All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Formatted as described on
Based on Chemical Analytics Platform version 0.8.6
- 3D-e-Chem node collection v1.1.3
- Upgraded Virtualbox Guest Additions to v5.2.6
- Upgrade KNIME to v3.5.2
- Upgraded RDKit to 2017_09_3
- Made Python version 2 the default in KNIME
- adapted to new format of workflows repo
Based on Chemical Analytics Platform version 0.8.5
- PLANTS example workflow
- Silicos-IT example workflows
- Upgraded KripoDB to v2.3.1
Based on Chemical Analytics Platform version 0.8.4
- Upgraded KripoDB to v2.2.1
- KripoDB PDB dataset, use web service to get latest dataset
- KNIME molviewer example workflow (#27)
- Switched to single 3D-e-Chem feature instead of every node separately (#28)
- Upgraded KNIME to v3.3.1
- Upgraded KripoDB to v2.1.0
Based on Chemical Analytics Platform version 0.8.2
- Sygma Python library and KNIME node (#20)
- Disabled Virtualbox 3D accleration, so webgl works
- 3D-e-Chem workflows from single GitHub repo (#21)
- Kripo fragments db source url (#22)
- Upgraded Knime to v3.2.1
- Kripodb sample data set renamed (#19)
- Modified tanimoto node install fails (#17)
- Chemdb4VS workflow
- Klifs Knime nodes & example workflow (#14)
- Kripo fragments db for whole PDB
- Kripo bioisosteric replacement workflow (#16)
- Pymol sessions for Kripo and GPCRDB published (#18)
- Updated KripoDB to 1.4.2
- Workflow examples are always downloaded to force latest version.
- Based on Chemical Analytics Platform 0.8.0
- Upgraded RDKit to 2016.03.1
- Upgraded Ubuntu to 16.04
- Upgraded Knime to v3.1.2
- Upgraded Virtualbox Guest Additions to v5.0.20
- ss-TEA Knime node
- Kripodb GPCR sample dataset (#12)
- Updated Knime to 3.1.2
- Updated Ubuntu to 14.04.4
- Updated KripoDB to 1.4.0
- Allow vagrant user to update Knime
- self upgrade script gets overwritten by cap (#6)
- Based on Chemical Analytics Platform (
- 3D e Chem software, Knime nodes, Fingerprint cli
Initial release with Knime, rdkit, postgresql, R and lxde.
- RDKit (#2)
- Postgresql (#1)
- Chembl postgresql script (#3)