands


You need to have Docker installed in your machine

  • Setup the project as per General sub-section
  • docker-compose build - build the images for both frontend and backend
  • docker-compose up - runs the containers

NOTE: To setup docker dev-env, include volumes in the docker-compose.yaml